• [2018/06/22]
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Collection Trade System


New Member
Sep 15, 2022
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I just need more big bands, a trade system for characters and items would be nice 😭🙏🏾
There are many hacked accounts, which will 100% exploit this. So I'm against trading
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I do like this to be a thing before, but as it stands rn the exchange is the only way we can count as trading (or exchange) for that matter.

Instead of just making a trade system for feedback, I would like them to add exchange for low rarity keys since getting gold and diamond keys is very scarce even in the late game where Rift and Gold/Dia Prize Fight is where you get the majority of it once you ran out of Story Mode content and Accolades.
trade system would be great but there's no checks against new accounts being created for the express purpose of getting cheap relics early on and grinding until you get a diamond you want to then trade to yourself again.
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