• [2018/06/22]
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pls NERF FILIA curl scout


New Member
Aug 26, 2024
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The character is literally impossible to kill on many occasions, you cannot do any combo or skill that is above 5 hits because she gets a lot of armor and life recovery, so it is game suicide to try to do anything, this is using just Beowulf with grabs and that's it, but it's too complicated because while she can do ridiculous combos you can't even look at her because she buffs and recovers as if nothing had happened, whoever did the skills, what was he thinking? It's not that it offends but that is absurdly broken

Also you can't apply debuffs or anti buffs as curse, because it also removes it just because yes, they should also add that if the character breathes it makes you instakill starting, wtf
The character is literally impossible to kill on many occasions, you cannot do any combo or skill that is above 5 hits because she gets a lot of armor and life recovery, so it is game suicide to try to do anything, this is using just Beowulf with grabs and that's it, but it's too complicated because while she can do ridiculous combos you can't even look at her because she buffs and recovers as if nothing had happened

This is a comment from the SGM Reddit about the same "complaint" about Curl:

Annie has Destruction pillar, Dahlia has death pendulum, Beowulf has wulfshoots and hurdles, Even big band has bras knuckles, Bella has MGR Loop, Double has clilia slide, Eliza has weight of anubis into khat, Filia has ringlet, Fukua has lobs of love, Ms fortune has cat slide ,fibre and el gato, Wheel has Pinion dash, Peacock has her bombs, Parasoul has nap shots, Robo fortune has Theo beam, Val has M.drop,

Only Marie and Squigly tend to have bad match up on her Sa1, and keep in mind that its just base character kit without factoring variant Sa either. It's not "just use Beowulf", it's don't be stupid and proc SA1 like a dumbass. It's just so happen that Beowulf is the most easiest because of wulfshoot being a command grab that bypass blocking.

whoever did the skills, what was he thinking? It's not that it offends but that is absurdly broken

From the same comment:

It's not like pre nerf unholy host where it forces out an immediate answer in debuff cleanse like needing to run a level 15 tea slip dahlia.

Also you can't apply debuffs or anti buffs as curse, because it also removes it just because yes, they should also add that if the character breathes it makes you instakill starting, wtf
Hex, Silent Kill, Chaos Banish, Stand Out, Dark Might .... Yes there's no way to apply debuffs or remove hers....
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A lot of characters actually deal with her quite easily. Extremely easy to obtain variants to boot. Namely Golden Gunner and Beatbox
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