• [2018/06/22]
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2022
Reaction score
Add a Ranking System/Leaderboard similar to rift system.
Points gained will also be similar to rift point system but in a simpler way
Points will be gained according to 3 criteria:
-time remaining
-highest combo count
-how many fighters are still alive
To make this system fair and equally playable REMOVE BB3/Unblockables from the moves that can be used, the same way center stage isn’t available due to its unfair advantage, as unfair play and bias in points and ranks will occur.

Example: Player plays very well the whole match, does impressive combo and all his fighters are alive, and in the very last 20 seconds the opponent uses three BB3s and wins the match.
I personally can deal with BB3 and make my way through but in a situation like above that would be very unfair.
Argument will be that it’s a move and available for everyone so it’s your choice that you don’t want to use it and deal with the consequences. In the current state of Competitive that’s valid but that won’t be the case when there’s ranks and points involved. This will force everyone to use BB3 and it won’t be ‘’competitive’’ anymore more like a race to see who will charge their BB3s faster.

Might as well bring back center stage as it's in Squigly's kit by default and it is ''your choice not playing Squigly'' to be have access to it, or am I wrong?
Moreover this Rank System will only apply when playing with Randoms/Find an Opponent and not with Private matches
Just to verify. This proposal is for the PvP mode?
To make this system fair and equally playable REMOVE BB3/Unblockables from the moves that can be used, the same way center stage isn’t available due to its unfair advantage, as unfair play and bias in points and ranks will occur.
Why not make BB3 a one time thing like burst or only to be available when you're low on health? (Like Fatal Fury or KOF Desperation Moves, or Mortal Kombat Fatal Blow) that way you get the best of both worlds
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Why not make BB3 a one time thing like burst or only to be available when you're low on health? (Like Fatal Fury or KOF Desperation Moves, or Mortal Kombat Fatal Blow) that way you get the best of both worlds
This is actually a really good idea