Does a missed Napalm Shot's tear count as an active one?

  • [2018/06/22]
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Aug 12, 2019
I'm asking if after missing a Napalm Shot (it fails to hit and waddles away behind the opponent) that tear would count as an active one for any of Parasoul's Marquees or for her changed BB3 (Inferno Brigade).
No it doesn't count as active tear but it still triggers SAs. For example, Primed can gain enrage when doing a napalm shot even if she miss.

I'm not sure I agree with this, because it definitely counts for Summer Salt's SA when you need three tears to explode to get precision. I'd have to test it in the cases 500 mentioned though.
A missed Napalm Shot should be destroyed without spawning a tear if the Shot hits the camera wall.
In that case it should not be benefiting any SAs like Summer Salt's.
Darn it! Why do I keep reporting things that I think are cool features that turn out to be bugs?
Sadly I can confirm that the tear is active. Biggest culprit is Summer Salt but every character gets the MA bonus as well from the additional tear. It makes shooting a tear too rewarding in cases where you just want the Bonus dmg (or Summer Salt precision/debuff removal)
Thanks for the tip. There is actually something funky going on with this, so I've opened a ticket to track it down. Thanks!
Sadly I can confirm that the tear is active. Biggest culprit is Summer Salt but every character gets the MA bonus as well from the additional tear. It makes shooting a tear too rewarding in cases where you just want the Bonus dmg (or Summer Salt precision/debuff removal)

I don't know that I'd ever deliberately shoot off a tear when it wouldn't hit. The move doesn't refill so fast that I really prefer an extra tear to being able to shoot people more. But it does mean messing up is still pretty rewarding.
I'm not sure I agree with this, because it definitely counts for Summer Salt's SA when you need three tears to explode to get precision. I'd have to test it in the cases 500 mentioned though.

Seeing as someone just liked this, I'll mention that this bug has been fixed.