• [2018/06/22]
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4.5.3 Update Notes (NOW AVAILABLE!)


AKA Cellsai
Hidden Variable Dev
Apr 24, 2019
Reaction score
UPDATE (2/12/2021) Version 4.5.3 is now available.

- Fixed and issue where where text, including XP and Player Level, would display incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where incorrectly displayed text could in some cases cause the game to close unexpectedly.


UPDATE (2/5/2021) Version 4.5.2 is now available.

-Fixed an issue where the game can sometimes close unexpectedly when attempting to start a fight.

-Apple device users may be prompted with a popup asking if they want to allow Skullgirls to access their Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA). This helps us to advertise to players so Skullgirls can continue to grow.


UPDATE (15/12/2020) Version 4.5.1 is now available. This is a small update that fixes an issue where players can lose their Prize Fight Streaks, and Rift Battles could count as a loss if the game closes unexpectedly when attempting to start a fight.

Please note, the game may still crash occasionally, but this fix will at least prevent the crash causing streaks to be lost. We're still investigating Start of Fight Crashes.

Also note that this will only prevent streak resets if the game closes right when you attempt to start a fight. If the game closes mid-match, it will still be considered a loss.


Hey everyone,

2020 is almost over, but we wanted to squeeze in one last update before the Holidays!

We plan on releasing version 4.5 very soon, so keep an eye on our social media (Twitter: @sgmobile) to keep informed of any developments!

Now, on to the update notes!




Annie was released with limited availability in our last update, but as of 4.5 she will be available in all standard Relics. This includes Premiere, Jackpot, Elemental, Silver/Gold/Diamond, and many other Relics. Any Relics you had saved up before 4.5 now have a chance to contain Annie!

Annie's Moves are also now available in all standard Bronze/Silver/Gold Move Relics as well as the Daily and Take a Break Relics.

Annie's Character Relic, the Celestial Relic, will now be available to purchase with Theonite while her Prize Fight is active.


Bronze/Silver Annie Fighters and Celestial Relics have also been added to the Cabinet of Curiosities.


Annie's Prize Fight is now available. It will be added to the existing Prize Fight rotation starting on December 10th. If you're looking to bulk up your Annie collection, get ready for this PF - competition will likely be steep!

Here's a sneak peek at the Modifiers you'll need to contend with:



Gain 1 stack each of BARRIER and AUTO-BLOCK every 5 seconds while not suffering from a DEBUFF. Both effects will be removed when suffering subsequent DEBUFFS.


25% chance when BLOCKING a HIT to gain ENRAGE for 15 seconds. When reaching 5 stacks of ENRAGE this way, suffer damage equal to 50% of your MAX HEALTH and convert all stacks of ENRAGE into GUARD BREAK.


Short, Medium and Long Deployments featuring Annie Bonus Reward Chances have been added to the list of possible Deployments. If you come across the Long Annie Deployment, make sure to maximize your Bonus Reward Chance so you can snag that Celestial Relic Reward!



As many of you know, the palette for Annie - Heat Synced bore some resemblance to Annie from League of Legends. Unfortunately, despite a number of folks at Riot being huge fans of Skullgirls, there were concerns that it could impact their ability to challenge less flattering references to LoL characters in the future. As such, after a very open and friendly discussion, we have both agreed that the best course of action is to make some palette adjustments for that variant.

Heat Synced has been renamed to Fire Branded and her colors have been altered, but her Signature Ability and stats have not been changed.

Check out her new look:




Fresh from the oven, just in time for the Holidays -- enjoy some piping hot brand new Fighters!


Silver: Gang Green
Gold: Time Thief
Diamond: Beast King
Diamond: Star Shine

How do you get these Fighters? I’m glad you asked!


Coming later this month there'll be two special Relics available over the holiday period. For now, these four new Fighters are exclusive to these Relics.

The Ornamental Relic will behave like previous similar Event Relics and will contain a small pool of themed and popular Fighters (including the new fighters listed above).

Silver: Gang Green - EXCLUSIVE
Silver: Triple Threat
Silver: Chameleon Twist
Gold: Time Thief - EXCLUSIVE
Gold: Mean One
Gold: Evergreen Evil

Diamond: Beast King - EXCLUSIVE
Diamond: Star Shine - EXCLUSIVE
Diamond: Splitting Image

The Frosted Diamond Relic will be much trickier to obtain (available via Offers and as a top tier reward in the Season’s Beatings Prize Fight), but it will guarantee a one of a small pool of Diamond Fighters - including a chance at Beowulf - Beast King and Annie - Star Shine!

Diamond: Beast King - EXCLUSIVE
Diamond: Star Shine - EXCLUSIVE
Diamond: Model Leader
Diamond: Wind Stalker
Diamond: Neuromancer

More details on these Relics will be announced in the coming weeks, so stay tuned to our social media!


