• [2018/06/22]
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It’s re-uploading time again!
This time, I've picked out original color (no references) palettes that I made.
Again, to make it easier to see, I’ve attached spoilers for each items.
I picked her before, but this time special effect is also here!🫧
Special effect (burnout)
A brand new variant here! Introducing Robo-Fortune - Merciless Machine!

“ An intruder has broken in!”
Full image is also here.

Reference - Springtron from ARMS

Sig - Big bang

Sig1: While in Detonation Mode, gain permanent ENRAGE every 2/1.5/1 second. All ENRAGE will removed after detonation.

Sig2 - After detonation, gain 3 stacks of EVASION and inflict IMMOBILIZE, DEATH MARK for 10/12/15 seconds each.
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I don't have a pretty border for this one. Please note, this Variant is based on Lydia from Beetlejuice. The palette already exists in Skullgirls: 2nd Encore.

Strange And Unusual


Call the Juice!!!

Signature Ability 1
Adds 1 additional DRAGON CHARGE. DRAGON CHARGES have a 20/40/60% chance to not be consumed by SPECIAL MOVES and ATTACKS.

Signature Ability 2
Using a BLOCKBUSTER while at 3 DRAGON CHARGES applies HEX on the opponent for 10/12/15 seconds.

- [Signature Ability 1] attacks and special moves will still utilize the effects of the Dragon Charge, but the charge itself will simply not be used up
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Mutant Kevin Levin from Ben 10 Classic
download (5).pngdownload (6).pngScreenshot 2024-08-22 152228.png
" I have all your powers, plus my own."
SA: 11 Forms
- 25/35/50% chance to gain up to 3 buffs for 10 seconds when transmuting. The first buff is determined by the element transmuted to.
- 10/15/20% chance when using a special move to reset the timers of all buffs and increase their duration by 1 second for every special move used.

Ultimate Alien Version
download (9).pngdownload (8).pngScreenshot 2024-08-22 152308.png
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