Decrypted is underrated

  • [2018/06/22]
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Mar 17, 2020
Why people don't use Decrypted especially on Prize Fights with deffender buff modifiers?
I mean she deals %50 more damage if enemy has a buff and she deals %25 more damage each alive enemy fighter. She is a monster for begginners on PF. Why high level players does not prefer Decrypted as a attacker on PF's?
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Well, she used to be a way lot better. She used to convert 3 buffs into bleed triggering Sekhmet so that ability you are talking about feels like a nerf. Also is a bronze tier, she will always be at disadvantage in stats so people prefer to build equipment to their higher tiers characters.

Now we have so much "buff-based" characters and the resistance stat is general (plus, any ICU Valentine), I really think they would give her back her old SA.
they'll nerf rusty at this point
Honestly I don't think (and I hope too) that Rusty will be nerfed for several reasons:
  • Her Attack stat is, although one the highest in Bronze tier, still fairly low, not even surpassing 10k.
  • Her Health is the lowest in the entire game, meaning that, in high streak matches, expecting her to last for long is ridiculous.
  • The SA, while powerful on her own right, is only composed of bleed, therefore any ICU Val or Bloodbath is a great counter. And while Buzzkill is also primarily a bleeder too, she doesn't have as much of a hard time as Rusty due to her higher Attack and the perma Enrages.
That said though, there are some niches that make her useful and probably make people consider she'll get nerfed.
  • Obviously, any character with heavy buff usage that isn't a Val can be easily dealt with by using Rusty as long as the player builds her properly and manages to maintain her alive throughout the combat.
  • Her conversion ability bypasses Immunity.
  • Many catalysts can be fairly countered with her, even though in most cases it'll naturally pose quite a challenge. Some examples being Frost Armor (with SG support preferrably), Darknut, Last Words, Light Weight and To Be Precise.
  • She's the perfect Don't Poke the Buer counter, as long as you keep a low enough Attack, and you make sure all opponent Painwheels have Grudge (which in most cases they do).
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Her Attack stat is, although one the highest in Bronze tier, still fairly low, not even surpassing 10k.
she's a bleeder anyway so attack isn't her biggest problem

Her Health is the lowest in the entire game, meaning that, in high streak matches, expecting her to last for long is ridiculous.
i usually use tc kj for that lol
but when she dies you basically can't bring her back period

The SA, while powerful on her own right, is only composed of bleed, therefore any ICU Val or Bloodbath is a great counter. And while Buzzkill is also primarily a bleeder too, she doesn't have as much of a hard time as Rusty due to her higher Attack and the perma Enrages.
yeah lmao
fortunately grudge works wonders with most vals' poopy atk
and buzz still uses it better

Obviously, any character with heavy buff usage that isn't a Val can be easily dealt with by using Rusty as long as the player builds her properly and manages to maintain her alive throughout the combat.
ww, any fukua, liam, taf, any pw with grudge...

Many catalysts can be fairly countered with her, even though in most cases it'll naturally pose quite a challenge.
reactive armor re is a joke with surgen/sketchy support lol

She's the perfect Don't Poke the Buer counter, as long as you keep a low enough Attack, and you make sure all opponent Painwheels have Grudge (which in most cases they do).
especially with evergreen running around
still, it's good that pws in general have like no hp, so a good band or val could also counter them (though not with the 20 second bleeds)
Decrypted's only fault is to be a bronze fighter I guess, which means her base stats are not that good. She's not one of my main anymore but I still use her in master daily events though and I found her to pack quite a punch if I make her fight while three adversaries are still standing. So far she stood well against adversaries being around three times her strength.
On another hand, I usually do much better with Eliza than with anyone else (except maybe Peacock) so that might be a factor as well.

But yeah, I would mostly agree that Decrypted deserves more love than she gets, at least until mid-game where I am more or less now, can't tell for later stages yet obviously.
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