Other 2021 Roadmap Player Opinions

  • [2018/06/22]
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What do you want the most for 2021?

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SGM start date: First, lost account was during the LINE days (after a few years of inactivity, don’t worry about it), current account 7/30/19
Player account level: 60
Catalog count: 350 fighters, 695 moves, 117 relics
Highest rift 2.0 rank: rift? (I haven’t gotten into rift battles yet for no real reason other than laziness/focusing on finishing master mode, which finally happened recently)

The thing I want the most is more characters, but mostly because of my unhealthy obsession with the fabled “true story mode” for the console version that was said to require specific characters to be added to the game which may not even be a thing on the table anymore, and even then the time and resources it requires to make a new Skullgirls character makes my glad that we even got a new one

Other than that, QoL updates for stuff like move selling would be nice, as well as new story mode content

The only other thing that I would want is a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff Fukua variant, with added image compression/artifacting visual effects, but that’s probably too specific of a request. Still, it would fit. Think about it.

Think about it.

Anyway, I am very happy to see this game continue to be worked on even with all of the insanity going on around and outside of the game, and am very grateful for the team and their hard work. Let’s hope 2021 ends up being another productive and successful year for Skullgirls mobile!
SGM start date: Pre-1.3.0
Player account level:70
Catalog count:145
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Diamond one

as much as i love this game, it's hard to reccomend and sometimes, even a chore to play, because of some basic quality of life functions that you'd find standard in similar mobile games, there's no way to reroll, or reset the stats on moves, no way to reset fighters and their skill trees back to 1 either, no easy way to change your moves between characters, no easy way to "sweep" daily events, prize fights start out painfully slow when you lose streak, no easy way to level up defensive fighters since they naturally are worse at offense, yet don't get any XP on defense. there's a bunch of little small things that when put together make the game sometimes unenjoyable,
i understand not wanting to essentially make an idle game, and give cause and reasoning to the content you're playing, but when i spend more time in a rift battle changing my moves, then in the actual battle, it's not that fun, as 2021 comes around, I'd love to see these things addressed, sweep tickets you could buy or get from gifts or the daily calendar, that could clear a node in a daily or story you've already cleared, and refresh tickets you could earn the same way that'll reset your moves to level 1, even if they don't refund the coins, being able to pay (a lot) of theonite to reset a character you no longer use, or may have changed your mind about using, being able to save a moveset, so you just have to open up a little pop up to equip everyone's moves, not tapping the screen 20 times to select, equip, confirm, and then place each move, i don't know what could be done for prize fights, honestly, maybe they're fine, but there's so much "un-fun" to handle when working towards the fun of the game, it just makes it, a drag to play.

As for anything else, I'd love to see training mode completely redone, let us set an ai, let us set our own variants as the opponents, let us set modifiers and catalysts on ourselves and the enemy, let us set comp pvp rules for more accurate testing, not only will this make it easier to improve and develop strategies, but will by far increase bugs found, as while testing, we could find things that we otherwise wouldn't be able to.

i guess those are my two biggest wishes for 2021, quality of life features that allow you to earn the ability to cut out some of the un-fun parts of the game, and an improved training mode that not only allows us to practice modifiers we struggle with, but practice our defensive fighters to see how our stat builds on them hold up for ourselves.

(sorry for the wall of text, lot of thoughts here)
SGM start date: End of week of February 2018
Player account level:70
Catalog count:144/166
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Diamond 3 as of December 21, 2020
I want to see Ms. Fortune, Eliza, Beowulf, and Double origin stories to be add soon. Also Big Band, Valentine, Painwheel, Filia, Parasoul, Cerebella and Squigly master origin stories. Peacock master origin story get boring when grinding for exp.
Yeah guilds would be great to see.
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Just wanted to also share an interesting “other” idea that came about in a discord discussion a while ago.

It would be really nice to have more synergy bonus around team compositions. We are currently limited to just a few support variants like mainly Sketchy, Surgeon General, and Harlequin. To a lesser extent Sheltered, Grey Matter, Peashooter, Inkling, and I probably forget a few others.

