• [2018/06/22]
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I think that that was the last time I put anything in the power thingy, hopefully
Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Kamina Card.pngthe idea behind the name was to mimick a way Kamina talks about himself "the great Kamina-Sama" a joke bc the kanji you use to write Kamina is the same you would use to write God, "Kami", and the idea of his hand going above the card was to mimick how oftenly Kamina would point directly to the sky

Beowulf_BB3_T3_ThreeWulfMoonsault.pngthe green wolf is a reference to spiral energy, a form of power/energy/Deus Ex Machina from the anime
Beowulf_BB1_T1_GiganticArm.pngthe Gigan arm is a reference to Gurren, his personal mecha
Beowulf_BB6_T3_Wulfamania.pnghim pointing, something Kamina is famous to, with the following quote "don't believe in yourself, believe in me who believes in yourself"
Beowulf_DragonBrawler.png the reason his elbow is full dark blue is a reference to his tatoos on his arm, and the wolf fur being fully red is to reference his cape

Kamina Reference.png I'm just sad that I couldn't do the cool glasses
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next one is imo the best 2d precision platformer ever made, Madeline from Celeste
Madeline Card.pngand yes, there is an official Madeline on Skullgirls, but this was made before that, and yeah, the official is far superior, althought I think that I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself, in the end the tie being purple is better for the design, I was trying to reference the zipper, but it doesn't match that well with the rest, although I do think the brown dunno exactly what that is in Filia's design is better than the gold in the official, my idea was to reference her backpack, other than that, everything from the official is better without an doubt

Filia_ClassCutter.pngthe best full body that I could think of
Madeline Reference.png
imagem_2023-06-07_230608073.pngthe official
and since I did Madeline, I had to do Badeline, sadly the devs thought the same thing, so now we have yet again another highly superior palette to compare to mine lol
Badeline Card.pngI do not think mine's bad, but the official is far superior bc it chose to base itself on Badeline from key arts, or another more proper term that I don't know the name of, while I based mine on in-game character portraits, so the official is waaaaay better on the eyes than mine
Fukua_NightTerror.pngthis is the closest of a full body for Fukua that I have
Badeline close face reference.jpgthis is the character's portrait
Badeline Reference.pngwhile this is the official whatchamacallit
imagem_2023-06-07_230831676.pngand this is the official palette
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ok, I honestly think this one is one of my best works, everything just matches so well, especially how I translated the outfit; Dust from Dust An Elysian Tail
Dust Card.pngI'm still flabbergasted at how perfectly Annie's color division works with Dust's outfit, other than Dust's hat, that I had to adapt, everything just works
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngfull body, Sagan is a reference to Fidget, Dust's companion and responsible for magic in his arsenal
Dust Reference.pngFidget Reference.pngdust and fidget

Annie_SM1_Outtake.pngAnnie's sword is based on the Blade of Ahrah
Blade of Ahrah Reference.pngkind of like a magic ghost sentient sword
Annie_BB2_SaganBeam.pngAnnie_BB3_GravitySlingshot.pngAnnie_BB4_PillarOfCreation.pngevery single type of attack was changed to white to reference Fidget's first magic attack, white particles

this is one of the only palettes that I made that I would love to actually see as an official Variant, and while I'm beyond terrible at conceptualizing SAs, something related to staying in the air would work the best for it, since while you're playing Dust An Elysian Tail, you'll probably never touch the ground unless it's to end your combo, something like while in the air you gain 1/3/5 stacks of enrage permanently, but I dunno what I would do for it's SA2
for this next one, I'll be honest, I know nothing about Blazblue, I just did cause; Ragna the Bloodedge (actual name), from BlazBlue
Ragna Card.pnghonestly, this'll be the shortest post I'll do here
Annie_SM5_CrescentCut.pngI remember doing some sort of search for Ragna's attacks and trying to adapt to Annie, and I remember that this one is based on a projectile
Annie_SM4_DestructionPillar.pngbut I have no idea what this is
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngI don't quite remember if Sagan was supposed to be Jin or Noel
Ragna Reference.pngthe Bloody and Edgy guy himself
this is another one that I'm pretty damn proud of, and another one I really wish that someday, somehow, would turn into an official Variant, even more now that we have an official Lucca variant on Umbrella, I see you dev from Skullgirls Mobile, I see you; from one of the best JRPGS ever made, and the closest to Goku in Smash we could ever have, Crono
Crono Card.pnggotta love that ol' name referencing a game's title that was canceled

