• [2018/06/22]
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Characters Please,everyone needs this.


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Jun 25, 2024
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Skullgirls,I AM BEGGING you,PLEASE come back with the old Windswept(Gold Filia).
She was perfectly balenced,THERE WAS NO REASON TO NERF HER.
Why did yall even do this.
Nah, the Permanent Precision was too busted, she's was a brain-dead variant to use, she's still good just requires skill to get her precision; it seems everyone is complaining more because they have to actually play than anything else
Nah, the Permanent Precision was too busted, she's was a brain-dead variant to use, she's still good just requires skill to get her precision; it seems everyone is complaining more because they have to actually play than anything else
Wdym "permanent prevision was busted",she was perfectly fine
"Just requires skill tô get her precision " THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.
She is kinda more complicated now,she was the best Gold variant
Many beginners rlly relied on her bc she was eazy to play
Wdym "permanent prevision was busted",she was perfectly fine
First, I said Precision and yes, it was busted since it didn't require anything to do, which makes it busted.
"Just requires skill tô get her precision " THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.
So you admit that it's more of a skill issue than anything else then?

She is kinda more complicated now,she was the best Gold variant
Many beginners rlly relied on her bc she was eazy to play
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Windswept for me the most useful, but they did the right thing with this change, although at the beginning I was also upset, but now it becomes clear why they did it that way. Previously, it was very simple to play for her, because she is not so easy to take, but now you will need to play more carefully, and it will all depend on the player’s skill. She used to be very strong.​
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I agree. Sure, permanent Precision is busted, but guess what? On top of requiring skill, there's plenty of stuff that counters Critical Hits (or just dealing high damage), including:

Black Dahlia's No Time to Die MA
Both of Painwheel's MAs (Mainly Tainted Blood)
Fighter variant SAs that activate upon suffering a Critical hit
Biofeedback match modifier
Silent Night match modifier
Match modifiers that activate when the opponent takes damage equal to a % of their health

These changes just make dealing with defensive variants countered by Precision even harder to deal with.
Precision was intended to be a counter to Fighters that relied on their SAs to be effective defenders. Of course it's going to be busted when it's permanent. But the Fighters that have access to perma-Precision have to work for it AND they already had conditions for losing it too.

Old Windswept had to evade an attack to gain Precision. Most of the time you're not going to evade a hit with Filia's CA, so she had to intercept a dashing/attacking opponent to gain Evasion. Then she could evade an attack and gain Precision. She lost Precision if she got hit.
Materia Girl has to repeatedly turn Star Power on and off until she gains Precision. It only lasts as long as she has Star Power active.
Star Shine has to wait a long time to gain permanent Precision. While waiting, she can potentially be disrupted by Curse or Hex.
Hex Caliber has to do a combo with at least 10 hits and can potentially trigger defensive SAs before gaining Precision. Her permanent Precision only lasts as long as she has Unflinching.

I genuinely don't see a reason as to why Windswept and Star Shine had to be gutted like this. If they wanted to make Precision less of an issue for certain defenders, then they should've adjusted Precision itself, buffed the defenders countered by it, or made it harder to gain perma-Precision. They shouldn't have made it easier to lose like this.

