• [2018/06/22]
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"When hitting a dashing opponent" condition for SAs feels unreliable


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2019
Reaction score
For example with Ms. Trial's SA.
When hitting a dashing opponent, remove 1 opponent buff and gain 5 stacks of precision.

However, it doesnt activate half time because the AI dash cancels just before hitting them, making it feel unreliable.

Imo, it would be nice if it counted even if the AI dash cancels and you hit them within a short time frame.
I feel like the point of these kind of Signature Abilities is to reward risky play by giving buffs when intercepting, and it's completely out of your control whether the AI dash cancels or not. Sometimes it happens so fast that you cant even see the animation change.

Thanks moderators for moving it to feedback & suggestions : )
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Dude i absolutely agree. I too have Ms. Trial (Not going to bother to invest in) and Idol Threat Gold Fillia (Same type of SA Pretty much) maybe the Ai during PF can hit it. Lol