Variants of the game

  • [2018/06/22]
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New Member
Mar 21, 2020
What is your favorite variant of the game.
My favorite variant is Robo-Fortune X-Bot
Almost all of them.
(Except bronze and every fillia, I just don't like fillia)
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From a practical standpoint, I'd have to say Robo Overclocked is amazing! When well-built (for Robo, aside from being tanky and having high attack, being well-built also means being equipped with mostly beam moves), she's the only character (that I've tested) that, with Fight Assist turned on, is able to single carry in a number of Prize Fights even in high streaks, and also in some Accursed Experiment fights.
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Bloodbath is probably my all-time favorite. Very versatile and I like her simple color palette. I’d say Buzzkill and Bio-Exorcist are close seconds, and I also love Summer Salt, Purrfect Dark, Class Cutter... Poltergust also looks and plays great, and I love the look of Resonant Evil even though I’m not much of a Big Band user and he can be annoying to play against. This is just out of the ones I have, though...
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