If you’ve been playing Skullgirls Mobile for a while, then you know what Ornamental Relics mean - Season's Beatings! Clocking in at 10 days in length, this is the biggest Prize Fight event of the year, and there are heaps of exciting prizes to push for (including a Frosted Diamond Relic)! Make sure to follow our Social Media accounts to keep up to date on any announcements!


The 12 Days of Gifting will also be making a return this year, so make sure to log in every day on December 14-25th to get heaps of free goodies!





  • Bronze and Silver Annie Fighters, and Annie's Celestial Relic have been added (at a premium price) to the Trinkets tab of the CoC.
  • Celestial Relics will have a higher chance of appearing in the CoC than other Character Relics. Check back often!
  • Fukua Fighters have had their Canopy Coin costs reduced to standard prices.



  • Fixed an issue where players would lose their fights (and Prize Fight streaks) if the game closed unexpectedly when starting a fight. We are still investigating stability issues introduced in 4.4, but this fix should minimally prevent streaks and Rift Battles from being lost if the game does crash.
  • Fixed some layering issues in the River King Casino stage, and added dancing dagonian NPCs to the central column.
  • If you try to enter a Revenge Battle while you already have another Rift Battle active, you'll get a popup telling you to stop that.
  • You may notice some Offers have been given a bit of visual polish.
  • Fixed an issue on the Accounts page where the Skullgirls User ID would not display correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting friends in the Social Hub by number of Gifts sent was not working correctly.
  • Adjusted the timing on inputs so it's easier to quickly start and stop blocking in a short window without accidentally getting a tap input.
  • Adjusted Blockbusters that use launchers in their animations (Airwulf, Canopy Bounce, Laryngectomy, Widow's Peak and Assault Battery) to be more reliable at fully completing their sequences. These attacks will now pull opponents directly off the ground (like Annie’s Pillar of Creation) allowing for new combo opportunities.
  • Added Throw Tech VFX to make it even more visually clear when a throw has been teched.
  • Adjusted the AI so they are more likely to choose to block instead of attacking instantly after teching a throw.
  • Adjusted the AI so they do not attempt to throw airborne Characters, such as Annie when she uses Destruction Pillar.
  • Adjusted the AI so it will not continuously try to use Trip Attacks when the player is holding a Charge Attack at full screen.
  • Fixed an issue where a revived Fighter would not jump off screen, but would instead instantly become active if the reviving Fighter was KO'd very quickly. This was most common when Beowulf defeats an enemy Kill Joy with his throw, and that Kill Joy revives her allies.
  • Fixed an issue where the opponent's fighters would errantly play voice lines if the player's Fighters were revived.
  • Adjusted the camera so it does not move during intro animations.
  • Signature Abilities that affect the duration of other Modifiers (e.g. Evergreen Evil, Sundae School) stack with each other correctly again.
  • Fixed an issue where a Barrier’s lifebar could incorrectly display larger than 50% on the HUD.
  • Bonus damage granted from Combo Hits (e.g. Beat Extend, Epic Sax, Combomancer, etc) can no longer exceed 200% total bonus damage from all combined sources.
  • Maximum damage is now capped at 999,999.
  • Fixed an issue where Ms. Fortune could still control her head during a Guard Break stagger.
  • Fixed an issue where Luger Replica would trigger a Blockbuster Finish. *Gasp*
  • Fixed an issue where M-30W's Signature Ability would trigger even when she was not the active Fighter.
  • Fixed an issue where Annie would lose her Blockbuster Meter if she was thrown while using her Taunt.
  • Updated Annie’s competitive Fighter to use Star Child’s Fighter card art pose.

4.5 may be our final major update for 2020, but we have BIG plans for 2021! We'll have a post early next year outlining our plans. Stay tuned!

If you have any questions, leave a comment below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

And as always, thank you so much for all of your support in 2020!

- Hidden Variable
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Ah, they got rid of the LoL costume. Makes sense, probably some licensing stuff. Byleth costume isn't half bad tho.

Season's Beatings is back! Can't wait to get some relics and then pull absolute garbage ;v;

Also, I totally forgot about the 2021 update! I'm honestly curious what they have planned next year. Most likely a new Origin Story and Versus improvements since they were planning on that for this year. Excited nonetheless! :D
  • Like
Reactions: bilinos
Damn... Every single fighter in the Frosted Diamond relic is a want... save for WS :eek:
Pretty hyped to see Season's Beatings again overall!
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Reactions: Hall☆weenQueen
FINALMENTE, estuve esperando por esta noticia TuT pensé que sería dentro de 3 meses pero esto si que es un regalo de navidad adelantado <3

