• [2018/06/22]
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Apr 17, 2024
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So now I'm gonna cry about game imbalance. Sorry in advance for my bad english.

First of all: nerf freaking "wolfshot". Thats special move is literally broken because wolfshot work in mid range, wolfshot have a short time to get a hit and stop, its make a lot of damage and its take a short time from start anumation to hit. Thats making me crazy every prize fight when a random beowulf bot makes decision to press "wolfshot" and you literally can not do anything about this just watching how fast the bot destroing you. Thats not fair I think. And you MUST do anything with this.
For example: you can make "wolfshot" a blockbuster with 2-3 hits; or take away block breaking effect; or make animation longer and Beo vulnerable during wolfshot.

Secondly, nerf Black Dahlia's unique ability to regenerate. Hear me out, I'm not against regeneration, I'm against getting another one stack of regeneration from every crit and refresh them every time! Thats not fair if you don't have healing block or significant abilities like "Mean One" have.
I can give you idea what you can do with her: let Black Dahlia takes ONE stack of regeneration from crit hit to the end of the round; or give her Huge Regeneration on 15 seconds from crit damage WITHOUT refreshing it while regeneration working. Thats will be more fair to players.

And the last one: nerf Death Wish and Megalomaniac.
When your diamond variant takes oponents buffs, gives him debaffs and curse on every 7'th combo AND resurect ALL team including herself - thats kinda broken you know?
And when your another one diamond taking EVASIONS, ARMOR (which takes down only by using blockbusters) and giving you stan every 15 seconds - thats kinda broken too.

Please fix it. Don't ignore that, solve this problems. For real, I lose every time only because of this.

P.S. Fix bot's reactions: when you defeat an opponent and bot tags in - he immediately presses his buttons. Sometimes its ruin your stricks. If you can give bot 0.2 milisec afk from tag in to hit it will be great
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And the last one: nerf Death Wish and Megalomaniac.
When your diamond variant takes oponents buffs, gives him debaffs and curse on every 7'th combo AND resurect ALL team including herself - thats kinda broken you know?
Again? She was Nerfed 1 month ago. They nerfed her HP Stat and how much HP she can ressurect 50% ->25%
FighterVariantOriginal SA1Original SA2New SA1New SA2
UmbrellaDeath WishEvery 7th COMBO HIT landed on Umbrella or the opponent TRANSFERS up to 1/2/3 enemy BUFF(S) to herself and inflicts HEX for 10 seconds.Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 25/35/50% HEALTH, REVIVE all defeated teammates with 25% HEALTH, and gain 1 stack of MIASMA for 10 seconds for each BUFF applied to Umbrella (max 5)Once per match when defeated, RESURRECT with 15/20/25% HEALTH and REVIVE all defeated teammates with 25% HEALTH.

Additional Notes:
  • Death Wish also had her HP Stat decreased from 3.2k to 2.9k.
  • Deal Breaker had her HP Stat increased from 2.6k to 2.9k.
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So now I'm gonna cry about game imbalance. Sorry in advance for my bad english.

First of all: nerf freaking "wolfshot". Thats special move is literally broken because wolfshot work in mid range, wolfshot have a short time to get a hit and stop, its make a lot of damage and its take a short time from start anumation to hit.
If it is a mid range special, try to be far range or just keep Beowulf airborne, he can't use Wulfshoot while in the air.
Thats making me crazy every prize fight when a random beowulf bot makes decision to press "wolfshot" and you literally can not do anything about this
Let's test that theory, what moves can beat Wulfshoot?

Napalm Shot, Silent Scope, Gravity Slingshot, Sagan Beam, Pillar of Creation, Chair Hurdle, Airwulf, Ringlet Spike, Drill of my Dreams, Lobs of Love, Goodnight Kiss, Death Pendulum, Onslaught, Acid Reflux, Umbrella's Bubblin' Blockbuster, Violet Grudge, Gaebolga Stinger, most blockbusters in game, and so many others I'm forgetting.

just watching how fast the bot destroing you. Thats not fair I think. And you MUST do anything with this.
If you're getting a combo after a Wulfshoot, equip a burst.
For example: you can make "wolfshot" a blockbuster with 2-3 hits; or take away block breaking effect; or make animation longer and Beo vulnerable during wolfshot.
You want to make a grab a 3 hit Blockbuster, wouldn't that make it even more busted?
Secondly, nerf Black Dahlia's unique ability to regenerate. Hear me out, I'm not against regeneration, I'm against getting another one stack of regeneration from every crit and refresh them every time! Thats not fair if you don't have healing block or significant abilities like "Mean One" have.
Besides Mean One, you can use either Silent Kill, Curse, Hex, Inverse Polarity, Permanent Bleed, or steal it with Doublicious.
I can give you idea what you can do with her: let Black Dahlia takes ONE stack of regeneration from crit hit to the end of the round
I'm confused, you're complaining about Dahlia having too much regen, yet you propose for her to have permanent regen for the whole round?
or give her Huge Regeneration on 15 seconds from crit damage WITHOUT refreshing it while regeneration working. Thats will be more fair to players.
And the last one: nerf Death Wish and Megalomaniac.
When your diamond variant takes oponents buffs, gives him debaffs and curse on every 7'th combo AND resurect ALL team including herself - thats kinda broken you know?
Nerf Skullbrella again??? Are you for real?
Cerebella has several low combo moves, that can help with this issue.

Also funny enough, Wulfshoot, the one move that started this whole post is a must have move to keep Skullbrella from giving you hex, you know?

