• [2018/06/22]
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Ultimate Beginner's Guide


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2018
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As a near-max level player, I've been kicking myself recently for some of the mistakes I made early on in the game. I made this so others don't make the same mistakes as I did. Notice the title says Ultimate - it won't be "ultimate" with the input of one person. If there's something important you think I'm missing, please tell me. Or feel free to disagree with me and let me know why!

EDIT: For a TL;DR, check out words in this color

1. Build a team for every Prize Fight

Bronze, Silver, and Gold. I skipped straight over Bronze PFs when I unlocked them because I was more interested in Gold (although I occasionally did silver). I made the brash assumption that Gold=Better milestone rewards. It doesn't. Theonite is pretty important, and you'll want to get it whenever you can. For this, you'll want a sold team for each Prize Fight that will help you complete the milestones with ease. If you're new and reading this, I recommend:

Cold Stones, Headstrong, Sheltered, Rusty, Bad Hair Day. (Or Heavy Reign - she's not praised as the best fighter but she totally carried me early game.)

(Note that Bronze fighters can be taken to Silver)
Blood Drive, Scarlet Viper, Toad Warrior, No Egrets*, Ivy League*, Doublicious, Purrfect Dark, Pea Shooter.
(*These wouldn't be my top reccomended fighters to take to gold - they're more useful in the sense that Parasoul on Critical Mass is, especially because of their meter control.)

You can take most of the previously mentioned characters to Gold and have an easy time getting to the milestones. I won't get into ranking every fighter here. If you're new, check out the Character Tier Lists or the Official Community Tier List. If you get a gold early on, just about any will do you good for a while.

2. Focus

This is a large part of what I regret. I can picture myself now, letting my attention wander from Headstrong to Bloody Valentine to - ooh, is that a new silver? While you should have fun with your fighters, I strongly reccomend building up a strong three-fighter team before going and building fighters for fun. You'll spread yourself too thin if you try that, and end up having to work extra hard to level up for Story Mode bosses.

3. The Rift

As of writing this, the Rift has been a source of frustration for many players. As Brother Null has stated, the Rift is difficult. It's meant to be. Know this before going into it and realize that many people have had trouble with matching - not every fight will be a "fair fight". It is what it is. You can choose to grind for the rewards or not. If you're still pretty new, don't stress about grinding for materials from the Rift.

4. Combos

Yeah, this wasn't a huge focus when I first started. It's important though. You can check out combo lists for every character here on the forums. On that note...

5. Know Your Fighter

Each character has a different playstyle that benefits from certain situations and stats. A Parasoul is going to do great at keeping the enemy at bay and performing short combos, but a Ms. Fortune is going to stay up close and personal and benefits greatly from critical hits.

Also, some fighters are made for defense - not offense. If you find yourself having trouble with timing out/not dealing enough damage, try switching your Bloody Valentine (a healer) to Scarlet Viper (an attacker).

6. Remember to upgrade moves + a note about movesets

Upgrading moves is crucial later on in the game. Stuff like DEF% on a Blockbuster is killer on an Armed Forces once you get to streaks in the Gold Prize Fight. Try to upgrade moves that you can A) combo together and B) have % stats, not flat stats. Also keep in mind that you will pretty soon reach a point where most of your moves will be gold, so try not to invest too heavily into bronze and silver moves.

7. Have Fun!

At the end of the day, this is a game. I've kinda poked fun at Bloody Valentine out of personal experience but I'm a believer that you can make almost any fighter work with enough patience. BV may be made for defense but Eliza does have two bleed moves, and certain fighters can buff her attack. Moves can buff attack, crit rate, crit damage, meter gain. It's more work but if that's who you wanna use, go for it. Do what you want! Certain strategies may not make you a top player, but if it makes your experience more enjoyable, then do it.