The whole elemental system in the game seems underutilized with a straight up bonus damage. What if having a fire character in your team of three gives a small boosts in attack for 5s every 10s? What if certain combinations of characters or variants will produce a nice bonus effect? Bigband+Peacok, Beowulf+Annie, Valentine +Double, etc. That may help some of the less competitive variants see use without making a single variant too powerful on its own. Most importantly this may open more design space around balancing variants as our catalog continues to grow with a new wave of variants coming soon. It’s just too easy for a game to have power creep over time with older characters and variants outshine by newer ones.

@You cant beat D has some really interesting ideas and I hope he doesn’t mind repeating them here.
Just wanted to also share an interesting “other” idea that came about in a discord discussion a while ago.

It would be really nice to have more synergy bonus around team compositions. We are currently limited to just a few support variants like mainly Sketchy, Surgeon General, and Harlequin. To a lesser extent Sheltered, Grey Matter, Peashooter, Inkling, and I probably forget a few others.

The whole elemental system in the game seems underutilized with a straight up bonus damage. What if having a fire character in your team of three gives a small boosts in attack for 5s every 10s? What if certain combinations of characters or variants will produce a nice bonus effect? Bigband+Peacok, Beowulf+Annie, Valentine +Double, etc. That may help some of the less competitive variants see use without making a single variant too powerful on its own. Most importantly this may open more design space around balancing variants as our catalog continues to grow with a new wave of variants coming soon. It’s just too easy for a game to have power creep over time with older characters and variants outshine by newer ones.

@You cant beat D has some really interesting ideas and I hope he doesn’t mind repeating them here.

ah certainly, almost every (and i do mean, every) gacha game with team building mechanics has a sort of team boosts mechanic, the concept is pretty simple, characters are categorized, and certain categories give that entire team a passive benefit, i think such a system would fit very well in skullgirls Mobile, with the added note of somewhat harkening back to the team composition aspect that's very important in traditional team fighting games such as skullgirls 2nd encore, or marvel vs capcom.
the types of bonuses, and what trigger them can be simple, or varied depending on what suits the game most, if we wanted to go really crazy, we could build it similar to the king of fighters mobile game, where each variant actually has tags on them, so for example, a rerun peacock would be tagged with *Fire *Lab 8 *youth and *tag-team, (could do more like synthetic parasite, and such, but I'm keeping it basic) the more broad a category, the more minor the boost, so if you paired her with say, a painwheel and a filia for the youth bonus, that team, no matter which painwheel, filia, and peacock, will get, for example, the "Youthful smile" modifer, that gives all of them 15% HP, now you could specifically go for mean one, parasite weave, and firefly, so not only will they benefit from Youthful smile, but also, a "let it burn" modifer, that increases the up time of any buff by 3 secconds, or, you could take rerun again, and put her along side, lapis and thrill seeker for a tag in, "Hot potato" modifer, that gives you 50% bonus damage for 10 seconds when tagging in, the possibilities are quite limitless, but, between natural modifiers in daily events, prize fights story, and catalysts, i don't believe this exact method would be a good fit for sgm as it would require a rebalancing of not only almost every current variant, but every modifier and catlyst too.

The way i see it working in this game, is with character type, character element, and rather then specific tags, maybe the return of character categories, which were a little note visible when viewing that character which used to show what role a character played in the team, in this case it would be simplified to offense, defense, support, and utility, with any variant only being able to have up to 2 of each.

to throw out a few more random, mostlikely unbalanced suggestions, lets take a team of Rerun peacock, mean one peacock, and wild card peacock. that's three fire characters for a bonus fire modifier, 3 peacocks for a bonus peacock modifier, 3 offense for a bonus offense modifer, but nothing else since rerun would be offense/support, mean one would be offense/utility, and wildcard would be offense/defense.

i think this sort of categorization system would be a good mix of freedom, and new and exciting team comps, without massively over complicating things with a whole new bunch of tags.

i will say however, if this game continues such a long prosperous future, and gets to the point of having tons of variants and tons of characters, then the more advanced tags that i mentioned before would be a better fit, as most games that do have a team mechanic, start with broad ones, only to get more specific as more and more units come along, like dragon ball z dokkan battle, starting with only a super saiyan tag, almost 5 years ago, and yet now having one for each individual form of super saiyan, all having it's own individual team boost.

a time like that, where skull girls mobile becomes filled with variants and characters, is one I'd love to see with ideas like these in place.
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SGM start date: July, 2018
Player account level: 70
Catalog count:148/166
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Phenom

All in the list are required.

