• [2018/06/22]
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Other Tier list structural flaws and solutions


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Before I do anything else: This post is not about individual ratings of variants on the tier list. While some individual ratings will be mentioned as examples, this post is first and foremost a constructive piece of feedback on the general structure of the tier list, how the ratings function, and how those aspects can be improved.

The official SGM tier list has made a comeback, and it needs help. While it will be the place of others to go through the accuracy of the variant ratings themselves, I wanted to take some time to give feedback on the flaws of the current tier list structure and some suggestions on how to improve on them.

The Flaws:

1. No separate category for support variants
This can cause confusion for newer players as to why certain supports are ranked as highly as they are when their damage is mid or needs long buildup (offense suggests things like damage output or general individual value instead of the team value supports provide).

2. Not enough context behind certain ratings
Bloody Valentine is rated SS in rift offense, likely for the value she provides against Tainted PWs. However, the SS is so generic in its condition (a dominant character in a mode and considered the best of the best) that a newer player might think she crushes every fight/matchup in the whole of rift only to get timed out by a bulkier team that Bloody Valentine was never able to carry fully against. There are other examples of things like this within the list as well, such as for the aforementioned supports or Mean One being rated SS in PF despite her performing like an A or B tier variant in any matchup that has zero buffs going around and thus no way for her to use her SA.

3. Lack of individual vs team support context
Most of the bleeders fall into this category. They get rated rather low in PR due to the existence of the bleed conversion mod within NM that makes bleeds useless by themselves. However, these low ratings fail to account for curse support existing as a strategy to enable bleed despite the bleed conversion. There are quite a few other variants that have individual vs team support situations that can change how viable they are, such as barrier users having or not having a Starlight Rose on the team.

The Solutions
1. Add at least one support category. This is the most obvious one, it allows support value to show through and lets the offense ratings be based on individual performance (damage/utility) on point.

2. Add some explanations to each variant rating (say a paragraph explaining a variant's strengths and drawbacks) to give context to said rating. Not only will this give the needed context to each rating, but the explanations can also be a jumping off point for further list critique and refinement.

3. Clarify if characters are being rated individually or with full team context. This can cover for things like the curse support for bleeders in PR example or for other support engines (such as rating a barrier user with or without Starlight Rose).
Agreed with the support aspect and I voiced that in the patch thread itself too.

As for the other two suggestions, I think someone else already suggested the ability to link a variant to the corresponding wiki page. The wiki is pretty comprehensive and already cover what you’re saying. That way we’re not creating another set of info and instead combining the two resources to support players.
Linking the wiki is probably the best way forward here because let's be honest, I rather have the developers work on the game rather than spending hours to research and write a paragraph for each individual variant (we've passed 200 and only going to get more!). People will always criticize the paragraph anyway if it doesn't fit to what they perceive to be the 'real' grade.

As someone who wrote a huge chunk on most wiki pages in the past, I know that it takes a lot of work and dedication to understand the meta or talk to the relevant players with those insider knowledge. It'll have to be a community effort for the most part because it requires constant monitoring and updating (which is tiring lol - I've stopped doing it).

Tier lists will always be flawed and there will almost always be disagreements. Devs already mentioned that this tier list isn't meant to reflect high-end meta gameplay, but to help new players with the question 'Should I invest in this variant?' and to initiate discussion. Often, the 'true' answer to this question is not a straight forward Yes or No, but more like Yes if X or No because Y.

If someone sees a variant that is a certain grade and is confused, they can go to the discord or any other community to ask. Perhaps the answer would be 'no, don't believe the tier list, this variant is actually worse/better because X'. Well in that sense, the tier list did its job to initiate discussion right?

I do like the idea of adding an asterisk* for support variants. That's probably something that can easily be done.
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