• [2018/06/22]
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"CRIMINAL MIND" Cerebella - Strategy and Discussion


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
Variant: Gold
Palette: #17 Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
First Appearance: perhaps coming soon in 3.5 (Oct. 2019)
Quote: "A forest of thorns shall be your tomb."

Signature Ability


Debut tweet: https://twitter.com/sgmobile/status/1182470312425771008

It appears performing a Battle Butt activates the SA (the condition either being a special move or the effect of causing armor break). Cerebella gets a stack of Thorns and the enemy gets Death Mark added with the usual Armor Break. Then there was something about Parasoul's proximity that triggered multiple stacks of Bleed. At first it seems getting close started the bleed, but dashing away brought two more stacks. Another stack of Thorns was granted to Cerebella after an enemy blockbuster.
The card art.. isn't it the same as Star Sprangled?
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lol, that's a good point.
While Star-Spangled is a keyframe from Excellebella, Criminal Mind appears to be an inbetween from that blockbuster.

For anyone not familiar with the animation jargon, just know that keyframes are held poses that get the most attention. Inbetweens are the filler between the keyframes, quickly shown to bridge the gap. In short: inbetweens are not designed to share the same scrutiny as keyframes and are "allowed" to be off-model and have less detail.

That's why the only thing I dislike about Djinn Frizz is her inbetween-featured card. I'd prefer Hidden Variable would pick keyframes for cards.
I'd prefer Hidden Variable would pick keyframes for cards.
It could be that the pose was something they felt best encapsulated the fighter, but having already used the keyframe for Spangled, they were left with only in-between frames to work with for that pose.
It could be that the pose was something they felt best encapsulated the fighter, but having already used the keyframe for Spangled, they were left with only in-between frames to work with for that pose.
what about doing a horizontal flip of the key frame? Is that too low effort?
Then there was something about Parasoul's proximity that triggered multiple stacks of Bleed. At first it seems getting close started the bleed, but dashing away brought two more stacks.
I am pretty sure that bleed will be applied every time an opponent performs a Dash (both Forward and Back). Makes sense in connection to the "Forest of thorns" quotation, since running through the briar patches would most likely result in being scratched and cut.
Sharp observation! You're right, it is the dashing triggering the bleeds. Something that will be amusing against dash-crazy Filias, Fortunes, and Squiglys.

I'd like to amend that I don't hate all inbetweens, just prefer some of the imperfect ones be last resort.

Anyways, Criminal Mind is currently using the "missed" animation of the grab special while Star-Spangled is using the "connected" version. Beside the angry sneer, there isn't much difference so I thought to look for a frame (as an Indiegogo backer, I have the Digital Art Compendium).

With the cast getting nearly 1500 frames per fighter, there is a lot to choose from. Here's four:


  1. attack/ specials/ bt_butt 05 (Vice Versa going full ram plays well into the supernatural aspect of "maleficent"
  2. attack/ specials/ horns 04 (very Gurren Lagann pose)
  3. attack/ normals/ j.WK 03 (only a criminal would use a concealed shoe knife)
  4. attack/ normals/ s.F + HP 03 (great "Haw haw!" expression)
For Criminal Mind, I like #3 and #1 for their conniving or pure malice. #2 and #4 could be for future Cerebellas.
Ooh, I love this version of the pose!

Her SA
SA1: Inflict DEATH MARK and gain THORNS for 5/7/10 seconds each when either Fighter deals at leat 10% MAX HEALTH from a single HIT.
SA2: Opponents are inflicted with BLEED for 3/4/5 seconds when dashing while suffering from DEATH MARK

She seems like an okay character. Death Mark isn't the best on a character that throws a lot, the bleeds are relatively short, and 10% max health is a hard mark to hit in more difficult fights, though Cerebella's a good choice for trying to do it.

Still, I look forward to getting a particularly deadly Diamond Drop followed by Diamonds are Forever with her, provided I crit the second one. She also might be hilarious to pair with Purrfect Dark Ms. Fortune. There's also the Marked for Deletion Catalyst that I suppose might make her that much more annoying on defense.
Ooh, I love this version of the pose!

