Other Cabinet of Curiosities

  • [2018/06/22]
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Aug 9, 2019
Looking for a specific item from the Cabinet? maybe a bronze fighter to evolve your fodder, or a good catalyst, or perhaps you need a diamond key to finally finish that skill tree, but after waiting for the cabinet to refresh it's filled with bronze moves and relics shards. Kinda frustrating right? Maybe it's time to change how the Cabinet of Curiosities work.

My suggestion is to put a specific item in each square of the cabinet instead of it being random.

For the Trinket section (Canopy coins) it could be:
Fighter (Silver/Bronze)
Key (Diamond/Gold/Silver/Bronze)
Relic (Premiere/Elemental/Character/Celestial)
Blockbuster/Special Moves (Gold/Silver/Bronze)

and for the Treasure section (Rift coins):
Elemental Shards/Essence
Relic Shards (Gold/Silver)
Catalyst (Gold/Silver/Bronze)
Key (Diamond/Gold/Silver/Bronze)
Blockbuster/Special Moves (Gold/Silver/Bronze)

I'm not sure what to put in the 5th and 6th slot in the Trinket section so If you guys want to add or change something, feel free to do so.
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