• [2018/06/22]
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Bug - Normal SGM intro video won't seem to play.


New Member
Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
Hey there! I was starting a new game on a guest account and noticed the intro video didn't play at all.

I believe this might be a bug, because I made another guest account after reinstalling SGM and the intro still didn't play.
We actually removed this video from the game a while back!
I think we added a metric to track how many new players actually watched it and it was like, 1% or something crazy. Obviously we don't wanna do anything that would prevent a new player from jumping right into the action so we opted to remove it. Might be cool to add it in the options somewhere, but it also takes up space so I doubt it. I think it's on our YouTube page!
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Damn, only 1%?! I guess I'm the only one who cared to notice, lol.

It's definitely not on the level of the PC/console intro, but I thought it was neat when I was a new player. Oh well.

It doesn't need to comeback (1% 💀), but it's still a neat part of SGM history, so it's good if it's not lost.