current meta in high level rift battles

  • [2018/06/22]
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Aug 30, 2018
I took a break from rift for like a hot second but now i’m trying to get back to where I was But, I keep going against lower levels and thinking that it would be easy and losing. And LET ME TELL YOY WHY, their rift base has weak gold characters and for the most part I accidentally kill them before i can get the blockbuster bonus. Then at the end of it all, I lose by 200ish points because i missed a couple blockbuster bonuses....
To be honest, i hate blockbuster bonuses, they make rift battles less skill-based and more dependant on luck.
Oh also, the usual people I face have diamond fighters, just the defenders are like feather-weak and the strategy is to win by blockbuster bonus difference.

I completely believe this is one of the reasons rift battles are so annoying for most of the skullgirls community.
I don't think that's a strategy so much as a result of you fighting lower tier opponents, since inactivity=lowered rift rating. I would also not call it luck based. If I want a blockbuster finish, I make sure to avoid full juggles, usually focusing on throws, to build meter in time. It's not always possible, but if it was then it wouldn't be a bonus.
I don't think that's a strategy so much as a result of you fighting lower tier opponents, since inactivity=lowered rift rating. I would also not call it luck based. If I want a blockbuster finish, I make sure to avoid full juggles, usually focusing on throws, to build meter in time. It's not always possible, but if it was then it wouldn't be a bonus.
my opponents are diamond 1
Who are you talking about David? There are only 16 of us in D1 and I honestly don’t recall fighting someone in D1 like you described.

what you miss out on BB finish you make up with time bonus. I don’t think anyone in D1 uses that strategy.