Bug - Normal Rift Matchmaking - Rating Mismatch

  • [2018/06/22]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Have had a couple of instances of this so far, but sometimes I get matched against folks wayyyy below my Rift Rating when refreshing my opponent list.

Example from a few weeks back:

This person had a base pretty close to what I'd expect a Silver 3 player to have (mostly unmarqueed nat golds and nat silvers evolved to gold), but I'm guessing from their current rating that I wasn't the only Gold+ player to get their base on a refresh.

I have seen this a few other times (and forgot to screenshot, oops), and it always seems to be players that have sub-900 ratings. Not sure whether their low rating is what's causing this, or if it's a result of their base being erroneously offered to players at way higher ratings than them.
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Without getting into too much detail about the matchmaking system, it is possible to match with people that are much lower level then you are. The only stipulation is that their Rift Rating is close to yours. It's possible that the 884 rating shown here is not currently where that player is actually at.

Do you recall any patterns as to when you begin to start getting matched with players with significantly lower Rift Ratings? I see you have a pretty high Win streak. Do you recall being matched with lower tier players at higher win streaks? Compared to when you are just starting out.
I've only seen it a couple times now, but here's what I recall:

1. It's decently late in the week, Friday - Sunday
2. It's when my Rift Rating is above 1250 - 1300
3. I've only seen it at high streaks, but that might just be because I tend to stop playing for the week once I lose my streak

Also worth mentioning that the screenshot above was taken less than a minute after I refreshed my opponents list (note the streak timer), so I don't think it's because their Rift Rating changed after I refreshed.