1. Guild system that unites people and is the core of community functions

2. A new character that constantly makes us dream and look forward to.

3. A new variants that create new strategies and endless meta transformations

4. New game mode for end game, always good if you can make

5. That many people have been waiting for More story mode, origin story, master modes.

6. PvP abandoned due to a lot of delays and poor systems

7. Revamp old content: Prize Fight tiers & rewards restructure, less grindy daily events
The rewards are too desperate for beginners, but difficult, and easy for advanced players, but not necessary.

8. Upgrade training mode
Opportunities for various experiments and combos

9. Quality of Life updates: move management, streamline resources, faster loading for, etc.
It makes you tired too much.

Remodeling of many obsolete Variants due to performance limitations and design flaws
ex) Risky Ginger, Mummy Dearest ...etc...

More catalysts and improvements to existing catalysts to prevent rift battle meta sticking.
ex) fire elements, excluding immoral fiber, are close to garbage in the defense team.
Just wanted to also share an interesting “other” idea that came about in a discord discussion a while ago.

It would be really nice to have more synergy bonus around team compositions. We are currently limited to just a few support variants like mainly Sketchy, Surgeon General, and Harlequin. To a lesser extent Sheltered, Grey Matter, Peashooter, Inkling, and I probably forget a few others.

The whole elemental system in the game seems underutilized with a straight up bonus damage. What if having a fire character in your team of three gives a small boosts in attack for 5s every 10s? What if certain combinations of characters or variants will produce a nice bonus effect? Bigband+Peacok, Beowulf+Annie, Valentine +Double, etc. That may help some of the less competitive variants see use without making a single variant too powerful on its own. Most importantly this may open more design space around balancing variants as our catalog continues to grow with a new wave of variants coming soon. It’s just too easy for a game to have power creep over time with older characters and variants outshine by newer ones.

@You cant beat D has some really interesting ideas and I hope he doesn’t mind repeating them here.

Huh, this makes me think that it would be fun to have things like this on Defense too, maybe as catalysts, to allow for more options during rift node building. It could mix things up quite a bit!

Examples I came up with off the top of my head:

Opposites Attract
1 Dark + 1 Light: 5% chance when suffering a hit to gain a buff for 20 seconds. When tagging out, all buffs are transferred to the next fighter and have their timers reset. Dark: Thorns, Light: Blessing. (Can work on 3 fighter nodes or 2 fighter nodes with any other fighter, but only Dark and Light fighters are affected)

Rock Paper Scissors
1 Fire + 1 Water + 1 Wind: Every 10 seconds, the fighter gains 1 non-timed buff and inflicts 1 non-timed debuff. Fire: Enrage + Armor Break, Water: Armor + Heavy Bleed, Wind: Regen + Cripple (Only on 3 fighter nodes)
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Revamping old content and Quality of life updates should be the first on the to-do list. These things are the one of the most discussed topics in the forums. They reduce the grinding effort considerably which will also help the mid lvl players stay as I've seen many of them quitting in-between.
SGM start date: January 2018 (just in time for the Big Crash)
Player account level: 70 (turned 70 on Nov. 7 2019)
Catalog count: 141/166
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Gold 1

I voted for these three on the 2021 Roadmap Priority List:
  1. New variants
    Always exciting to see something new. This is the heart of a collection game, the catalog must never stop expanding. (a reworked or buffed fighter also counts as a new variant)
  2. More story mode, origin story, master modes, higher player level cap (80?)
    As fun as this game is, I'm here for the story first. Maybe there is another way to deliver story bits without spending months building a map some players conquer in hours?
  3. Revamp old content: Prize Fight tiers & rewards restructure, less grindy daily events
    The Prize Fights need modern milestones. Get a couple lucky x5 fights and look, you are already 8/10 done. The Holiday Special PFs are a step in the right direction.
There's a ton to talk about, but I'll pick a few topics I've noticed in this thread:

The Rift
Let us test fight our own base. This should also satisfy those calling for improved Training Mode.

Moveset Loadouts
Is that the secret to you Diamond folk's success? Before every match juggling the same handful of level 15 moves to every character? Try this: get a move perfect for that variant (e.g. Accuracy for a SA with chance activation) and leave it equipped forever. At some point being frugal clashes with efficiency. Stop playing move swapper and fight!

