• [2018/06/22]
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  1. E

    Characters [Suggestion] Skins in Competitive Versus.

    I speak for many to say that we would love a feature where we can customize our appearance in competitive Versus mode. In the versus competitive mode it is normal that it is the mode with the most traffic of people, because in the free for all mode it is inaccurate to know if you can find...
  2. Dark dizzy

    Annie custom variant

    Reference: Zero megaman x
  3. Dark dizzy

    Beowulf custom variant

    Refrence: Magma dragoon megaman x4 Rising Fire get ready x ! Ability 1: when in hype mode gain 5 stacks of enrage and haste. Ability 2: when health is at 50 percent or lower deal 25/35/45 more damage.
  4. Saint2th

    What modifiers / abilities would you like to see?

    There's a ton of modifiers in this game, so occasionally in the Skullgirls Discord's mobile channel we discuss potential modifiers / abilities that can be useful. So I'm making this thread so players can come up with their own hypothetical modifiers and abilities for fun. Posts aren't limited...