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"NEARLY DEPARTED" - Speculation and Discussion


Hidden Variable Dev
May 17, 2017
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Nearly Departed.jpg

This thread is for discussing the upcoming Silver Squigly variant, "NEARLY DEPARTED"
Feel free to speculate to your heart's content, and make sure to keep on eye on our social media for some clues on how her Signature Ability functions!
Sounds like it has something to do with clinging on and fighting back to the very end. So maybe last stand, regeneration while at low health or maybe even auto-revive? Now that I think about it, what if she could affect teammates, too? Right now the only way to bring back a fallen comrade is with Valentine's Forbidden Procedure, so a revival-based Signature Ability that carries over to teammates would be pretty cool and diversify defensive playstyles, perhaps even promoting more offensive ones.
Anyhow, I'm guessing that the paradigm class will be 'survival'.
Sounds like it has something to do with clinging on and fighting back to the very end. So maybe last stand, regeneration while at low health or maybe even auto-revive? Now that I think about it, what if she could affect teammates, too? Right now the only way to bring back a fallen comrade is with Valentine's Forbidden Procedure, so a revival-based Signature Ability that carries over to teammates would be pretty cool and diversify defensive playstyles, perhaps even promoting more offensive ones.
Anyhow, I'm guessing that the paradigm class will be 'survival'.
I think this is a good idea, maybe 10 seconds of Last Stand when falling below 15% health and permanent armour at under 25%.
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video review
SA: Abracadaver
  • revive fallen teammates when killing an enemy with Daisy Pusher or with a blockbuster & when below 25% health
  • also gain invincibilty
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Half of her signature ability has been already confirmed by the updated Character Design Paradigms:

  • Gain INVINCIBLE for 5/7/10 seconds when using a BLOCKBUSTER at an ODD COMBO COUNT number (confirmed)
  • Resurrect all fallen allies with 25% HEALTH when using a BLOCKBUSTER at an ODD COMBO COUNT number (my guess on her second half)
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I’m having a little trouble understanding what is meant by ‘Odd Combo Count’ for blockbusters triggering Squigly: Nearly Departed's SA. At first I thought it meant if the number associated with move count was odd it would work, but that’s not ‘combo count.’ So, next question is if it counts the base number of combo hits the Block Buster does, like Rage of the Dragon is exactly 120 hits - so no trigger. But if used in a combo, like hit 3 times then Rage it would be an odd count, would that give the possibility of triggering it? I’m testing it out but would like a clear explanation for this and future move/SA clarity. Thx!
I’m having a little trouble understanding what is meant by ‘Odd Combo Count’ for blockbusters triggering Squigly: Nearly Departed's SA. At first I thought it meant if the number associated with move count was odd it would work, but that’s not ‘combo count.’ So, next question is if it counts the base number of combo hits the Block Buster does, like Rage of the Dragon is exactly 120 hits - so no trigger. But if used in a combo, like hit 3 times then Rage it would be an odd count, would that give the possibility of triggering it? I’m testing it out but would like a clear explanation for this and future move/SA clarity. Thx!
To make it simple your combo should be at odd count by the time you cast your blockbuster to meet the requirement. So grab(1 hit)->blockbuster(does not matter how much hit it deals) is a one good way to proc your sa if you need it quickly to revive teammate.
Though my extensive guide for nearly departed has... well... departed. There are some useful combos and tips that i wrote on the wiki that you can check it out.

Quick tips
1. Your basic ground combo ends with odd count.
2. Be aware that single hit attacks like silver chord can screw up
3. Try to proc sa after invincibility expires
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Great! Thank you very much!
just one quick note: i accidentally wrote basic ground combo ends with even combo but it actually ends with odd combo. So Full ground combo -> blockbuster always works
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