Annie_SM5_CrescentCut.pngboth specials have been divided into lightning based, Crono's signature magic, and also the specials he does with the sword (the other one being Gravity Slingshot)
Annie_SM4_DestructionPillar.pngand Ice based, Marle's signature magic, also the moves he does kinda with the sword without using the sword (the other one being pillar of creation), that's to reference double techniques
Annie_SM2_Burst.pngthe burst is a reference to, imo, JRPG's coolest screen nuke ever made, Luminaire
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pnglastly, a full body, and I think I managed to capture everything from Crono's outfit to Annie's, from his scarf to his small pouch on Annie's bag, his bracelets, his somewhat unnatural multicolored pants, and even a imo perfect tone for his hair and his Gi, Sagan is based on Marle, who I couldn't do much but I think it still captures her pretty well

Crono Reference.pngMarle Reference.png
Annie_TripleThreat.pngI managed to squeeze one last image, so here's Annie's bag
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apparently, I don't know how to count, so I skipped a number, forever my account will be stained with me breaking my own order of posts; Viral from the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Viral Card.pngthere's not much to comment on here, other than me misspelling immortal and realizing literally only now, this was a quick project and ended up turning pretty damn well if you ask me
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngfull body, Sagan is based on Viral's personal mecha, to the best of my capacities
Viral Reference.jpgimagem_2023-06-08_002634796.png
this is my last one for the day, and honestly, it's still one of my favorites, like, top 3 easily, even more than Crono or Dust, bc I think that I got the color and concept to its finest here, modesty aside; the one and only Finn the Human, and Jake the Dog from Adventure Time
Finn _ Jake Card.pngI'm really proud of how this one ended up, funnily enough, I made this while a group of friends were discussing politics, and I thought of a better way to spend my time lol
Beowulf_SM4_WulfBlitzer.pngok so, a lot to unpack here, first of all, Jake being Beo's fur, is to reference Finn's Jake's Amor, a moment in the series where Jake swallows Finn, and shapes himself into an armor from him, that's the basis of my concept, also, I forgot to mention, but I know Filia has an official Finn's palette, but iirc, there's been cases of repeated palettes of the same character on other characters, so I think this one is still valid
imagem_2023-06-08_003958444.png this being Jake's armor/suit
Beowulf_BB1_T1_GiganticArm.pngBeowulf_BB3_T3_ThreeWulfMoonsault.pngboth his wolf aura and gigan arm are based on Jake
Beowulf_SM8_HurtingHurdle.pngand this is where we get into complicated territory, bc Beo's chair is based on Finn's grass sword, a cursed relic he gets later in the show, and since it's cursed, he can't unequip it, and it's always on his wrist, hence why I made them into Beo's bracelets and chair, but according to the palette editor, the bracelets are linked to the Gigan's bracelet, so for it to be made, it would need a slight change in Beo's color scheme
Beowulf_DragonBrawler.pngfull body, he's also blonde like Finn
Finn _ Jake Palette.jpg Finn and Jake
Leaf Sword Palette.pngGrass Sword
and let's start again, this time with the world's easiest recolor; Mugman from Cuphead

Mugman Card.pngok, I was lying about Ragna, this one is the shortest one

Peacock_Rerun.pngthe best that I can do is compare with the official Cuphead
imagem_2023-06-08_204438333.pngand I think mine's color are better than the official, it's more vivid
Mugman reference.png
ok, this is one of my weakest ones honestly, the "you'll only get this one if I directly tell you who this is" type of palette, doesn't help that the game wasn't that popular either; Sister Semilla from Minoria

