• [2018/06/22]
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Other Nerf frost armor catalyst and/or disable catalyst stacking


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
I faced off against a node that had 2 frost amor catalysts in it, and a maxed out icy hot valentine and a maxed out silent kill valentine.

This is way too powerful, for these reasons:

- cannot bleed, ICU turns it into heavy regen. Rusty / bhd are out of the question.

- using armor break moves is not effective enough, the armor comes back on the next few hits

- Even my maxed out Dublicious could not remove the armor fast enough. Her 25% buff steal on hit was not enough, the armor came back on the enemy too fast

- the above reasons combined cause the match to take too long, and remove the majority of possible counters to armor.

A rift node's only counter shouldn't be a Xenomorph.
Frost armor needs to be nerfed like the other armor catalysts were, especially considering how many water fighters already get natural armor or gain benefits from it.

Catalysts also need to be limited to 1 per node, and preferrably you should get a score reduction for re-using the same catalyst just as you get a score reduction for re-using the same fighter variant.
(For example, if you use "armor rating" on 2 nodes in your rift, you should get a score reduction, but if you use "armor rating" on one node, and "squiggly armor rating" on another node, those should count as different catalysts since that's a variant and more limiting)
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I agree that stacking catalysts shouldn't be a thing.

But until then, there are some other reliable counters than Xenomorph. Myself, I use Sketchy (as support to any attacker with outtake equipped) or/and Purrfect Dark.
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I agree that stacking catalysts shouldn't be a thing.

But until then, there are some other reliable counters than Xenomorph. Myself, I use Sketchy (as support to any attacker with outtake equipped) or/and Purrfect Dark.

I hope for a Frost Armor nerf as well. At first I thought the nerf on the Armor Rating catalyst was too big, but I can definitely see why it was needed.

I had Purrfect Dark on my team but she didn't help much with this node setup, since her SA takes time to activate, and Silent Kill removes the curse easily, forcing Purrfect to swap out for a 2nd chance to apply her SA later, wasting time further. (not to mention the enemy can swap out remove the curse).

On top of that, the third enemy fighter was a Surgeon General to cover curses by supplying team immunity for 50% of the fight (every 30 seconds for 15 seconds, which stays upon tag-in), and iirc the third catalyst was "autoimmune 50%", which auto applies immunity with a 50% chance when the enemy gains a debuff, which further covers against Purrfect and Sketchy.
In their SA description, it says sketchy/purrfect apply "slow/deathmark and curse" (slow for sketchy and deathmark for purrfect), and since curse is listed as the 2nd debuff, I don't know if autoimmune would trigger before it or after. If it triggers before, then a 100% autoimmune catalyst would completely disable purrfect and sketchy.

So preventing enemy buffs wasn't really an option, and converting them to bleed with rusty wasn't possible due to ICU, and stealing the buffs with Doublicious didn't steal them fast enough due to the rate of which 2x Frost Armor activated.
I hope for a Frost Armor nerf as well. At first I thought the nerf on the Armor Rating catalyst was too big, but I can definitely see why it was needed.

I had Purrfect Dark on my team but she didn't help much with this node setup, since her SA takes time to activate, and Silent Kill removes the curse easily, forcing Purrfect to swap out for a 2nd chance to apply her SA later, wasting time further. (not to mention the enemy can swap out remove the curse).

On top of that, the third enemy fighter was a Surgeon General to cover curses by supplying team immunity for 50% of the fight (every 30 seconds for 15 seconds, which stays upon tag-in), and iirc the third catalyst was "autoimmune 50%", which auto applies immunity with a 50% chance when the enemy gains a debuff, which further covers against Purrfect and Sketchy.
In their SA description, it says sketchy/purrfect apply "slow/deathmark and curse" (slow for sketchy and deathmark for purrfect), and since curse is listed as the 2nd debuff, I don't know if autoimmune would trigger before it or after. If it triggers before, then a 100% autoimmune catalyst would completely disable purrfect and sketchy.

So preventing enemy buffs wasn't really an option, and converting them to bleed with rusty wasn't possible due to ICU, and stealing the buffs with Doublicious didn't steal them fast enough due to the rate of which 2x Frost Armor activated.
I had a fight like that
Freeze frame UT IcyHot
2 frost armors 1 peacock autoinmune
And i deal it with Purrfect i had no issue there

I was anoyed, but at the same time was refreshi g seeing other than resistance and cripple
Purrfect usually works for me as well, but with this setup there was 0 margin for error due to the SK valentine being able to remove the curse, or if the enemy managed to tag out.
I could definitely have played the fight better since I must have gotten hit by the SK to activate her SA, but I still feel like the margin of error is too unforgiving when these catalysts are stacked like this on a boss node
Against armor node with a three members team I use Poltergust and Surgeon General as a backup to store even more blockbuster, in single or couple nodes Silent Kill to remove them, Firefly with Bluer thresher for better chances to remove it and inflict armor break, Purrfect Dark to simply negate it. Eliza's Chaos banish sadly only work to remove it but a lot of time the enemy gains it the hit after, Filia's Drill tempered is a better choice but if you're unlucky you give the enemy five stacks of armor.
Anyway I will put a limit to only one type of catalyst for map, last week I was against someone with armor catalysts on eight nodes, both normal and water, even stacked.