• [2018/06/22]
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No more Tears left to cry(?)


Jun 23, 2018
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A quickie. How many Tears can be left in the field with Para? I also wanna know what are your tips and tricks on using Tears for your Parasoul variants (since there's not much going on in her threads...).
I think it’s five. I tried spawning more than five one time, but the total damage from the charge attack was base charge attack damage plus damage of detonating five tears. You can first launch the opponent and then detonate tears, as demonstrated in a video on the skullgirls mobile Twitter. I used to do a standard ground to air combo and then use the time when the opponent is flat on the ground to get into my charge attack stance and the tears will detonate when the opponent stands up and deal damage, but I have found that you shouldn’t do it with Filia because she will evade it and then hit you with Gregor Samson before you have time to block.
I think it’s five. I tried spawning more than five one time, but the total damage from the charge attack was base charge attack damage plus damage of detonating five tears. You can first launch the opponent and then detonate tears, as demonstrated in a video on the skullgirls mobile Twitter. I used to do a standard ground to air combo and then use the time when the opponent is flat on the ground to get into my charge attack stance and the tears will detonate when the opponent stands up and deal damage, but I have found that you shouldn’t do it with Filia because she will evade it and then hit you with Gregor Samson before you have time to block.
I have to agree with this statement in that the total number of tears you can have at once is five- I’ve tried to count how many years in multiple fights and the answer has always been five; I like to use the bronze variant Heavy Reign as her SA nets her 15% blockbuster 50% of the time on critical and with Parasols Maraquee tear drop ability this makes filling up the block buster meter super easy and fast if you have the Napalm toss move equipped
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