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Other The censorship is still not good. infact will help hate groups


Active Member
Jun 29, 2023
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the harm comes from censorship not becasue of it.

For those who care we have a petition that's now over 500 signatures strong and growing. and if you care about the game. you can also join our discord.

in taking away the images of police brutality you took away the impact and a hard look and the hard conversation we need to have.

in takign away the umbrella and red armband. which no one in their right mind would confuse with nazis... you neglected that the most "progressive" circls are having some accusations of anti semitism... and attacks and assults on campuses..
there's also no harm shown by images and words.

and i think it's tragic that an artist is trying to fit in to the larger molding of society... because other weirdos can't separate fiction from reality.
i think it's unfortuante and depressing that Miss Cartwright has to hate herself in this way. she says " it was a diffeerent time" as she internalizes the whoopie negativity and disingenuous narratives of the times we live in.

just as she said 2013 was a different time. but maybe it wasn't we just changed and not for the better. and us being social creatures will go with the moral consensus... even if it's totally wrong. we're not more whoopie negative than ever. regretting that which caused no harm.

it's an insidious bit of manipulation. it's part of "year zero" extremist phenomenon. and guilting people.

that same argument can then be applied now. that 2023 was a different time when you censored the game. it's 2024. we're now smarter and wiser that the censorship was totally wrong in principle and it was always wrong.

we're seeing this with the censorship of books.

we have the head of the FAIR foundation and THE FIRE speak out against such things.

another similar controversy was here

we see this happen in toy story two on disney plus. even a goofy movie and Lilo and stich (and i'm not talking about just the original changes in the orignal theatre release)

the forbiden fruits phenomenon. the weimar fallacy. the censorship HELPED and HELPS NOW. the hate groups.

people are getting more intrested in what is censored. surely you haven't forgotten what it's like to be a kid and then wanting things that challange.. and so the censorhsip is PREVENTING NEW COMMERS COMING IN TO THE GAME AS WELL AS ALIENATING THE OG.

i've had to write about this. so please reconsider.

Pikmin-1-2-changes-09-19-2023 - Copy.jpg

Screenshot_20231006-213443_YouTube.jpgself revisionism self guilt fraiming.pngearlfriend.pngsteamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpgFzv62zLXwAAjEQn.jpg
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and now we have a hangup here. these are intellegent people making the arguments.
Let's see if anybody is interested at your protest against our devs here because that is still unimportant as of now and what has been changed it had been changed!

There's no More Point in this to carry up on because of a corrupted video game company.

You're just putting more Fuel into the Fire here!

Censorship or whatever it's still the same at all ways in every game that had it!

This issue has a simple answer and a simple way of understanding::

*If There's something You Don't Like in the Game - Then just Simply Don't Play it Anymore and Stop Paying for What You Don't Like in the Game!

Hidden Variable and Future Club are the Ones to decide what Contents should be displayed in the Game either We All want or Not,
and Not You!

Take it or leave it!

Just Simply Forget about it and Get on with your Own Life that's more Important to Deal with!

Pls Quit off posting the same Anti Dev - Skullgirls Crap in here!
anti dev?

I don't hate them. I dont' hate you either.
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im gonna cry

getting angry

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Alright in all seriousness though, my only 3 complaints I have with the censor is BB's Beatdown <- first off its supposed to show how police brutality/corrupt cops deal down on other cops. And parasoul's armband = now she looks like a model instead of a soldier. ngl though if she were a model it'd be a 10/10. They should've kept the Russian VA smh I don't see how that affected anything same with filia's comb burst animation (MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE BTW LOL) I don't what else happened on censor but I don't playe 2E at all. Another thing about me is I'm not a serious gamer and play games all the time I do other stuff that's productive instead making a rant about the censor. I had a similar case scenario like DBZ, I like DBZ but DBS went all "trying to keep it PG so kids can watch it more" without the blood, fewer bad words, and making Goku the running joke about how foolish he is. Which I AGREE it is bad to censor games because it is bad for the people who have enjoyed something just for devs to change it to something either worse or for the better, risking a chance for fans to leave a certain genre, others may not care. But like I said IDC I'm not butthurt about it. But we can't do anything about it companies don't care about your feelings just numbers.

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Alright in all seriousness though, my only 3 complaints I have with the censor is BB's Beatdown <- first off its supposed to show how police brutality/corrupt cops deal down on other cops. And parasoul's armband = now she looks like a model instead of a soldier. ngl though if she were a model it'd be a 10/10. They should've kept the Russian VA smh I don't see how that affected anything same with filia's comb burst animation (MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE BTW LOL) I don't what else happened on censor but I don't playe 2E at all. Another thing about me is I'm not a serious gamer and play games all the time I do other stuff that's productive instead making a rant about the censor. I had a similar case scenario like DBZ, I like DBZ but DBS went all "trying to keep it PG so kids can watch it more" without the blood, fewer bad words, and making Goku the running joke about how foolish he is. Which I AGREE it is bad to censor games because it is bad for the people who have enjoyed something just for devs to change it to something either worse or for the better, risking a chance for fans to leave a certain genre, others may not care. But like I said IDC I'm not butthurt about it. But we can't do anything about it companies don't care about your feelings just numbers.

that video doesn't make sense. and

why have issue with SOME censorship but not other forms?

and numbers? they need our numbers to ACTUALLY continue to exist as a company. they're alenating a lot of their fanbase and making sure that a whole swath of people dont' buy their products EVER again.

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Blouuueeegh... don't give a ####

i know what you do care about. you're spending a lot of money on the game. maybe don't defend the people that are stealing money from you.