(lol, is pouring all your coins into a few moves really that worth it? I'm doing fine with the "minimum" of 5-8 levels. And yes, I can see you raising your eyebrows and pointing to the "Gold 1" and mouthing "fine?")
The team composition idea suggested by @You cant beat D and @Lililira are very good ideas!

The way i see it working in this game, is with character type, character element, and rather then specific tags, maybe the return of character categories, which were a little note visible when viewing that character which used to show what role a character played in the team, in this case it would be simplified to offense, defense, support, and utility, with any variant only being able to have up to 2 of each.

Not only will this add fun complexity to the game, but I think it'll help new players to figure out the roles of certain variants. Speaking of new players, the two most common questions asked is: "is this variant good?" and "how much for top 10%?". While I've done my best to fill out the wiki to answer these questions, I think there's a need for some in-game guide in the game. To start with, a catalog list of modifiers available in-game would tremendously help and the tags that @You cant beat D suggested with offense/defense/utility/etc would be a simple solution that would go far. For the second question, I dunno whether it's unreasonable to have a record of past scores within the game. If that's too much then perhaps the score for the previous instance of that PF would suffice. Again, I've updated the scores in the wiki as well but to be honest, I have no idea whether new players are aware of these pages.

Huh, this makes me think that it would be fun to have things like this on Defense too, maybe as catalysts, to allow for more options during rift node building. It could mix things up quite a bit!

Water and Light nodes have long dominated Rift defenses so mixing things up like this would be cool. However, I do worry about the complexity this brings and potentially broken synergies that remains unnoticed until much later. I feel like this is something that end-game players would enjoy (new challenge!) but may potentially negatively affect newer players who are still discovering optimal gameplay and strategy against the current catalysts we have right now (some people still find Rift impossible for them).

(lol, is pouring all your coins into a few moves really that worth it?)
Fights become so much easier once they hit lvl 15. Not only do they get extra damage, but their move effects get boosted too so you can use them optimally (example: Egret Call gives 3 stacks of Precision instead of 2 at lvl 15). It does take a lot of investment and the rolls are based on RNG so it's recommended to level them all the way, only if they have perfect stats and have rolled well from 1->12. And speaking of rolls, veterans have long wanted an item that can reset your rolls and level back to 1. It's the worst feeling to pull a move with ATK/Pierce/Defense for offense, only to end up with 33% DEF and no ATK/Pierce.
That would be my primary concern as well, a big system wide change as such would inevitably launch with team compositions that could make both offense or defense, brain dead, this the type of change that would need to go through a bunch of internal testing over time, possibly even a private beta test and even then, is likely to launch with game breaking strategies in place, I'd love a mechanic like this to make it to the game, but i acknowledge it's inclusions would probably be one of the most difficult and time consuming processes the developers could put resources into, only really being superceded by guilds, and brand new characters.
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Reactions: Dusty00
started after squigly was addded
level 70
collection 133
rift 2.0 dia 3

i would like to see guild or some form of in game comunity and streamline the between fight flow.

for in game community. i dont want the kind where we have to open a sepreate window for guild chat. hopefuly we coyld tuggle it like chat channels?

for 'between fights' i mean take pf. i win fight wait for score animation to finish wait for reward animation to finish click for exp animation load for fight selection. oh my god its all the same for all the events. i wish we can get to the next fight faster? i dont even dare dream for sweep or auto daily.
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Reactions: Dusty00 and Art3mes
SGM start date: July 2017
Player account level: 70
Catalog count: 146/166
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Hero

First of all, thanks Dusty for initiating this very much needed topic. It was really interesting to read other players opinions, and it is nice to have a place where we can draw some player roadmap based on constructive comments. Regarding my 2021 wishes:

1 - Quality of Life updates: move management, streamline resources, faster loading, etc.
I will start stating that the game involves indeed a lot of tiresome grinding. I want to say that I acknowledge that this grinding characteristic will ever be part of the game, but QoL features should be implemented to make this grind feel like gaming rather than a chore.
Move management - In particular, week-ends can be quite busy between PFs, now a third daily, and a significant amount of rift battles. And it is quite tiresome to juggle between moves (note that I have 30 lvl. 15 and 189 lvl. 12 moves so I played the diversity game but rift score optimality require to play a lot with moves), knowing that unequiping this fighter might endanger significantly your rift defense (like e.g. removing a 30% hp from a boss fighter to give it to your current attacker for reflect damage tanking or health bonus optimisation). I removed my Neuromancers completely from my rift defense since they will often end up naked on Sunday, the day I may need them the most both offense and defense wise.
Faster loading - Again, I get that automating dailies can be a non-option for devs since they provide moves and the largest coins income, which is the game main bottleneck and thus probabily a good source of revenues. But then, make them somehow faster. I observed that a significant amount of time was spent during match start/end animations. Let us disable them as an option and we could clean dailies way faster, still keeping a grinding part. It would help going through the first 20 fights of PFs.