Gracias hidden variable
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Reactions: bilinos
  • Adjusted the AI so they are more likely to choose to block instead of attacking instantly after teching a throw.
  • Adjusted the AI so they do not attempt to throw airborne Characters, such as Annie when she uses Destruction Pillar.
  • Adjusted the AI so it will not continuously try to use Trip Attacks when the player is holding a Charge Attack at full screen
*heavy sweating
its time to start ripping open my relics before annie comes in and bloats the relic pool, causing me to get painwheels less often
Still no fix to the bug where final stand would revive a character that already dead, if the buff was obtained after death? Or trauma center triggering on a fatal hit if the character has any regen effect?
I get that the Diamond Fire Annie pallet swap was at Riot's request, but I don't understand why they had a problem with it. What kind of "less flattering references" would cause them harm? Not that I'm complaining; I actually recognize Fire Branded as opposed to Heat Sync.

I'm excited for the new event relics because almost everything in them is something I don't have yet, so major incentive to invest.
Ohhh this is gonna be a fun patch!!!!
Adjusted Blockbusters that use launchers in their animations (Airwulf, Canopy Bounce, Laryngectomy, Widow's Peak and Assault Battery) to be more reliable at fully completing their sequences. These attacks will now pull opponents directly off the ground (like Annie’s Pillar of Creation) allowing for new combo opportunities.

Oooo this actually sounds kinda nice... more reliable blockbusters.

  • Fixed an issue where Luger Replica would trigger a Blockbuster Finish. *Gasp*

Ohhh looks like im gonna be back on the grind for that holiday pf. I'm hoping to pull that beast king.
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Maximum damage is now capped at 999,999.
Well that's disappointing, RIP negative damage Head Over Heels.

Also kinda neutral to the Heat Synced palette change. I'm not mad for the loss of the original one due to Riot, but don't care too much about the new one either (guess it's cause I'm not a fan of FE lol)

Nevertheless, excited to play the upcoming prize fights, try to go for high streaks and see if I can pull something good (i.e. Beast King or another dia Annie). So happy holidays and all that to everyone, and keep up the good work HVS.
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Reactions: stale cheeto
I am so excited for this update!! Finally, I can open those hundreds of relics I've been saving! (After making some room Q__Q")
This has to be by far the most exciting update since Fukua! And these relics look awesome!

Merry Christmas Team!

I can't wait to see what 2021 brings, but after this crazy year it's heartwarming to see this game still going stronger than ever and bringing us all this wonderful stuff!!

Will you be posting the milestones for the event soon? I can hardly wait to see what they are!!
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Reactions: bilinos and Diony
Yay! I can't wait to open my 300 fighter relics I have been saving since 4.4 update for Annie! I am going to have fun grinding over 250 million in seasonal beatings prize fight soon. Annie silver prize fight looks like her daily. Annie gold prize fight maybe hard but I will try my best to score high enough for 10% rewards.
Happy Early Holidays to the HVS team! Thanks for the update! Can't waiting for more coming in 2021.
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Reactions: bilinos
Will we be able to pull the 4 new variants from regular relics or are they limited to the ornamental and frosted diamond relics, at least until a future patch?
I believe that is the MO for new variants. Evergreen/Mean1 were not added to standard relics until an update or 2 after Seasons Beatings 2019.
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As many of you know, the palette for Annie - Heat Synced bore some resemblance to Annie from League of Legends. Unfortunately, despite a number of folks at Riot being huge fans of Skullgirls, there were concerns that it could impact their ability to challenge less flattering references to LoL characters in the future. As such, after a very open and friendly discussion, we have both agreed that the best course of action is to make some palette adjustments for that variant.

Heat Synced has been renamed to Fire Branded and her colors have been altered, but her Signature Ability and stats have not been changed.

I know I'm a petty person, but I would have gone for a reference to Annie's Dota 2 counterpart: Lone Druid.

I'm actually sad to see the pallette being gone, even though I'm not a LoL player her design is very cool.
Heck yeah, time for a relic opening! I'm going to keep track of my pulls and combine the data with what I got on my last opening to see if we can get a more accurate feel for the shiny odds.

Glad to see we're getting a new batch of Silvers and Diamonds too, and I'm looking forward to the holiday PF later this month! I'm sort of wondering how it'll play out, since that new holiday Diamond relic seems like it'll shake up the milestones, unless it's reserved for top 100 or something.
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Reactions: Nix and Dusty00
Ah, they got rid of the LoL costume. Makes sense, probably some licensing stuff. Byleth costume isn't half bad tho.

Season's Beatings is back! Can't wait to get some relics and then pull absolute garbage ;v;

Also, I totally forgot about the 2021 update! I'm honestly curious what they have planned next year. Most likely a new Origin Story and Versus improvements since they were planning on that for this year. Excited nonetheless! :D
Fire Branded actually resembles Gothic Annie skin.
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