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Bug - Crash Game froze after a “draw”


New Member
Oct 14, 2017
Reaction score
I killed parasoul, right as she uses a blockbuster to kill me at the same time

The game says i won, but after the text disappeared i stay in the same darkened screen, music still on but i cant do anything.
I killed parasoul, right as she uses a blockbuster to kill me at the same time

The game says i won, but after the text disappeared i stay in the same darkened screen, music still on but i cant do anything.
So the devs can easier time finding out what caused this I recommend adding your device information.
I killed parasoul, right as she uses a blockbuster to kill me at the same time
Could you share which blockbuster was used, what fighter you were playing as, and which move you used to KO Parasoul?
Device information and operating system version is also appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
I just had this issue today, actually.
No blockbuster was used, I have a (never fought before) valentine [scrubs] in the first story mode mission that you can have a single fighter in. I was fighting a rerun peacock, who hit me with a pie to the dace JUST as I hit her back [damned type advantages, or I would have won]

It did not say that I had won or lost, but the game instead froze with both of us crumpled on the ground. I personally consider this a loss, but thought it was worth sharing.