On another note, Windswept is probably unusable as a Precision attacker now. I've been having problems with using her as a Precision attacker ever since the patch. Yesterday, despite having perma-Precision active I still triggered a Shadow Puppet's SA. What happened? I killed her with Drill Tempered and when she "died", her timestop triggered, she fell out of the Blockbuster, got up (which removed my Precision), and nearly killed my Windswept. So much for Precision, huh?
Black Dahlia's No Time to Die MA
Bleed, Heavy Bleed, Curse, Hex, Inverse Polarity...
Both of Painwheel's MAs (Mainly Tainted Blood)
Beowulf, Bella (Trows don't crit)
Fighter variant SAs that activate upon suffering a Critical hit
That one is fairly annoying
Biofeedback match modifier
Tricky, but doable with the right strategy/variants, also doesn't Deadeye negates reflect dmg?
Silent Night match modifier
See above
Match modifiers that activate when the opponent takes damage equal to a % of their health
That's where skill and planning are needed, after all this is a RPG fighting game
These changes just make dealing with defensive variants countered by Precision even harder to deal with.
Precision was intended to be a counter to Fighters that relied on their SAs to be effective defenders. Of course it's going to be busted when it's permanent. But the Fighters that have access to perma-Precision have to work for it AND they already had conditions for losing it too.
So you agree Perma precision is indeed busted, but still want to have it?
Old Windswept had to evade an attack to gain Precision. Most of the time you're not going to evade a hit with Filia's CA, so she had to intercept a dashing/attacking opponent to gain Evasion. Then she could evade an attack and gain Precision. She lost Precision if she got hit.
Materia Girl has to repeatedly turn Star Power on and off until she gains Precision. It only lasts as long as she has Star Power active.
Star Shine has to wait a long time to gain permanent Precision. While waiting, she can potentially be disrupted by Curse or Hex.
Hex Caliber has to do a combo with at least 10 hits and can potentially trigger defensive SAs before gaining Precision. Her permanent Precision only lasts as long as she has Unflinching.

I genuinely don't see a reason as to why Windswept and Star Shine had to be gutted like this. If they wanted to make Precision less of an issue for certain defenders, then they should've adjusted Precision itself, buffed the defenders countered by it, or made it harder to gain perma-Precision. They shouldn't have made it easier to lose like this.
If you're having such bad time with the other precision users, try using a Parasoul with either Egret Call or her Prestige
On another note, Windswept is probably unusable as a Precision attacker now. I've been having problems with using her as a Precision attacker ever since the patch. Yesterday, despite having perma-Precision active I still triggered a Shadow Puppet's SA. What happened? I killed her with Drill Tempered and when she "died", her timestop triggered, she fell out of the Blockbuster, got up (which removed my Precision), and nearly killed my Windswept. So much for Precision, huh?
Maybe, and I'm really giving it a lot of leeway to the game, the last hit didn't crit? Because that would be the only reason for Shuppet to have survived only other reason is the game being unfair which do happen
On another note, Windswept is probably unusable as a Precision attacker now. I've been having problems with using her as a Precision attacker ever since the patch. Yesterday, despite having perma-Precision active I still triggered a Shadow Puppet's SA. What happened? I killed her with Drill Tempered and when she "died", her timestop triggered, she fell out of the Blockbuster, got up (which removed my Precision), and nearly killed my Windswept. So much for Precision, huh?
I genuinely think that might be a bug.
The whole point of me listing stuff that counters Precision is to show that Precision, despite being a powerful buff, still isn't perfect. It can be countered and thus there are some things that even the perma-Precision variants cannot counter. Of course I'm not going to bring a Windswept to fight a Tainted Blood Painwheel, Windswept's Precision would get her killed by reflect damage.

Tricky, but doable with the right strategy/variants, also doesn't Deadeye negates reflect dmg?
Deadeye only negates reflect damage from Thorns. It does NOT negate reflect damage from MAs, PAs, and match modifiers.

If you're having such bad time with the other precision users, try using a Parasoul with either Egret Call or her Prestige
I was pointing out the conditions for gaining and losing perma-Precision to show that the perma-Precision variants still have their flaws. They require skill and/or effort to gain perma-Precision.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Perma-Precision is naturally going to be insanely strong because of how it's designed, but it's not so strong that it's THE counter for everything in the game. The perma-Precision variants are strong but not so absurdly broken that they need to be gutted like this.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
Except it was broken, so....
Perma-Precision is naturally going to be insanely strong because of how it's designed, but it's not so strong that it's THE counter for everything in the game.
Based on the many, many, many, many, many, people complaining, (as well as this post ) about the Windswept Nerf it seems it is.
The perma-Precision variants are strong but not so absurdly broken that they need to be gutted like this.
Besides WindSwept, Materia and SShine, what other perma precision variant was nerfed?