Rift battle general discussion

  • [2018/06/22]
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After playing two matches, i think the top node is the most frustrating one i have ever experienced other than sacrosanct. The main issue i have is that these stupid tag in attacks are very difficult to dodge and they deal massive damage thanks the modifier that makes it unblockable. It is pretty much toon town that has 100% chance of unblockable tag in. So, if you have not tried yet, be very careful with the top node and possibly get your tag out skill if needed.
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After playing two matches, i think the top node is the most frustrating one i have ever experienced other than sacrosanct. The main issue i have is that these stupid tag in attacks are very difficult to dodge and they deal massive damage thanks the modifier that makes it unblockable. It is pretty much toon town that has 100% chance of unblockable tag in. So, if you have not tried yet, be very careful with the top node and possibly get your tag out skill if needed.
I have not had any problems with Inertia yet. The trick to the node is try to just to do less than 50% damage in the first combo you do on each fighter, and then finish off that fighter with a second combo. With this method if everything goes to plan the AI will never get to tag out and activate Inertia in the first place. Problems can pop up if your second combo fails to get the kill though because the AI will immediately tag out 9 out of 10 times.
I have not had any problems with Inertia yet. The trick to the node is try to just to do less than 50% damage in the first combo you do on each fighter, and then finish off that fighter with a second combo. With this method if everything goes to plan the AI will never get to tag out and activate Inertia in the first place. Problems can pop up if your second combo fails to get the kill though because the AI will immediately tag out 9 out of 10 times.
Well now that im cool, I was somewhat overeacting thanks to my 6k fs resonant evil got one shot by 4k dreadlock tag in attack for some reason when I wrote this comment. Dealing that 50% damage can be very challenging if you are using lower level character after using the strongest on the boss node. Because of this , the best way to deal with them in general, other than using your most powerful character, is to use tag outs to change them before they use tag in.
This new “use your fighter twice” is giving me chest pains!
I’m a spaz and just last rift, I forgot to change fighters and clicked on FIGHT! it’s all down hill from there.
I got upset and rage quit the fight.
Then I used new fighters thinking it’s ok the new fighter bonus can balance the score.
While I was trying to do math in my head(a mistake) one of my fighters died.
Just great.
Hey everyone!

Now that most of you have had a chance to get your feet wet with 3.1 Rift Battles, was hoping to hear more about what everyone thinks of the new changes. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts in this thread! The conversations and feedback here has proven to be very helpful. :)
after playing a few rift battles this is my stance at the moment (basically what i said from another thread - just summarized it a bit):

imo i enjoy that we can use fighters twice now. having a limited roster, being able to actually get through the tough boss nodes without spending theonite to use fighters again is really nice. i’m also a fan of the adjustments done to the overall scoring of fights, changes to the other non-boss node modifiers and reward system changes.
i do agree though that some of the modifiers were changed to the point where the boss nodes are a bit too easy now. i think we may need some more adjustments to get that happy medium of difficulty that won’t be impossible but also not super easy.
i also have issues with the matchmaking currently. what’s really making rift so frustrating for me is that i’m being matched with people who have diamonds and a bunch of maxed golds while i’m over here - like i said - with a limited roster and only 2 maxed golds at the moment. can’t remember where i read this, but it was brought up that matchmaking could change so what kind of collection we have also decides who we’re matched with so it’s more fair. i thought it was a nice idea personally, but any fix that would make matching have less skill/level gaps between you and your opponent would be ideal
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Here goes my thoughts on the new rift:

1 - I think Inertia is good as it is now. We have ways to deal with it that don't depends on specific characters, like Sacrosanct.
2 - The removal of the Initiative modifier (Drain 100% of meter when using a BB) was very sad. IMO, it was too good to go away. Personally, I always had defense wins there, and never had problems dealing with it.
3 - The new Halftime modifier, is just too easy. You just have to apply a bleed, and this is it. If Halftime could proc more than once in a match, I think it would be better. IMO, bring back Initiative and move Halftime to a lower node.
4 - Chaotic Evil modifier is no challenging at all. I would love to see Halftime moved to this node.
5 - I think we could have Sacrosanct back, but in another node. Not in the triple fighter node, tough. I like them the way they are righ now.
6 - Yes, the House Advantage modifier in the boss node is too easy. If you want to explore element based strategies, I think seasons beatings modifiers are a good way to do it. Final Curse is... ok, but shouldn't exclude stun.
7 - As a suggestion, that Arms Race modifier (Parasoul origin story) provides a good challenge. You have to play smart to overcome it.
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Perhaps I’m just retarded, but I think there’s something wrong with the tier system. This is the first season I’m playing Rift mode, however it’s stated that I have a 16-14 record already - I’ve been on Silver 3 for three days so far, and the record doesn’t change regardless of how many battles I conduct. Am I bugged or do I just suck?


