• [2018/06/22]
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A player's collection



I'm looking for advises on how to manage my roster better. I keep track of most figures in a google spreadsheet (no link for now as it seems to be detected as spam) and plan on updating this opening post on a weekly basis. I'd like to think it can also be interesting to others with similar roster size and level. I'd also be very curious to see how some of your rosters look like.

To anyone who takes the time to have a good look and share his thoughts, thank you!

June 9th 2019

  • Working on leveling up Resonant Evil and Freeze Frame (maybe, I love her and already invested some keys, but I also don't want to use her defensively).
  • Coming soon are 1 more Sketchy with SA2 and my next gold project, Silent Kill most likely. I'm not sure about Surgeon General, keeping her where she is now as support where needed. I could also go for a fire fighter, but not a fan of the options I have. Which of my gold you'd go for as a next project yourself (possibly including prize fights top 10% rewards coming soon) ?
  • I have silver keys stacked and could probably build another fighter, but I'll see what I need next for master story first. I'm also interested to know which silvers you feel could complement this roster.
  • I'm soonish getting to the point when I'll be able to start evolving a few golds to diamond, and I can't decide which fighters I want or not. What'd be your picks ?
I'm not sure about Surgeon General
always be sure of her. shes one of my best fighters now. not just a support.
fire types, they are like pokemon looks cool but meh. parasite wave is still nice after the NERF. honestly rest of yout collection dont have many appealing fire types to build. maybe immortal fiber if you get desperate, only because theres better fires our there you could pray to RNG gods for. like private dick or red velvet but honesty they are meh too and i have both.

but I'll see what I need next for master story first
heard wrestler x is detrimental to beat that beo only node in master story. im learning his importance just now and will be building him asap.
other good silvers: no egrets, blood drive, bad miss frosty, pea shooter, purrminator. prehaps peashooter for you since youve started on her already.

for your first diamond go with natural golds first. your top golds are all great diamond choices. wulfsbane, bio, rainbow, buzzkill, HQ and yes epic sax his surprisingly good too. the thing about first diamond is that very soon youll have enough for a set of all five(six) elements, so your water type is kinda weak there. and like a lot of us you have more dark types so dark essence will always be on demand. choose the fighter you use the most for dark types.
heard wrestler x is detrimental to beat that beo only node in master story. im learning his importance just now and will be building him asap.
Detrimental? So he's not good for that node? Or is he practically essential for that node?

Much thanks for the in-depth comments!

I'll be working on Wrestler X then (as a forever silver), he sounds fun anyway.

All of what you said made me think, wrote a wall of text but I think I'll skip to the conclusion right away. I'm heading toward this first diamonds list:
- Water: Silent Kill (thus my next gold project)
- Air: Buzzkill
- Fire: ???
- Light: Doublicious
- Dark: Bio, Wulf or Purrfect

I know some of those are nat silvers, but they've been amazing to me.

I hear you about SG, if I go that route she'll be the next Val to reach diamondhood once I have the resources. Also happens that air is what AE gifted me on first completion, so I'm around 4.5 air essences and 1.5 for each others (still a long way to go). I'm still short 1 or 2 fodders for Buzzkill though (including Raw Nerv and possibly Firefly but hesitant about the later).


From what I understood, Wrestler X is practically needed (at the moment) to clear master story.

I don't think you'd regret taking either Doublicious or Purrfect Dark to diamond, despite being natural silvers. I've gotten a lot of use out of a diamond Doublicous, and I'd take Purrfect to diamond too if I had the resources.

For Fire, Harlequin would probably serve you well. She's more powerful than she seems, and great backup for a large number of characters. If you get her a Merry-go-rilla and Battle Butt with good stats, you can chain those at the end of a ground combo for great damage and meter control (except against Squigly, who the Merry-go-rilla will miss).

I also love Parasite Weave, who I've taken to 60, but I know that's not a universal sentiment. She needs a French Twist move with good stats to really shine, because that will often apply bleeds more often than her SA will. You have to use blockbusters as soon French Twist is over, or it will leave you open to counterattacks.


Been a nice week. I was promoted to Gold 3 in rift, 1 loss over 12 matches so far, now around 1720 rating with Sunday left. My center node has Last Hope, Overclocked and Wulfbane backed with gold Blockbusted, Hex Time and Cursed Knowledge (all at 10s duration). I don't remember the last time someone managed to get through.