And when your another one diamond taking EVASIONS, ARMOR (which takes down only by using blockbusters) and giving you stan every 15 seconds - thats kinda broken too.
Curse, Hex, Immunity, Resistance can help with that, or if you need a more direct counter: Nunsense, Silent Kill, Stand Out, Mean One.
Please fix it. Don't ignore that, solve this problems. For real, I lose every time only because of this.
Maybe your fighters aren't as strong to deal with your opponents, or maybe your moves don't have good stats.
P.S. Fix bot's reactions: when you defeat an opponent and bot tags in - he immediately presses his buttons. Sometimes its ruin your stricks. If you can give bot 0.2 milisec afk from tag in to hit it will be great
This one I agree, I hate tagging in just to eat a BB3 to the face or an unblockable charge move
I'm just going to add that I do think Black Dahlia as a character is overtuned. She already has insane tools in offense and on top of an above average HP stat, she also has an anti-crit defense mechanic. Let's be honest, anti-crit can be pretty frustrating to play against, forcing you to build crit-less or use command grabs, which typically have lower damage output. Throw in Regen in the mix and damn that's a lot of defense potential, and we haven't even taken into account SAs yet.

With all this in mind, I could see BDahlia's kit getting a hit. Most characters are only good at one thing but Dahlia seems to be above and beyond in most aspects.
I don't think BD's Regeneration Marquee is too bad. You have Heal Block and Reverse Polarity at your disposal, which can really screw them up. I feel like it only gets annoying vs Corrosive Agent, because she has debuff clear and vs UHost because of how tanky she is. With that being said, every Dahlia has easy access to debuff clear with Tea Slip, so if you don't have consistent access to heal block/reverse polarity, or the opponent has other forms of debuff clear, you're just facing a big brick wall.

A 2 sec CD between the check for a critical Hit may resolve that. If anything, it will at least not punish multi-hit attacks as much.

I feel like the same check will resolve the annoyance with PW's marquee as well.

P.S. Fix bot's reactions: when you defeat an opponent and bot tags in - he immediately presses his buttons. Sometimes its ruin your stricks. If you can give bot 0.2 milisec afk from tag in to hit it will be great
Yea, that can be really annoying
One player is not happy that he is losing because of them, now they need to be nerfed?
Where are the other players who think the same then?
Let's be honest, anti-crit can be pretty frustrating to play against, forcing you to build crit-less or use command grabs, which typically have lower damage output. Throw in Regen in the mix and damn that's a lot of defense potential, and we haven't even taken into account SAs yet.
Totally agreed about anti-crit. Imo this is a kind of prank that got out of control... Literally everyone puts Painwheel and Dahlia in defense, and now I use crit characters (Overclocked, Grave Digger and so on) only against Death wish, Shadow Puppet, Killjoy - i mean against just few fighters from WHOLE game lol
In other cases you can't even play with critical hits... You'll just get your damage back or enemy get 5 stacks of regen soooo quickly))))))
Anti-crit sucks and it's a fact. Everything would be much easier if Painwheel and Dahlia had a chance to do what they are doing with their MA. I mean, 50% to reflect damage or get regen - that's it! Crit stats would be useful again.
I agree Nerf Black Dahlias Marquee to stack 5 heals when hit with a crit. It should be unique on a certain ONE variant not all of them. It punishes you for progressing and makes crits useless instead of rewarding.
Secondly, nerf Black Dahlia's unique ability to regenerate. Hear me out, I'm not against regeneration, I'm against getting another one stack of regeneration from every crit and refresh them every time! Thats not fair if you don't have healing block or significant abilities like "Mean One" have.
I can give you idea what you can do with her: let Black Dahlia takes ONE stack of regeneration from crit hit to the end of the round; or give her Huge Regeneration on 15 seconds from crit damage WITHOUT refreshing it while regeneration working. Thats will be more fair to players.
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So now I'm gonna cry about game imbalance. Sorry in advance for my bad english.

First of all: nerf freaking "wolfshot". Thats special move is literally broken because wolfshot work in mid range, wolfshot have a short time to get a hit and stop, its make a lot of damage and its take a short time from start anumation to hit. Thats making me crazy every prize fight when a random beowulf bot makes decision to press "wolfshot" and you literally can not do anything about this just watching how fast the bot destroing you. Thats not fair I think. And you MUST do anything with this.
For example: you can make "wolfshot" a blockbuster with 2-3 hits; or take away block breaking effect; or make animation longer and Beo vulnerable during wolfshot.

Secondly, nerf Black Dahlia's unique ability to regenerate. Hear me out, I'm not against regeneration, I'm against getting another one stack of regeneration from every crit and refresh them every time! Thats not fair if you don't have healing block or significant abilities like "Mean One" have.
I can give you idea what you can do with her: let Black Dahlia takes ONE stack of regeneration from crit hit to the end of the round; or give her Huge Regeneration on 15 seconds from crit damage WITHOUT refreshing it while regeneration working. Thats will be more fair to players.

And the last one: nerf Death Wish and Megalomaniac.
When your diamond variant takes oponents buffs, gives him debaffs and curse on every 7'th combo AND resurect ALL team including herself - thats kinda broken you know?
And when your another one diamond taking EVASIONS, ARMOR (which takes down only by using blockbusters) and giving you stan every 15 seconds - thats kinda broken too.

Please fix it. Don't ignore that, solve this problems. For real, I lose every time only because of this.

P.S. Fix bot's reactions: when you defeat an opponent and bot tags in - he immediately presses his buttons. Sometimes its ruin your stricks. If you can give bot 0.2 milisec afk from tag in to hit it will be great
Yeah the crit activated marquis are really dumb. But we've been complaining about those since forever and they've refused to change it. I doubt they're going to change it now.

Hard disagree on death wish needing a nerf. After the last nerf, she's way too easy to beat.
Yeah I vote for Megalomanic's nerf, because currently I don't upgrade Nunsense!!!