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I think the 2-fights per character limit would be better if it only consumed a charge on a win. As it is now, if you get paired against a vastly superior enemy (which still happens, either because it can't an even match or you get matched against a deranker), you can use up all your fighters without clearing nodes and then ultimately be unable to even attempt to complete the map. Which I thought was the whole point of giving fighters 2 uses before making them tired.
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Perhaps I’m just retarded, but I think there’s something wrong with the tier system. This is the first season I’m playing Rift mode, however it’s stated that I have a 16-14 record already - I’ve been on Silver 3 for three days so far, and the record doesn’t change regardless of how many battles I conduct. Am I bugged or do I just suck?
Your tier that is shown on your profile doesn't update until the results for the season come in.
@TonyPartridge30 interesting idea to only consume energy when you win the round. We already lost points from losing the battle so that in itself is a penalty.

The new modifiers are all quite easy to get around. Really love @educavalcantee ‘s idea of doing something like season’s beating modifiers to spice things up at the boss node. I’m wondering if it may eventually be possible for players to select from a drop down of modifiers for each node. Obviously you would be only able to use each modifier once so not every node is the same. It would open up a lot more variety if we can mix and match 2 modifiers for each node to customize our defense map to fit our available roster of characters!!! Not everyone has a full collection so this would encourage lower level players to be creative with what they’ve got.

There has been one inconvenience for me since we got the rift battle mode, and that is the fact that in order to maximize effectiveness of your characters for both offense and defense, you would constantly need to swap the moves from atk/crit ones to HP/Def moves. It makes a huge difference having 50% def on your characters on defense and have burst equipped, increasing the chance of successful defensive win. Might there be a way for the Game to capture a defensive set of moves equipped on the characters that would be a separate set that you use for attacking the base? It takes a long time to equip/unequip and have to find them in a clunky interface where you can’t sort moves in the equip UI. Maybe this isn’t too big of a deal for bronze/silver tiers but definitely for top 200 diamond tiers this makes all the difference.
@TonyPartridge30 interesting idea to only consume energy when you win the round. We already lost points from losing the battle so that in itself is a penalty.

The new modifiers are all quite easy to get around. Really love @educavalcantee ‘s idea of doing something like season’s beating modifiers to spice things up at the boss node. I’m wondering if it may eventually be possible for players to select from a drop down of modifiers for each node. Obviously you would be only able to use each modifier once so not every node is the same. It would open up a lot more variety if we can mix and match 2 modifiers for each node to customize our defense map to fit our available roster of characters!!! Not everyone has a full collection so this would encourage lower level players to be creative with what they’ve got.

There has been one inconvenience for me since we got the rift battle mode, and that is the fact that in order to maximize effectiveness of your characters for both offense and defense, you would constantly need to swap the moves from atk/crit ones to HP/Def moves. It makes a huge difference having 50% def on your characters on defense and have burst equipped, increasing the chance of successful defensive win. Might there be a way for the Game to capture a defensive set of moves equipped on the characters that would be a separate set that you use for attacking the base? It takes a long time to equip/unequip and have to find them in a clunky interface where you can’t sort moves in the equip UI. Maybe this isn’t too big of a deal for bronze/silver tiers but definitely for top 200 diamond tiers this makes all the difference.
This separate moveset for rift battles idea is one of the best that I've seen lately! It would be nice!
Oh I’ve been fluctuating at around 2250 rift rating since patch. Some days I can’t get matched with an opponent even after trying for an hour. Hopefully this issue would go away with the reset next season.

Edit: finally got matched but I was pitted against the Phenom (#3) guy with 2500+ rift rating... managed to clear his map without using Theonites thanks to the 2 energies change!
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Man, I hate Transducer modifier.
It gave me a big dillema.
I need to block, opponent's level 3 blockbuster activated.
If I don't use block, I've beaten up.
What should I do?
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Man, I hate Transducer modifier.
It gave me a big dillema.
I need to block, opponent's level 3 blockbuster activated.
If I don't use block, I've beaten up.
What should I do?
wait they get extra meter when you block their attacks?
I thought it was the other way around when they block your attacks?
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Man, I hate Transducer modifier.
It gave me a big dillema.
I need to block, opponent's level 3 blockbuster activated.
If I don't use block, I've beaten up.
What should I do?
Use a control fighter. Claw & Order is helpful. Squigly and her Wither moves are helpful. Regally Blonde, a little less consistent but still could be helpful.
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wait they get extra meter when you block their attacks?
I thought it was the other way around when they block your attacks?
Nah. The modifier says "if the opponent is blocking". But since the modifier is applied to enemy AI, you are "the opponent" as defined by the modifier.
So when you block, you feed the enemy meter.
Use a control fighter. Claw & Order is helpful. Squigly and her Wither moves are helpful. Regally Blonde, a little less consistent but still could be helpful.
The problem is... Those character you mentioned are not my aces, and usually defense's team are still too high for these.