Drew Head Hunter from a premiere and got an atk% meter critD Theonite Beam the day after, both relic and move from cabinet. Seems to solve my issue with fire element pretty nicely. Just not sure if I'm leveling a water one or her next.

I invested in Surgeon General. I'm still a little short on canopies and skill points to get the few nodes I miss and her marquee. Thus Silent Kill will have to wait quite some time. The only silver or bronze val I have left to level for skill points is Oh Mai, another good draw this week!

Regarding my progress toward a first evolution to diamond, I'm taking it slow. Right now I'm focusing on converting my silvers to gold fodders.
Not enough happening to be worth updating every week. It been 3 weeks though!


As you may notice, started evolving to diamond. Not even close to have enough fodders for Purrfect Dark and used my dark essences on Wulfsbane. Doublicious followed shortly after. Working on Head Hunter and Silent Kill. Need one or two fodders for them and Buzzkill though.

Rift wise, I'm at 1956 rating. Been diamond 4 for 2 weeks and I expect a promotion tomorrow to D3.
Going nicely. Grinding daily for coin to buy extra bronze from the cabinet is a steady way of building evolution folders. Dailies don’t give much but they add up. Hard and master at least and the rest of you have time.
Firefly and Head Hunter are both good for diamond, in fact I finished my Firefly months ago and diamonded Robo yesterday. But if your plan is to diamond Buzzkill go for Head hunter but don't sacrifice Firefly, she's nowhere destrucive as Buzzkill but thanks to her special abilities she can survive more hits even without a Valentine as a support.
About Meow & Furever, I waited a long time to win her, but since i still haven't one I diamonded Claw & Order. Meow can be very annoying to fight against if you don't have the right variants/moves to get rid of final stand, but Claw can be more fatal since she can deny blockbuster for 15 seconds with an attack that take away 5% hp, plus critical hits have 50% chances of resetting the timer of enemy debuffs, with att% critic rate and critic damage they won't be able to gain a single meter for their blockbuster while you can charge easily yours.
Poltergust is good too, just put her in a team with Surgeon General (with Trauma center) to spam blockbusters.
Wrestler X strength is his second special abilities, people usually are focused on regeneration but bleed is better to finish quicker the enemy or nullify their regeneration.
Shocked! Shocked, I am!

That no one would even *mention* Rainbow Blight, one of the greatest forces of destruction in the game, as a candidate for not just Diamond but your very first target for Diamond. It's appalling.

Seriously, Rainbow is a killing machine, especially when you add Chaos as her marquee. She is the Swiss Army Knife of death dealing. Further in her favor: one Fire, one Water, and one Air essence is a lot easier to collect! My Rainbow is now at lv 60, and she has the dirty job of tearing up boss nodes. She is, in my opinion, one of the top five fighters in the game.
Shocked! Shocked, I am!

That no one would even *mention* Rainbow Blight, one of the greatest forces of destruction in the game, as a candidate for not just Diamond but your very first target for Diamond. It's appalling.

Seriously, Rainbow is a killing machine, especially when you add Chaos as her marquee. She is the Swiss Army Knife of death dealing. Further in her favor: one Fire, one Water, and one Air essence is a lot easier to collect! My Rainbow is now at lv 60, and she has the dirty job of tearing up boss nodes. She is, in my opinion, one of the top five fighters in the game.
Autoimmune catalyst can shutdown Rainbow’s SA and Chaos. For that reason, Doublicious is more useful in Rift and is probably why he chose to diamond her first.
Autoimmune catalyst can shutdown Rainbow’s SA and Chaos.

Sure. But your analysis forgets the simple caveat: the attacker gets to pick the fight. Rainbow doesn't go against Auto-immune. Rainbow can take any of the trio nodes as a solo fighter, so unless they have three auto-immune catalysts, Rainbow is going to serve her purpose.

Doublicious is great, and I have her at diamond as well. A fine can-opener. Weak stats, and that matters in Rifts as well.
Sure. But your analysis forgets the simple caveat: the attacker gets to pick the fight. Rainbow doesn't go against Auto-immune. Rainbow can take any of the trio nodes as a solo fighter, so unless they have three auto-immune catalysts, Rainbow is going to serve her purpose.

