Ascent of a woman (master)

  • [2018/06/22]
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New Member
Apr 3, 2020

I would start this tread with "Does person who completed Ascent of a woman master even exist?", but wanna make it more straight and detailed at the same time.
I'm pretty expierenced player who completed all master story modes, but now I'm stuck on this one on 70%
More precisely, on valentine and beowulf fights.

Aegis is fine, we all understand that’s the whole point, danger zone combined to aegis makes it even harder considering that some characters are simply not suitable for long combos, but that's fine too, that's the challenge everyone expecting from master, but these 2 fights are pretty much impossible to beat.

If talking about biowulf i found some info and one youtube video with simple abusing'n'spaming mechanics (and completing the fight with overtime), which is simply dully and way more frustrating than it shall be and that's not something anyone would want to do even for great rewards. We all know wulf aint suitable for combos, only one who has bleeds is Wrestler X but it takes two eternities to lvl him up, dimonds for some reason aren't allowed but whatever even diamond figher wont change anything anyway, and more than thaft after Weekend Warrior got buffed with regen and final stand, how am i supposed to beat it in 3 minutes? so i appeal to the devs that they need to adjust this whole thing, by at least allow one extra type of fighter by changing it to only 2 beowulfs and one other fighter. Doesn't matter what the fighter is.
But! This is not really the case, again, video with beating this exists (not sure if its still relevant after AI change but anyway) and I at least have an idea of how it may be beatable.

But valentines... Valentine is of course better than wulf but she's still not a combo figher at all and her bleeding capabilities are incosisnant, but that's not even the case. I tried many times, with every valentine i have, from Assasin's Creed to maxed out Graveyard Shift, tried every single moveset, and failed every time. There are 2 reasons: Bled dry and Urgent care
First one is frustrating because blockbusters are part of combos, and not bleeds are the problem, but opp getting health percentages which are so difficult to take off. But that's kinda fine because ICU exists.
But second one... Gaining regen when falling below 25% and when danger zone comes into play is ridiclious itself taking into account aegis, but mkay still possible to walk through with heal blocks and even without them. Could be.. If not ressurection. 3 minutes are just not enough to land 250+ hits with valentine. I'm actually sure this aint possible.
This is not "i'm dying everytime", not "these valentines are immortal", but a run out of time very single time.

So like, any suggestions? If anyone actually finished this chapter and know how to do it that would be awesome, otherwise we need to raise this information and let devs know that this part of an awesome game needs some adjustments.
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I suppose you are referring to the AG,LH node. Try a bleed moveset with 2 mortuary drops.I tried it with : AG ,KJ,très,GS it worked with all.

As for the beo node ,the strat it doesn't need constant grabs and still works well with WX. I tried with mine he is 5.4k with one bb3 two grab bbs and two taunts.

If u want, share some info about your collection strength so we can work it out.
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@TraiP Thank for the advices. Yea, these nodes, i think it's pretty obvious.
Can you tell me more about bleed moveset? Never mained Valentine so i'm a kinda newbie in this case. And i don't get how mortuary drops would help, didn't even consider them as option to be honest.
Gonna give it a few more tries with GS, as for AG I'm still pretty far from getting marquee ability unlocked on her, and from what i can tell ICU is a must have.
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yeah try with a marqueed val.The main thing you abuse is that the AI doesn't react to mortuary drop when blocking.Let me make it more clear with an example:
You have Graveyard shift with 2 mortuary drops 1 countervenom 1 vial and checkmate incision.

Let's say you manage to get a full combo then you can :
dash -> G3-4 -> mortuary drop -> dash - cancel to G1-G3* -> dash->G3-4 -> mortuary drop -> dash -cancel...​

As you can see this is a fake infinite that the AI wont react to .

*at this point you can go for something like G1-2->Countervenom or Checkmate incision.

Useful things to have in mind : all vials and Countervenoms are (true) combo extenders against light weights. That means you can do something like :
G5 -> Countervenom (or Vial) -> G5 -> Countervenom (or Vial)->...​

Also kinda important which might make your fight much easier, is that mortuary drop can stun while valentine has regen, if u manage to stun you can take that time to set up your vials etc.

Edit : If you have some time to spare, I can probably(depending on my free time) upload a video on how to beat those nodes.

Edit 2 : another safe way to beat this node is with 3 dead cross and two mort drops , just do the thing I mentioned about the countervenoms and vials ( cross works too but it's not true combo) and if they get a bb3 start the mort drop loop so you don't die.
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Thanks again! Sorry for late reply, didn't get notification for some reason.
I kinda got eveything and gonna continue trying, but if you manage to make video on those nodes that would be very helpful, as for now I either still run out of time or get destroyed by BB3s, even tho i'm getting way closer than before.
It's obviously easier to see once than hear (or in this case, read) a hundred times
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Here is the video for the val node video.
I didn't do the 3x beo since there are a lot of videos showing you what to do.

Edit : I downgraded the quality because it would take ages to upload
@TraiP Thanks! Succeeded on second atempt after watching your video, feeling a bit ashamed about my whining now (even tho this is still not a good type of gameplay by any means).
Only node left now is beo, and yea I know about those videos, but I'll have to spend some time on leveling up my WX before even trying.
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@TraiP Thanks! Succeeded on second atempt after watching your video, feeling a bit ashamed about my whining now (even tho this is still not a good type of gameplay by any means).
Only node left now is beo, and yea I know about those videos, but I'll have to spend some time on leveling up my WX before even trying.
Yeah , the beo node just takes a bit of practice,but once you get the timing right it's relatively easy to redo it. Good luck !