Her SA
SA1: Inflict DEATH MARK and gain THORNS for 5/7/10 seconds each when either Fighter deals at leat 10% MAX HEALTH from a single HIT.
SA2: Opponents are inflicted with BLEED for 3/4/5 seconds when dashing while suffering from DEATH MARK

She seems like an okay character. Death Mark isn't the best on a character that throws a lot, the bleeds are relatively short, and 10% max health is a hard mark to hit in more difficult fights, though Cerebella's a good choice for trying to do it.

Still, I look forward to getting a particularly deadly Diamond Drop followed by Diamonds are Forever with her, provided I crit the second one. She also might be hilarious to pair with Purrfect Dark Ms. Fortune. There's also the Marked for Deletion Catalyst that I suppose might make her that much more annoying on defense.

Small SA update that changes her relative power a good amount: Criminal Mind doesn't need to be the front line fighter for her SA2 to apply Bleeds to enemies. Love Crafted, Purrfect Dark, anyone that applies Death Mark can be the one out front fighting the battle, and Criminal Mind will still be helping out by applying Bleeds.
Criminal Mind doesn't need to be the front line fighter for her SA2 to apply Bleeds to enemies.
Wait, WHAT?! Did we finally get another attacking support besides Sundae? That's neat!

SA description does not say anything like "While Cerebella is alive"... Did you test if it still works arter her death?
Wait, WHAT?! Did we finally get another attacking support besides Sundae? That's neat!

SA description does not say anything like "While Cerebella is alive"... Did you test if it still works arter her death?

Good Point! Tested that now, and it also works if Criminal Mind is dead. What a weird SA.

(Peashooter and Harlequin are also good attacking support characters)
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Good Point! Tested that now, and it also works if Criminal Mind is dead. What a weird SA.

(Peashooter and Harlequin are also good attacking support characters)
What!? Even dead? Sounds like a bug to me. @Liam can you confirm? Thank you.
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(Peashooter and Harlequin are also good attacking support characters)
Oh, finally, I exposed myself as a total noob! Since I usually use HQ as a main damage dealer, I always forget that she boosts teammates, and Peacock is probably my least used fighter...

Agreed to Dusty, that could be a bug. Otherwise teaming her up with PurrD, LC or any other fighter with easy access to Death Mark could be a bit OP.
Yeah, this is not intended. We'll take a look!
What exactly was not intended? SA2 being still active after Bella's death or SA being active while she is not in the frontline in general?

I would say, the fix should just add the option "While Cerebella is alive...", but not to remove her support role at all. After all, casting curses on foes while hiding behind brutish minions is kinda natural for a dark sorceress.
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Sharp observation! You're right, it is the dashing triggering the bleeds. Something that will be amusing against dash-crazy Filias, Fortunes, and Squiglys.

I'd like to amend that I don't hate all inbetweens, just prefer some of the imperfect ones be last resort.

Anyways, Criminal Mind is currently using the "missed" animation of the grab special while Star-Spangled is using the "connected" version. Beside the angry sneer, there isn't much difference so I thought to look for a frame (as an Indiegogo backer, I have the Digital Art Compendium).

With the cast getting nearly 1500 frames per fighter, there is a lot to choose from. Here's four:

View attachment 6297

  1. attack/ specials/ bt_butt 05 (Vice Versa going full ram plays well into the supernatural aspect of "maleficent"
  2. attack/ specials/ horns 04 (very Gurren Lagann pose)
  3. attack/ normals/ j.WK 03 (only a criminal would use a concealed shoe knife)
  4. attack/ normals/ s.F + HP 03 (great "Haw haw!" expression)
For Criminal Mind, I like #3 and #1 for their conniving or pure malice. #2 and #4 could be for future Cerebellas.



Not directly related, but I'm still super salty this wasn't Toad Warrior's pose.
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