I hope this was helpful and if it wasn't, please share why!
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Just to add the honorable mentions for silver and bronze

Bronze: beat box( for bronze only defense team), sketchy(best supp)
Silver: graveyard shift(decent supp), Inkling, resonant evil(for defense ofc)

Anyway love this gudide overall.
You should add a section for natural diamonds in the Build A Team for every PF portion of your guide for all of the low level peeps who got a lucky natural diamond pull early on.
You should add a section for natural diamonds in the Build A Team for every PF portion of your guide for all of the low level peeps who got a lucky natural diamond pull early on.
You should also add actual links to the other resources that you mentioned, such as the Community Tier List or Loneskull's character tier lists.
Just to add the honorable mentions for silver and bronze

Bronze: beat box( for bronze only defense team), sketchy(best supp)
Silver: graveyard shift(decent supp), Inkling, resonant evil(for defense ofc)

Anyway love this gudide overall.
Noted. I should have added Val in general solely because of Forbidden Procedure. I'll make another section for defense teams. Although, I would put Bassline above Beat Box if we're judging defensively. Glad you liked it!

You should add a section for natural diamonds in the Build A Team for every PF portion of your guide for all of the low level peeps who got a lucky natural diamond pull early on.
Good point. It crossed my mind and I didn't carry through.
You should also add actual links to the other resources that you mentioned, such as the Community Tier List or Loneskull's character tier lists.
I thought links were banned, or is it just when they contain dot com?
Thanks @cappatacus .... That will help me out alot! I am having a terrible time trying to get my fighters to level up. I am at Level 31 and I don't even have a fighter that is above 1,030! I did get a Diamond Fila (Glass Cutter) which is already at 1150 or so but I can not get up enough coins to buy any Diamond keys so I am afraid I will have to leave her alone... she does great damage though!
Thanks @cappatacus .... That will help me out alot! I am having a terrible time trying to get my fighters to level up. I am at Level 31 and I don't even have a fighter that is above 1,030! I did get a Diamond Fila (Glass Cutter) which is already at 1150 or so but I can not get up enough coins to buy any Diamond keys so I am afraid I will have to leave her alone... she does great damage though!
I'm glad you found this useful! It's nice to know that actual beginners are interacting with this and not just late gamers lol

(On another note, there are some edits I never got around to making on this thread....thanks for digging it up again so I can get on that :p)

Also, yes! Class Cutter is amazing, but it will take a while to upgrade her. Maybe set aside some money to give to her every now and then. It's a journey to evolve a diamond for sure.
I'm glad you found this useful! It's nice to know that actual beginners are interacting with this and not just late gamers lol

(On another note, there are some edits I never got around to making on this thread....thanks for digging it up again so I can get on that :p)

Also, yes! Class Cutter is amazing, but it will take a while to upgrade her. Maybe set aside some money to give to her every now and then. It's a journey to evolve a diamond for sure.

Yeah man... glad I found it. So how long has it been since you played? A new update was just rolled out. Really sweet so far!
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Yeah man... glad I found it. So how long has it been since you played? A new update was just rolled out. Really sweet so far!
How long, as in when did I start playing or when have I played recently?

To answer both, just in case: A little under two years, and just a few hours ago! Spent an unreasonable amount of time clearing Filia's Origin story. Hopefully I'll clear Master story mode by tomorrow (mostly for the rewards lol)
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Two Years? From my understanding it didn't show up on the Google Play Store until this year... When was it originally released (guess)? Man I guess I missed out!
I just started playing back on March 11th 2019. I have a loooong way to catch up.

My problem is that I can only play for like 30 minutes at a time and using my favorite fighters I only get to do like one or two matches (in PF or DF) and then I am out of energy.

I am having a terrible time leveling up my favorites..
Two Years? From my understanding it didn't show up on the Google Play Store until this year... When was it originally released (guess)? Man I guess I missed out!
I just started playing back on March 11th 2019. I have a loooong way to catch up.

My problem is that I can only play for like 30 minutes at a time and using my favorite fighters I only get to do like one or two matches (in PF or DF) and then I am out of energy.

I am having a terrible time leveling up my favorites..
iTunes and it’s been around...my photos tell me I’m lvl60 feb2018 that’s about 1.5years ago.
If you don’t have time to play a good way to gain minor rewards is to turn on auto assist. You can use it to auto fight your way through dailies and earlier streaks of prize fights.
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Auto assist blows.... it always goes after the fighters when they are blocking. If I don't take over I will loose... LOL... :)