• [2018/06/22]
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OFFICIAL: Annie Combo Contest!


AKA Cellsai
Hidden Variable Dev
Apr 24, 2019
Reaction score
Annie Combo Contest v4 small.png

It's been a few months since Annie was added to Skullgirls Mobile - more than enough time for all our Recruits to unleash her terrifying combo potential! that can only mean one thing: it's time for a combo contest!

  • For this combo contest you must use Annie in your combos. You can use any number of Annies, but you cannot use any other Character in the combo.
  • You can have other Fighters on your team if you are exclusively using them for passive Signature Abilities, but the Fighter cannot directly participate in the combo.
  • The combo counter must stay gold colored - if it goes red it means your opponent could have blocked at some point and is not a true combo.
    • There are some edge cases where the combo counter will turn red when it actually is still a true combo, like anything involving tier 3 Blockbusters. Those are still okay.
  • The point of this contest is not to see super practical and useful combos - we want to see interesting and creative combos. The wilder and more varied your combo is, the more likely we'll choose it! Even if your combo is super long and damaging, if it's something everyone has seen a thousand times before it's not likely to be picked.
  • This contest will run fom June 2nd - June 13th.
  • To submit entries you need to post your combo on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtag #AnnieComboContest (You can post your entry on Youtube and then make a post about it on Instagram or Twitter if you like).
  • You can enter as many times as you like, but you can only win once. Make sure all of your entries have the #AnnieComboContest hashtag.
  • We will be linking to the winners from our Social Media pages, so we cannot accept entries from NSFW Twitter or Instagram accounts.
  • 5 winners will receive a 10+1 Celestial Relic voucher and a Necrobreaker Squigly. We'll contact you after the contest to arrange sending the prizes out.
If you have any questions, leave a reply below!
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So, let me see if i understood correctly, are we allowed to use BB3 to "reset" and keep going? say, ending an aerial juggle into BB3, to start a ground string again, meaning that the character would have to get up in order to get hit by the BB3. Would that be valid then?
So, let me see if i understood correctly, are we allowed to use BB3 to "reset" and keep going? say, ending an aerial juggle into BB3, to start a ground string again, meaning that the character would have to get up in order to get hit by the BB3. Would that be valid then?
That rule is mostly to cover any weird interactions where the combo counter resets for some bizarre reason. In general if you're just reseting your combo halfway through with a BB3 it's not likely to get you much points with the judges.

Having said that, if you think your combo is interesting enough but still requires a BB3 reset in the middle, then go for it!
Does it have to be in your corner like last time? Or just anywhere on the stage?
Can I use 2 videos? I want to use one to show how you can BUILD up your combos and what combos you get. In the other one for just a full combo with everything ready from start.
Can I use 2 videos? I want to use one to show how you can BUILD up your combos and what combos you get. In the other one for just a full combo with everything ready from start.
You can enter as many times as you want, but each entry is judged separately.
Is there any easy way to determine Annie's combo can kill an enemy champion or not?