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Need Help on Who's the Boss (master) - "unwinnable" challenge as Nunsense


Aug 5, 2022
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I've finally decided completing story mode, and I'm pretty close.

However, after countless attempts at trying to complete this node (image cropped because file size was too large) I've come to the conclusion that, for some reason, not all of the buffs count if playing Nunsense. I believe I have earned over 30 buffs in a few tries, and burned through about 70 refills in sheer rng frustration (but that's on me). The last time I tried, I counted 34 buffs between single ones and stacks, and won the fight thinking I was done. I was fighting a team of Persona Assistant and Wulfsbane as Nunsense and Stage Fright, waited for Persona to get her buffs for about 1 minute and a half while Nunsense was in the dark element, Nunsense got all of the buffs she could process and I counted them one by one. I've ended the fight just to find that it didn't register as a challenge completed, in my disappointment.IMG_20220805_155014.jpg
User: MatchHog
Id: 3ik0-33xw4
Moved this to the general strategy section since it's not a bug. Others have accomplished this challenge so perhaps someone here can give some advice!
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Moved this to the general strategy section since it's not a bug. Others have accomplished this challenge so perhaps someone here can give some advice!
Sorry for the reply, as it isn't exactly adding anything new, but I kind of felt like I had to point that out. I have completed the challenge in the end, thinking through a new strategy and using different variants instead.

I'm interested in the reasons as to why Nunsense is unable to complete the challenge, since her ability states she will get 3 buffs for every buff gained by the opponent. It does look like the game's logic is just flawed in that instance, since Nunsense is perfectly capable of completing debuff infliction challenges.
There's definitely some known issues with Nunsense and how that challenge triggers, we have a task to eventually dig into it. The problem is that if we tweak Nunsense's ability here, it opens up a whole new can of worms with how she works elsewhere in the game. At the time when we discovered the issue, the designers felt it was something we could live with for now since there's other strategies for that challenge.
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