2 - Revamp old content:
I would like devs to revamp old content but my priority would not be to change prize fights and events, but rather to work on old moves.
Improve old fighters gameplay - I love Fukua and Annie game mechanics since every piece of their moveset is useful and chains efficiently with each other. I am not asking for new moves but I feel that some old fighters would benefit from a slight change of their current moves mechanics so that they find some usefulness (imagine using your 3/3 flesh steps!). You, devs, definitely got a splendid new vision for the SGM mechanics in the last year and a half, and I really think you could improve the initial content nicely, building on this strong experience. Incorporting new (de)buffs to old moves can be a great addition also (like e.g. I would like to put reverse healing into use at some point).
Buffing old fighters - You're doing that nicely and regularly, but keep up the good work on this issue, I love it!

Overall, I think 2020 was really about new (great) stuffs. Rift rework was welcome by the community, but that some QoL issues have been there for quite some times and have make some long-time players quit. Sure this playerbase may consist in 100-200 players on the thousands you have. But they also are often the ones that publish content onlines, and thus promote player commitment in the game, which lead in the long run to revenue. After some QoL updates, I am pretty sure everything will be on the right track to start again creating new content (variants, characters, game mode, etc.).
Anyway, keep up the good work! I have been supporting you for years now, and I hope it will continue.
SGM start date: I started day 1 when the game came out
Player account level: 69
Catalog count: to embarrassed to say
Highest rift 2.0 rank: gold 1

My top 3 wishes for skullgirls mobile this might be kinda long so just warning

This one is kinda mix of alot of things. Dailies Prize Fights Storymode etc. I wanna keep this all reasonable and what i think is possible for you guys.
Dailies: A harder difficulty beyond master. Bringing the diamond fighters of those variants into the dailies would be cool to see or even adding them to the "master tier" could add some extra flavor

Another accursed experiments you have a huge catalog of diamond fighters and some great base variants with huge diamond potential put them up with the crazy stats and modifiers

A weekly rift in the dailies tab like Accursed experiments at varying difficulties. Something that is run by issac aeon or venus where they take that weeks theme IE water season and have water based fighters with frost armors etc have some strong water defenders coin rewards and catalyst relics would be cool.
Variant themed dailies are an idea. Wild Card Harlequin Darkmight could be a 1 week thing like accursed experiments

Story mode: I understand making story mode content takes money + time which costs money + art + misc and alot of people blow through that content that took months and months of work in just a afternoon. I just wanna say you all have done great with the storymode. Some cool ideas for storymode that could reuse assets would be doing some of the alternate ending stuff like they had in the Skullgirls fighting game. Like with peacock wishing oxygen was chocolate milk with maybe a "master only mode" for these stories

Prize fights: Prize fights I feel like are in a great spot. You have all your base prize fights for all characters the medici the elemental and the holiday prize fights I am really happy with everything that comes out. Some cool ideas for prize fights I would like to see. Character versus events where you have 2 Characters players can pick a side. An example of a Character versus event would have 2 "Music" themed palettes like Epic Sax and Idol Threat or Wild Card and Dark Might, Class Cutter and Mummy Dearest rewards could be elemental relics coins shards character relics keys etc.

