• [2018/06/22]
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Other Pls Add option to turn off the *No Moves Notice Alert

XP fodders will be used to fuel evolution and will NEVER have skill tree investment.

The fodders will also not have moves because they will NEVER be used.
selling their default bronze moves in order to save inventory space.

This update will spend half a second to open a popup for everytime a single fight we do with those fodders.

It will Warn only if the carry has no moves which that's a QoL improvement.
But with that Notice Warning popping out every single time, that's really bloody annoying to us players!

Please add secondary options to either turn off that useless Notice
Or Only warn if fighter with highest Fighter Score / Power had No moves.

Thank you in advance 🙏
Great Thanks to EvilNut for the explanation.🌟👍😉
That's not at all annoying tbh, it just takes less than 1 sec
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*For those who do not know the meaning of "fodder" in SkullGirls Mobile. Please support Evilnut's request. Thank you very much in advance 🙏
Please we call up to our dear Devs here with Due Respects - To Look up to this issue and fix up this by putting some additional option(s).

@Everyone - Thank you very much for reading this and For your Upvotes. 🙏👍☺️