• [2018/06/22]
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  1. K3E8

    Bug - Crash Relics Marie, I bought and they didn't deliver anything to me.

    Good morning, yesterday I bought a package of Marie relics from 10+1, but the game did not give me anything. However, I do get the charge (image attached). If you can give me a solution or refund the cash, since my Bank application does not allow me to make a clarification. Greetings.
  2. M

    Collection Error

  3. H

    More then one daliy relic?

    I found a way to stack dailies and 4 hour relics Did anyone else use this trick to farm these relics or just me?
  4. X

    Demonio de Pesadilla fuera de su reliquia

    Mientras compraba reliquias de Fukua me percaté que la variante Demonio de Pesadilla no se encuentra dentro de la pool de personajes. Agradecería si pudieran corregir esto, ya que debido a este error, es más difícil conseguir a este personaje.
  5. M

    Bug - Crash Hello how are you, 1 day ago I claimed my reward of 100 deployments, and I was going to open them but the game stopped and I got kicked out, but when

    Hello how are you, 1 day ago I claimed my reward of 100 deployments, and I was going to open them but the game stopped and I got kicked out, but when When I entered again, I no longer had a relic, and I didn't have new characters, what do I do?
  6. M

    Bug - Crash they took boxes from me

    I had obtained a gold or diamond box if I remember correctly. I had obtained character boxes (gold and diamond), when I went to the store the box I had obtained was not there... and I struggled a lot to get it for this to happen... Something else also happened to me when I was in story mode when...
  7. T

    Bug - Normal Relic +1 bonus not working

    I bought Premiere relic pack of 10(+1 bonus), which states that there is 0% chance of getting bronze fighthers, but stil 6/10 was bronze
  8. D

    Bug - Normal Purchase error/the discovery of relics

    On January 2, I ran into a problem. There were 1080 teonites on the account, I decided to buy guaranteed Dabl relics, an error came out on the server and I had neither theonite nor relics. Today, on January 4, I opened 20 prime relics, again an error on the server. I re-enter the game after 3-4...