Bug - Normal Unexpected Death

  • [2018/06/22]
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
I haven't had a chance to recreate this, but I was in a Rift Battle on the boss node, fighting Dead of Winter and both my teammates were dead. When I used Forbidden Procedure to revive a dead teammate and instead instantly died and lost the battle. It's suppose possible that the timer ran out right then, but I don't think that was the case, and that usually leads to the mad loss animation not a death animation.

Here's the catalysts that were on that match


Additional details: My team was Surgeon General, Harlequin, and Primed. Harlequin was the one who was revived and hopped back out after SG died to do the angry stomping on the hat animation. I had been fighting Dead of Winter, who had already died and revived once, and who was on the other side of the screen when I used Forbidden Procedure. I know I didn't have that new debuff on me that makes your blockbusters damage you.

I'm wondering if somehow the "dead" debuff got transfered to me?

I don't know if this is of any use, but I thought I'd mention it.
There's an Immoral Fiber on the enemy team. Did you kill them when you revived your character? Could their death SA have killed you?

More detail on exactly what happened would be useful, like who was on the enemy team, debuffs you had at the time, remaining health, etc.
There's an Immoral Fiber on the enemy team. Did you kill them when you revived your character? Could their death SA have killed you?

More detail on exactly what happened would be useful, like who was on the enemy team, debuffs you had at the time, remaining health, etc.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot more details, because it was so unexpected, and the game clears out all the user interface stuff as soon as you lose. Shoot, I didn't think to screenshot the rest of their team either.

I am certain I was fighting Dead of Winter, not Immortal Fiber at the time though, because Immortal Fiber's death was the way I lost Primed.
Not sure what will come of this, but I made a ticket so we can at least spend a little bit of time checking out Forbidden Procedure for any issues...

What you described does 100% match the effects of what would happen if you activated Forbidden Procedure while inflicted with Power Surge, but I've noted that you say you didn't have that debuff.
Thanks. I figured there wasn't much to do about it with the little info I had, but it felt too drastic not to mention at all.