Doublicious is great, and I have her at diamond as well. A fine can-opener. Weak stats, and that matters in Rifts as well.
Most top 20 defense maps use 3 autoimmune catalysts (and character specific ones for some) for each of the trio nodes, unless there are very specific and more effective combinations available. Maybe that isn’t the case for D3 and below?
I was able to clear Gamma’s boss node with a lv25 Diamond Doublicious. It was close but you may be underestimating how much her SA compensates her lower stats.
At the end of the day, I agree that both are extremely powerful and have their specific uses in rift.
@Brother Null & @Jaz00

Rainbow was my first gold. I still often use her in rifts. She's amazing on offense, even more so with a Sundae School as support. I have to admit I wasn't giving her the attention she deserves and I'm pretty sure she'll be my next Double to diamond. But I don't regret evolving Doublicious first, she's now about the same stats as RB, delivering even more than I expected and isn't level capped anymore.

Related thoughts about stats and rifts:

I still didn't run into the rating threshold where collection strength is no longer a thing for match-making. The fact I'm D3 only means I don't lose much (win rate higher than 90%). That's also a major reason why I made this collection sheet and posted for advises. Before super late game, collection strength matters. You want efficient FS.

It also means that "bad stats" (and a fighter's natural tier) don't matter that much. Rather, it's about how well a fighter make use of the stats it has. It's about AI, SA/Marquee and moves (not ordered). I'm pretty sure that weighting all my choices against how it affects my collection strength is what allows me to win so consistently.

It won't last forever though, I'm not trying to keep my collection strength low (about +10k FS per week on average last 5 weeks) , I just want the FS in my top 20 to be as efficient as possible (including defense).

Monday, I lost to Mr Wokboo, he's obviously on a similar road (D2 at the moment) and his collection is much more efficient than mine (which means a lot, I like to think).


I'm not sac'ing any fighter, even silver, that a) I have only one of and b) isn't a PF reward. Don't worry! My Firefly won't be sac'd and I do keep her in mind. But Head Hunter (as fire) and Buzzkill (as painwheel) will, most likely, get evolved first and I don't want a gold Firefly. I'll go for her when she's the next fire/painwheel to go diamond.

Claw & Order to fit in when meter control is needed... Noted. However I already have Freeze Frame, Overclocked and soon Head Hunter as good meter control (canon alpha bb1 means 5 long lasting stack of wither every time it fires). And I have other priority for Ms Fortune. Her AI makes her a great defender (not a staller but a trapper) and I'd rather diamond those who have a SA that also helps on defense.


I grind dailies hard! Since the day I can clear them, I never missed an expert or a master one. For a long time it included advanced too, but I gave up on those.

Are people really buying bronzes from CoC? O: I really don't want to... Took me long enough to clear my inventory from them (but for some favorites and those waiting for siblings to evolve), and I'm nowhere done with silvers.
@Lulero forgot to thank you for showing your Spreadsheet. I created a similar one for my collection and it is so much easier to use than the in-game collection UI...

Wondering if a similar spreadsheet for Moves would be useful. At least for late end game, I feel that moves are more important than characters... that is, it’s more likely to have an extensive collection of characters at lv50+ Diamond rather than a full load out of lv12~15 moves with perfect stats for 20 characters.
Are people really buying bronzes from CoC? O:
I do. Because I’m 1 f2p and 2 I’m a lazy player who takes regular breaks from this game that lasts more then a month, so I miss out on pf rewards. It all depends on how many fighters are ready to be diamond. I remember I diamond my surgeon general and silent kill back to back and really hurting for 2 more gold evolution folders, so I hunted 30k Vals for a while.
I should have expanded more on the original comment the evolution folders actually come from the relics in the cabinet. It’s way cheaper and RNG guarantees you get loads of bronzes /s
@Jaz00 you are very welcome! As stated in the opening post, I like to think those sheets are interesting for people to look at (especially beginners, they might learn a thing or two they'd never have asked) and I'm super curious to see how yours looks like.

@Luke I see! I buy relics from cabinets too, premieres and some elementals (but fire as I already have its exclusive).

Won't upload the updated sheet this week, but
  • My top 5 are now all diamonds! OC, FF, Wb, Doublicious and SK.
  • Total FS 197.5K
  • Head Hunter is 49, I have the fodders but lacking 400 fire shards or so.
  • Bloodbath has her marquee and is 39.
  • Poltergust, I invested into her energy tree only and grinding her, at 32 right now. Once she reaches 50, I already have fodders and essences.
  • Just Kitten got all her tree and joined the bronze ranks. To be evolved at least to gold but after PurrD makes it to diamond.
  • Rift wise, my win rate got crushed this week as I made it into Jozhii A.K.A. Sheltered's collection range. Got matched with him/her 4 times, 3 losses 1 win. I'm being demoted to D4.
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