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New Member
Oct 20, 2020
Hi, so total moron here- I have a Bad Ms Frosty maxed out at gold, I'm trying to evolve her to diamond but I'm not sure if I'm going about this in a stupid way or not.. (keep in mind this is my first max gold and first attempt evolving to diamond).

The filias I have are:
Bad hair day (silver) maxed
Bad hair day (silver) maxed
Bad hair day (bronze) maxed
Frayed ends (silver) level 28
Frayed ends (bronze) maxed
Frayed ends (bronze) level 1
Hair apparent (silver) level 12

I was going to try and use all my bhd's and 2 of my frayed ends to eventually evolve into gold and sacrifice to bmf... should I attempt to keep going down this route or should I end up using the natural silver I have? I don't have any more bronzes so I cant evolve the maxed out ones I already have.. I want a second opinion bc I'm not sure if I'm going about this in the right way..
Hi, so total moron here- I have a Bad Ms Frosty maxed out at gold, I'm trying to evolve her to diamond but I'm not sure if I'm going about this in a stupid way or not.. (keep in mind this is my first max gold and first attempt evolving to diamond).

The filias I have are:
Bad hair day (silver) maxed
Bad hair day (silver) maxed
Bad hair day (bronze) maxed
Frayed ends (silver) level 28
Frayed ends (bronze) maxed
Frayed ends (bronze) level 1
Hair apparent (silver) level 12

I was going to try and use all my bhd's and 2 of my frayed ends to eventually evolve into gold and sacrifice to bmf... should I attempt to keep going down this route or should I end up using the natural silver I have? I don't have any more bronzes so I cant evolve the maxed out ones I already have.. I want a second opinion bc I'm not sure if I'm going about this in the right way..
Honestly--and I know this isn't what you want to hear--, but I would not diamond Bad Ms. Frosty. There are other water fighters that are more worthy of your resources, as well as other filias.

If you are so insistent on diamonding her though, there's no worry with using silvers and bronzes to evolve to gold foddler. I'd also try aiming for top 10% in prize fights to get more gold foddler (on that note, Parasite Weave doesn't make a bad diamond, just saying). Keep opening relics and grinding.

Usually, when evolving to diamond, I look at the fighters and what shards I have most of (basically, you ask "who could I evolve/who am I closet to having everything necessary to evolve?"). Based on that you pick someone who you think would be a great diamond (it's also helpful to ask fellow players their opinion). Max the fighter out (or whatever you have to do), then evolve and brag!

Hope this was helpful!
Honestly--and I know this isn't what you want to hear--, but I would not diamond Bad Ms. Frosty. There are other water fighters that are more worthy of your resources, as well as other filias.

If you are so insistent on diamonding her though, there's no worry with using silvers and bronzes to evolve to gold foddler. I'd also try aiming for top 10% in prize fights to get more gold foddler (on that note, Parasite Weave doesn't make a bad diamond, just saying). Keep opening relics and grinding.

Usually, when evolving to diamond, I look at the fighters and what shards I have most of (basically, you ask "who could I evolve/who am I closet to having everything necessary to evolve?"). Based on that you pick someone who you think would be a great diamond (it's also helpful to ask fellow players their opinion). Max the fighter out (or whatever you have to do), then evolve and brag!

Hope this was helpful!

Hmm.. is she really not worth it though? the only real reason I'm so insistent is because a-she's shiny and b- my best fighter... I'm honesty kind of clueless with this stuff so I wouldn't be surprised if I picked the worst character to evolve stat wise.. I'm also realizing I don't have any essence which is already another problem I have to grind on (> ~ <).. on the other hand I do have jawbreaker which is my current only diamond but she seems kinda sucky and dies immediately.. I was gonna keep her on the backburner for now and grind later- then again that might just be my shitty gameplay lol
You sound like you have only started in your play through. Because mid way players would find even uninvested natural diamonds far superior. Bad miss frosty is not a ideal first wave diamond because she was 1 nerfed, 2 stats are low, 3 she isn't meta.

Meta bronze and silver waters are cold stones and just kitten. Some good ones are rage appropriate, twisted mentle, rain shadow.

Right now I suggest you bring up more golds to lvl 50. So you can grind prize fight. So you can start grinding in rift. So you have rift coins to buy element shards. Its easier to get rift rank silver than 100mil in element prize fight.

(Edit. Only way to get extra shard from element pf is to rank top10, which is to get over 100mil)
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This is an interesting question! Having her be shiny changes the equation for me quite a bit.

I mean, eventually, she's going to get shelved. You're going to get better fighters, and they're going to do a lot better than Bad Ms. Frosty.

Skullgirls Mobile though is a game all about getting that first leg up so that you can start pulling in the resources so that you can get even better things more easily. A fighter that I used a lot early on offensively is Untouchable, and she's terrible at that. But she was my first gold, so that's what I went with. She doesn't get much use these days. And the first person I evolved to Diamond, because I had the opportunity, was Poultergust. Who actually is one of the higher tier characters. But I have so many better characters these days that again she also doesn't get a lot of use.

BUT! If I hadn't had those two characters to help drag me along, because they had higher stats than I was able to achieve otherwise, I would never have gotten anywhere. Higher stats let you take on harder fights, which makes it easier to get better scores in prize fights and get more XP out of them too. It's a virtuous cycle that lets you become much more powerful, as you can rack in more gold fighters and better rewards.

Her being shiny is what edges me towards saying it might be worth evolving her. Diamonds take a lot of XP to level up to useful levels. Natural Diamonds take absurd levels of resources for a new player to get started. If you're starting out, and you have a shiny that could cut that investment in half? It could be well worth your time, just for the leg up on things, even if you don't have a ton of use for her later.
Bad Ms Frosty is actually decent with The First Cut MA. I have her at max Lv60 diamond and use her for rift sometimes. She’s decent and definitely not useless. Sure the two natural diamond Filias are better but they cost a lot more and are difficult to get. Diamond her if you really like her.
@Dusty00 and @fanghoul are definitely more experienced players than me so I'd advise siding with them.

I must have missed the part where you mentioned she was shiny, that does change a lot. Since you are a new player, to have a shiny is really important because they do not require as much to invest in and max out. That said, I also didn't think of the valid points above where you'll want a good fighter to carry you through, even if they're not meta.

My first diamond was epic sax. He's not bad, but doesn't get much use now. Still, I can send him away on missions and his high stats can really go a long way there.

I'd still suggest other fighters to diamond (like Silent Kill), but there is always time for that. Since you are new, a shiny diamond will be a huge help in carrying you through a lot of content. So I'm going to agree with the experts and say "go for it!"
@Hall☆weenQueen @Dusty00 @fanghoul thanks so much for the advice! I don't really take the time to figure out whose better or worse stat wise in all honesty. I just kinda.. play lol

You're welcome!

This is honestly sorta my strategy too, despite being an old fart of the forum and the occasional Diamond 4 in Rifts when I bother. It's not a game if you're not having fun, so go do what's fun for you! Some days I'm all about using an evolved Nunsense to see how many debuffs I can get on an enemy for no particular reason or some other form of faffing about.
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