• [2018/06/22]
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New Member
Oct 20, 2020
Is there an actual number percentage for shiny chances? This may be known and I'm just and idiot but I've never actually seen any sort of numbers floating around for shinies.

I'm aware that the higher the rarity fighter, the greater chance it has to be shiny- but it never says the actual %. Just "a chance". I'm not so much hung up on this, I'm just really curious what the actual chances are.. From my knowledge a character has a chance to be shiny as you claim them.. so is it a dice roll every time you get a character? and even then, what are the percentages of said dice roll??? am I an idiot??
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Devs keep it a secret so you're not an idiot.

ahh I see.. I was just kinda shocked that no one had compiled any numbers given how many mass relic openings there are.. good to know I'm not going mad either way though lol
I've been compiling some numbers since shinies were added, here's what I have so far:

4 out of 711 Bronzes: 0.56%
5 out of 350 Silvers: 1.76%
1 out of 177 Golds: 0.56%
0 out of 41 Diamonds
(note: some close approximate values added in)

Something seems funky with the gold odds, since they're supposed to be higher than the silver odds based on what we were told when shinies were introduced, but I'm not sure what.
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