Sister Semilla card.pngthere isn't much to say other than I thought it would be a huge success

Parasoul_SM4_NapalmShot.pngher pistol is a reference to her "staff"
Parasoul_ShadowOps.pngthe colors aren't particularly the problem with this reference, is just that Semilla herself doesn't have much going on color-wise, side by side it is recognizable, but it doesn't work by itself
Semilla Reference.png
in clear contrast to my Semilla, this one worked extremely well, ironically from the same franchise as Minoria; Kaho Reinol from Momodora 4, Reverie Under the Moonlight

Kaho Card.pngI want to start off by saying that I hate myself for making the bracelets skin color, even though it blends somewhat, it's super distracting after you notice it, I would change to the opposite color of her sword, of the same color as her dress

Annie_SM1_Outtake Mapple Leaf.pnglet's start with her swords, in the game you start with this reddish leaf Mapple Leaf Reference.png
Annie_SM1_Outtake Fresh Spring Leaf.pngbut later on, and needed for the true ending, you get this green leaf, so I did both and you can decide which one is your favorite, green for meFresh Spring Leaf Reference.png
Annie_SM7_Reentry Fresh Spring Leaf.pngshe also can turn into a cat, that's what Sagan is based on cat sagan reference.png
Kaho pixel art reference.png
Followed with one of the most disappointing cartoons I've ever had the unpleasure to watch until the end; Marco from Star vs the Forces of Evil, at least S3 was good

Adult Marco Card.pngoverall, I think it's recognizable

Beowulf_SM6_GiganArmSweep.pngBeowulf_SM8_HurtingHurdle.pngGigan arm and chair is based on nacho, a "dragon-motorcycle"Nacho Reference.jpg
Beowulf_DragonBrawler.pngAdult Marco Reference.png
next one is the character Nomura believes is well written; Kairi from KH, specifically KH3

Kairi KH3 Card.png
Annie_SM1_Outtake.pngAnnie_SM4_DestructionPillar.pngher sword is based on Destiny's Embrace, Kairi's keyblade since KH2, and the light attacks are because of Kairi's link to light, both as a guardian and as a princess
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngSagan is based on Naminé, Kairi's nobody made with Sora's body, hence why she doesn't look like Kairi, I swear, this makes sense
Kairi KH3 Reference.pngNaminé Reference.png
next one is one of my all time favorite cartoons, and also one of my favorite palettes, everything fits really well here; Hilda from... Hilda
Hilda Card.png
Annie_SM1_Outtake.pngAnnie_BB4_PillarOfCreation.pngthe sword is based on 1 episode of S2, where she wields a sword for less than 5 minutes, now why the pink color for the attacks, honestly I don't remember why, but I think it matches pretty well
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngSagan is based on Twig, Hilda's Deer-FoxHilda Reference.jpg
this next one is big, and was quite fun to do honestly Eliza has a lot of options to change, especially the hair; Google Chrome-chan from... Google Chrome
Google Chrome-Chan card.pngthe idea came from Merryweather again, this time their comic of internet browsers
Eliza_SM8_WeightOfAnubis.pngEliza_SM9_DiveOfHorus.pngI'd like to mention this before, both Albus and Horace are based on Opera, Google's sidekickOpera-Chan reference.jpg
Eliza_InDenile.pngEliza_MummyDearest.pngEliza_ScarletViper.pngnow the fun part, this was really fun to do, I noticed there wasn't enough green on her so I put some whenever I could, and I think her weapon being green was the best choice I could make, also, her hair has all colors of the Google Chrome logo, red as the main part, green at the back, yellow on the tiara, and blue at the front, also, side note, it's kinda hard to have a full body of Eliza
Google Chrome-Chan reference.pngoverall, I think it is one of my best works yet, and I think it can work easily as it's own reference
the next one in the browser collection is the world's most hated, loved, pitied browser ever; Internet Explorer-Chan from Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer-Chan card.pngI dunno if I find the bracelet, hand and arm being white strange or not, it'd not as distracting tho