Autumn games, Hidden Variable, and Future Club are taking you for a ride. defending their good name isn't going to get you the drops you want.

probably the reason Zone and Cartwirght aren't calling it censorship is because they have their hands tied.
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yeah i guess those who stand against tyrannical censorship are the baby. but nothing will be left of us.

all the accusations of nazi or creep.... grooming people to be infavor of fascistic censorship. ironic tragic .

that is what tourist entryism became. they see a space, want in, change it and then tell the people that were there, in the space they created from nothing have to be subjegated or expelled.

it's colonization of nerd spaces.

and the artist is internalizing that oppression.

self revisionism self guilt fraiming.png

snapshot of skull girls promises broken.jpgcreeps image.jpgearlfriend.png
except it did come true. it did get worse.

Earlfriend ... what they said woudln't happen did happen.
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yeah i guess those who stand against tyrannical censorship are the baby. but nothing will be left of us.

all the accusations of nazi or creep.... grooming people to be infavor of fascistic censorship. ironic tragic .

that is what tourist entryism became. they see a space, want in, change it and then tell the people that were there, in the space they created from nothing have to be subjegated or expelled.

it's colonization of nerd spaces.

and the artist is internalizing that oppression.

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except it did come true. it did get worse.

Earlfriend ... what they said woudln't happen did happen.
it's so eerie. the gaslighting is full blast
  • Haha
Reactions: RizeSheela
yeah i guess those who stand against tyrannical censorship are the baby. but nothing will be left of us.

all the accusations of nazi or creep.... grooming people to be infavor of fascistic censorship. ironic tragic .

that is what tourist entryism became. they see a space, want in, change it and then tell the people that were there, in the space they created from nothing have to be subjegated or expelled.

it's colonization of nerd spaces.

and the artist is internalizing that oppression.

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except it did come true. it did get worse.

Earlfriend ... what they said woudln't happen did happen.
Lol I can't believe you took the video seriously but ngl tho good comparison nonetheless. But like I said before dude it's not gonna change company rules they already stated it and will stay with it until the game dies. IDK what else you and I can do but you do you bro. 👍
the harm comes from censorship not becasue of it.

For those who care we have a petition that's now over 500 signatures strong and growing. and if you care about the game. you can also join our discord.

in taking away the images of police brutality you took away the impact and a hard look and the hard conversation we need to have.

in takign away the umbrella and red armband. which no one in their right mind would confuse with nazis... you neglected that the most "progressive" circls are having some accusations of anti semitism... and attacks and assults on campuses..
there's also no harm shown by images and words.

and i think it's tragic that an artist is trying to fit in to the larger molding of society... because other weirdos can't separate fiction from reality.
i think it's unfortuante and depressing that Miss Cartwright has to hate herself in this way. she says " it was a diffeerent time" as she internalizes the whoopie negativity and disingenuous narratives of the times we live in.

just as she said 2013 was a different time. but maybe it wasn't we just changed and not for the better. and us being social creatures will go with the moral consensus... even if it's totally wrong. we're not more whoopie negative than ever. regretting that which caused no harm.

it's an insidious bit of manipulation. it's part of "year zero" extremist phenomenon. and guilting people.

that same argument can then be applied now. that 2023 was a different time when you censored the game. it's 2024. we're now smarter and wiser that the censorship was totally wrong in principle and it was always wrong.

we're seeing this with the censorship of books.

we have the head of the FAIR foundation and THE FIRE speak out against such things.

another similar controversy was here

we see this happen in toy story two on disney plus. even a goofy movie and Lilo and stich (and i'm not talking about just the original changes in the orignal theatre release)

the forbiden fruits phenomenon. the weimar fallacy. the censorship HELPED and HELPS NOW. the hate groups.

people are getting more intrested in what is censored. surely you haven't forgotten what it's like to be a kid and then wanting things that challange.. and so the censorhsip is PREVENTING NEW COMMERS COMING IN TO THE GAME AS WELL AS ALIENATING THE OG.

i've had to write about this. so please reconsider.

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I get it dude. It's annoying when random devs ruin a game they didn't even make in the first place. It gets even worse when they pretend they're altruistic. But I don't think they're going to change it back. If they cared about the player base they wouldn't have made the changes to begin with. I think the best we can do is archive previous versions of the game and enjoy it for what it is.
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I get it dude. It's annoying when random devs ruin a game they didn't even make in the first place. It gets even worse when they pretend they're altruistic. But I don't think they're going to change it back. If they cared about the player base they wouldn't have made the changes to begin with. I think the best we can do is archive previous versions of the game and enjoy it for what it is.
Lol did you just chatGPT my response? I mean archiving is a lot better tho. I do agree to enjoy the game as best as you possibly can. "If they cared about the player base they wouldn't have made the changes to begin with. "
^ I agree with this too.
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Lol I can't believe you took the video seriously but ngl tho good comparison nonetheless. But like I said before dude it's not gonna change company rules they already stated it and will stay with it until the game dies. IDK what else you and I can do but you do you bro. 👍
well it's worth a try. yeah? if they changed their mind once. they may change it again.

i think it's criminal that Lady Cartwirght is shaming herself for drawings and being a whoopie positive feminist... only to devolve in to... what we see now.

like forgetting who she was or succuming to the false morality that Nietzsche talks about.
I get it dude. It's annoying when random devs ruin a game they didn't even make in the first place. It gets even worse when they pretend they're altruistic. But I don't think they're going to change it back. If they cared about the player base they wouldn't have made the changes to begin with. I think the best we can do is archive previous versions of the game and enjoy it for what it is.
worth a try. we just gotta keep talking nicely to eachother.

firmly, but nicely. then again doing that may have them dig in their heels. let's ask them what they get out of this.