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Other Why Do Diamond PFs give Gold Fighters as Rewards in 2024?


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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When Diamond PFs were initially revealed to give Gold Fighters, there was a small amount of outrage and questions surrounding it. It didn’t last too long as most people got over it and justified it by saying “ There’s too few Diamonds in the game to just give them out. ” (Around this time there were about 12-15 Diamond variants with some characters only having 1 Variant) It’s a few years later, and about 60+ Diamond Variants later, I think it’s worth reviving this conversation a bit, especially given the fact that some of the Diamond Fighters that were previously seen as OP/Broken back then (I.E. Freeze Frame, Jawbreaker, etc.) have been either powercrept out of the meta or powercrept into mediocrity (I.E. Dream Demon, Splitting Image, Star Shine, (arguably) Heavy Metal, etc.)

Arguments Against & Responses

1) “Won’t this change just beef up everybody’s collection and make everyone OP?”

No. For starters, there’s only a small % of the player-base that can even reach top 10%/top 10 consistently. Secondly, not everyone who reaches top 10%/top 10 in Diamond PFs can afford to invest in multiple Diamonds. Third, given how many powercrept Diamonds exist currently, if HVS/FC really was afraid that giving players diamonds was going to disrupt the way the game currently functions too much, they can give us the weakest diamonds available.

2) “Why bring this up now after all this time?”

Originally, the “too few diamonds” defense was a solid defense and made a great deal of sense at the time, given the current rate of Diamond Fighters releases, I think it’s a take that has isn’t nearly as solid. Also, given some of the difficulty of these PFs (Marie, Painwheel, Valentine, etc.) given a measly gold after having to deal with…that, can be a bit weird.

3) “This will take all of the fun out of receiving Diamonds/It’ll be too easy to get Diamonds if this is implemented.”

I’d disagree. Before Diamonds and the Diamond PFs, we had Gold PFs that gave Golds, despite it being the highest rarity in the game. And getting Golds was still decently difficult, but not too crazy. For most relics, getting a Diamond is about a .5%-1% chance. They’ll still be relatively difficult to get, but just not as much as before.

Let’s say you played for the long game, many of your Diamonds are maxed PA, you get Diamonds from the PFs and exclusively use them for convert fodder, that’s still about 40 Dia Shards and 1 Elemental Essence, which isn’t really much to write home about in terms of farming.

4) “Sure some Diamonds are powercrept, but there are multiple Characters with no bad variants (I.E. Filia, Eliza, Marie, Black Dahlia, etc.) , what to do about them?”

I’d answer this question with my own question: Is it necessarily a bad thing to give players an opportunity to gain good Variants? Let’s consider a few things.

1: When Golds and Gold PFs were the standard, multiple character PFs gave out the best Gold variants.

For Example:

Bella PF - Harlequinn
Fortune PF - Claw n’Order
Filia PF - Parasitic Weave
Big Band PF - Epic Sax
Beowulf PF - Wulfsbane
Parasoul PF - Primed

2: Diamond Investments are a timely grind alone for most players between SP sink, Diamond Keys, CC cost and Leveling.

3: It’s not as if these rewards rotate. If a variant is given today, a few months/year(s) down the line could become obsolete. Look at what happened to Parasitic Weave, Blue Screen, Untouchable, etc.

What do you think? Any arguments against that I missed?