• [2018/06/22]
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Other Where's the love? Yes, it's a RANT.


New Member
Jan 18, 2023
Reaction score
I'm a whiny whiner. I admit it. This sounds like all the other entitled demands posing as "feedback", and maybe it is, but I feel strongly about it. Every month, we are treated to the opportunity to get a new limited diamond variant if we grind our way to 150 mil in the big prize fight. I have gotten the lucky pull once or twice, and I'm *not* complaining about pulling a less desirable diamond more often than not. I take issue with the fact that every month, there is at least one truly mid variant. A "**** you, lol" option. Heavy Metal? Really? After many hours of grinding, we always have a 20% chance of pulling a real groaner, the one NO ONE wants to get. And I have, several times. It's disappointing for sure, but worse, I worked hard, knowing I had a very real chance at being disappointed. It's like a prank. Like a Mimic instead of treasure. I'm not saying I demand the hot new variant, I'm just saying you guys know exactly which variants are unpopular, and you should NOT include them in the prize pool. There doesn't need to be the "thrill" of potential letdown. Every variant in that relic should be desirable. You're intentionally doing the fans dirty, and I don't see how it's good for anybody. Ok, that's it.

PS, the irony is not lost on me that this relic is called the Heartbreak relic. Maybe it's a huge conspiratorial prank and everyone gets Risky and feels butthurt, and the notifications in chat for better pulls are fake and the devs are just soaking up the schadenfreude...