Annie_SM1_Outtake.pngAnnie_SM5_CrescentCut.pngthe sword and her appearance overall is based on Microsoft Edge, a transformation she gets when fighting Google Chrome, the water effects are just bc, why not, blue with blue makes it blue
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngSagan is based on Bing-chan, another prominent character in the Internet Explorer-Chan comic from Merryweather, always by Explorer's side
Internet Explorer-Chan reference.jpgBing-Chan reference.png
The last one of the browser trio is the browser that, to this day I don't know if it's better or not then Chrome; Firefox-chan from Firefox
Firefox-Chan card.pngnot much to talk here outside of not only me misspelling Filia's name, BUT ALSO THAT THIS IS NOT EVEN FILIA, IT'S FUKUA, yet again something that I just noticed now
Fukua_BB1_GoodnightKiss.pngbc the name is firefox I though giving the fire effect would be for the best, it works in some attacks pretty well, terribly in others
Fukua_BB4_InevitableSnuggle.pngthat's again, the closest to a full body I have of Fukua
Firefox-Chan Reference.png this was a pretty short one, not much to talk or do regarding Firefox
and to finish my third collection, a couple hours later, another pretty mid one, like, I just did bc why not; Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy 8
Squall Leonhart card.png
Annie_BB3_GravitySlingshot.pngall special attacks are the fire effect, looking back I would try to do them based on some of his Limit Breaks, like Reizoken, but the idea of using the fire effect came from Squall's gunblade, since it has a mechanic that it does more damage if you press something at the right timing, like Squall is shooting at his opponents the same time he's slashing them
Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngSagan is based on Rinoa, Squall's love interest? I dunno, I never played FF8
Squall Leonhart reference.pngRinoa Reference.png
yo, me back, with one of the collections I'm most proud of, but with 2 of my biggest regrets so far, starting with one that I'm really proud of, Creeper (-chan) from (Merryweather's) Minecraft (anime)

Creeper-Chan card.pngthe name and whole idea of this one is because in the "comics" Merryweather did, Creeper-chan is addicted to hugging, and she always explodes when she does hug Steve, while Cerebella, even tho she isn't the character whose's entire kit is focused on grabbing, she has some tools at her disposal for that, so I thought it was fitting

Cerebella_HeavyHanded.pngCerebella_CriminalMind.pngI want an answer to see if anyone really cares for these, which one is the best one for a full-body reference?
Cerebella_BB1_T2_DiamondsAreForever.pngthe diamond projectile being red is to reference the TNT block
Creeper-Chan reference.pngthat's a fanart, I'm sorry to not be able to credit the artist, but there weren't really any good references to use other than this one
ok so, I'm gonna start addressing something here, it's not that I truly think this is the worst one I've done so far, I still think numbers 10, 11, and 22 are worse, and it's not that I have anything against him in specific, it's just that it's really goofy imo; Dream, the creator of the speedrun song

Dream card.pngthe reason that I did this was bc I was sadly hooked on Dream SMP, and I would go as far as try to do the other YouTubers, but my hype died the second that I did this one; I tried to make the hair transparent, honestly, that was the first red flag that I chose to dismiss

Annie_SM7_Reentry.pngyes, Sagan is a pig, honestly, it's not half bad, also, no, this was not based on technoblade, just the only animal I could think that would work on Sagan's limited palette
Annie_SM4_DestructionPillar.pngAnnie_SM5_CrescentCut.pngthe idea was that you would use both fire and lava "buckets" as specials
Annie_SM1_Outtake.pngbut I honestly have no ******* idea why I did the water effect as the sword effect, hello me from the past, fire aspect is a thing in Minecraft, also, Iron Sword
Dream reference.png..... I'm so sorry, for myself at this moment, for the 3 people that actually see these, and for myself in the future, yes, this is a fanart Minecraft skin of Dream, I did like this reimagining of his goofy af skin