• [2018/06/22]
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Characters Eliza’s marquee needs a reworks


New Member
I think it’s fair to say that everyone agrees Eliza’s marquee abilities are garbage.

Compared to other fighters, Eliza’s marquee abilities are completely unnecessary and a waste if resources. They are redundant and add nothing to her kit. For her marquee abilities to be even useful in the first place, you would have to sacrifice a fighter which isn’t even worth it when you compare it to what you would get back. The only use for unlocking her marquee is if you want those fancy circles on her portrait, or if you don’t have any better way to spend your resources.

Heal? She already has regen on the press of a button in the the form oftaunt.
Meter gain? Eliza doesn’t struggle with meter.

So please I urge the devs and balancing team (if you guys have any) to rework E. It doesn’t have to be anything spicy because after she pretty much has everything.

(also we need more Eliza variants cus lets be honest, only 3 of them are useful)
Hmm, Eliza's marquee abilities are not worth it on offense but on defense, they may have some use. What I want is that devs to at least change one marquee so offensive variants can utilize it.
For more Eliza variants, I would say they work great with a bit of setup (Lapis works wonders against high-hp defensive variants but would require BB3). It's just Eliza's AI is easy to counter (and Mummy Dearest can lose to a bhd). Rest Eliza's variants are overlooked a lot even though they have potential.
BTW, the 3 variants are - BB, Diva and StandOut??
It's a good suggestion but I'll have to disagree with you on the last part... My favorite Eliza's ascending order.

Diva Intervention
Tomb and Gloom
Blood Bath
Stand Out
Scarlet Viper
Lapis Luxury [you need to be a technical player to use this Eliza variant]

Trashy ones which I still enjoy using
Inner pieces
Bloody val
Red velvet
Mummy dearest
In Denile
Decrypted [most useless of them all]

All of them mustn't be to your liking, just select the ones that gives you want you want, invest in them and move on...

If anything should be added to Eliza is more BB... She amongst many others has only one unblockable BB and few normal BB... WE WANT MORE!
about the main topic: I agree, her marquee is among the bad ones (fukua and big band say hi) and even compared to those, it's quite bad. Heal wouldn't be reduntant because of the taunt (and prestige) though, its almost always nice to have access to.

(also we need more Eliza variants cus lets be honest, only 3 of them are useful)
useful for what? for rift, atleast 5 are VERY good (mummy, standout, red velvet, inner pieces, bloody val). For pf, bloody val gets swapped with scarlet, bloodbath and diva. She has so many good variants that go well with her amazing kit.

Trashy ones which I still enjoy using
Inner pieces
Bloody val
Red velvet
Mummy dearest
In Denile
Decrypted [most useless of them all]
hope this is a joke? That or you haven't touched rift ever? even then..