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Bug - Normal DW team resurrection not registering at end of match in Parallel Worlds Nightmare Area 2


New Member
Aug 1, 2021
Reaction score
I was playing Parallel Worlds in Nightmare Mode.

On the last node of Area 2, I was going up against a team with a Wind Stalker, another fighter I can't recall, and Immoral Fibre. I was using Death Wish, Shadow Puppet, and Wulfsbane.

My WB died, so I decided to use DW to finish the match by killing IF last, with IF's SA1 killing DW the first time, triggering DW's SA2, which resurrected WB (I saw him bounce back up while DW was sitting eating her ice cream during the victory animation.

I then arrived in Area 3, used the first Heal node (which was immediately available to me), and then arrived at the next node expecting to see my full team alive and healthy. Instead I see Shuppet standing, and DW and WB dead.

Now, I honestly can't recall if there was a modifier on that last node that prevented resurrections, and I can't revisit the node any more, but if there was the modifier, wouldn't DW's SA2 not trigger, and WB stay dead?

So either that victory animation was wrong, or the resurrection didn't register.

Full Device Make and Model: Pixel 6 MP1.0
Operating System: Android 13 build TQ3A.230705.001
Game version: 5.4.1
We're aware of a few edge cases that occur when fighters are either dying or reviving right as the fight ends or shortly after. We'll be looking into these for future updates and hopefully have it all polished up.