I had an error happen to me twice. The first time, I got a connection error when starting a fight, which reset my streak, and I had to restore it. After about five fights, it happened again, and this time, I couldn't restore it."
I had an error happen to me twice. The first time, I got a connection error when starting a fight, which reset my streak, and I had to restore it. After about five fights, it happened again, and this time, I couldn't restore it."
Hello there dear friend, Yes that is correct and True. It also happened lots of times to me likewise.
My best suggestion was that you may try find a proper time and place to achieve your prize fights when there's No Network connection interference.
Usually at late Nights or early Mornings should You try out your way through of the Prize fights accommodated at your timing in accordance with your convenience.
I really hope that my suggestion helps here otherwise just try to contact support in here and ask for assistance for some benefitial suggestions.