2nd Wish:
This might be unpopular but Variants. I LOVE the variants of this game and it keeps me coming back Skullgirls has honestly the best Palettes of any fighting game and I just love the variants some more bronzes would be cool a steady flow of variants in regular updates would be really awesome. I don't know how difficult it is to make one from the design to the programming ((A post on how you guys make a variant from start to finish would be super cool to read I would love to see a look into this))
But please don't do exclusive to IRL or Friend variants. I think its a cool and nifty fun idea to be like "Hey go to this convention to get an exclusive variant" Or "If you send your friends gold gifts they have a chance at a rare variant" I don't have friends who play skullgirls mobile and I don't really trade gifts so i am missing out on those types of variants and for people who can't go to conventions but want that variant its really annoying for them

New characters this one is obvious adding Annie has brought so much fresh gameplay for me. I know adding a new character every few months is not possible to keep it as fresh as possible I really tried to support you guys with Annie i bought a lot of relics and stuff and I hope it helped you guys so you can continue growing skullgirls further with more characters

3rd wish This is a mix of things

Higher level cap to keep the grind more worth it. Game has a lot of grind I know im lvl 69 I have yet to hit lvl 70 but its coming and a lot of players who still grind the constant dailies have hit 70 already its time for increased level cap

More accolades (Loved this one alot)

I am not to hot on the PVP gameplay or rifts (I do them for the rewards)
but something along the lines of raids where all players can help defeat this months or this weeks super boss to earn rewards

Skullgirl Raid bosses Marie or any of the cast who can become the skullgirl.
If you do guilds raid bosses would be a great way for players to have pvp.

More ways to support you guys. I love skullgirls alot and I want to support the game as much as possible. So maybe adding some more paid content maybe like a Battle pass where you are granted access to a special area where you can earn rewards for that month or week coins relics riftcoins energy refills skillpoints maybe a unique variant for that month. Could have it cost theo to keep it to where all players can enjoy it but at lesser rewards

Quality of life
Moveset Loadouts is honestly my biggest want

I wanna thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing what you guys are going to bring us for years to come
Little do they know the top is already colluded af with no guilds required lmao

SGM Start Date: June, 2017
Player Level: 70
Catalog: 150/166
Highest Rift 2.0 Rank: Legend

  1. Guilds: Would love to see this feature finally implemented. New ways of interacting with your in-game friends, maybe even lending each other fighters to use in some kind of guild raid or whatever, after so many years, would be awesome.
  2. New Game Mode: Pretty self-explanatory as an end-game player. I think we would all love to have a new game mode and maybe even some more coins :D
  3. Revamped Content: Alright hear me out. I think nobody likes doing dailies. Many people have suggested the idea of an automated daily thingie which would do 'em for you. But I think the fact you gotta do them yourself is one of the few things that differentiates SGM from so many other less engaging RPGs. So I don't really know where the line has to be drawn in that regard... As for Prize Fights: like a lot of you have said already; I think their rewards system is kinda outdated for how long they've been out. They should just have a milestone that guarantees the prizes so grinding them feels less mandatory, and thus, more enjoyable.
Could've extended a little bit longer there, but y'all have already said enough. Very cool post @Dusty00, and very cool to see how much attention's it's gotten.
Many people have suggested the idea of an automated daily thingie which would do 'em for you. But I think the fact you gotta do them yourself is one of the few things that differentiates SGM from so many other less engaging RPGs. So I don't really know where the line has to be drawn in that regard...
Well, we do have autopilot that basically does the thing for you, but you still have to constantly check if the fight is over and move to the next node manually. I recently thought about something that would save time but can only be useful for endgame players with huge collections of strong fighters: what if we could auto-win the battle if we use the team that is at least 3 times stronger than the node FS? Energy will still be consumed, but we would not have to just sit there constatntly checking if that slow as heck Overclocked finished the battle yet.
  • To get through a 12K node you will have to provide 2-3 strong fighters (36K total), so it would not be abused by beginners and mid-level players.
  • Endgame players would save some time breezing through Dailies in like 10 minutes with their huge array of Diamonds and go back to high PF streaks and Rifts.
  • No need for additional currency like Skip Fight tokens, just a "Fast Fight!" or "Obliterate!" button below the common one that would only become active if you're over the threshold.
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breezing through Dailies in like 10 minutes with their huge array of Diamonds and go
i want to point out its the clicks and loading that make dailes (and others) feels very long. i bet if i timed it daily map wouldnt take much more than ten minutes each.

also 100%aggree with no more currency. we have enough. i dont want to keep a spreadsheet.
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Reactions: Ryouhi and Dusty00
SGM start date: Around Late August or Early September
Player account level: 45
Catalog count: 89/166
Highest rift 2.0 rank: Gold 1...I think

To be honest, I'd prefer some continuation of the story line and origin stories. Maybe even a Marie fight as one boss node(I understand how hard it would be to alter controls to fight Marie). But overall anything is fine with me.