• [2018/06/22]
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Post your collection


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
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Share your current collection progress in the game!

This is not a thread of showing off, but for collecting data on drop rates.

I'll get this started with some of mine:


Full collection: https://imgur.com/a/XIGic

I sold all the low tier gold moves to make room, like the ones that make your opponent tag out and the taunt moves. Prior to 1.2.0 I had around 350/500 and all of them were gold.

Mod Edit:
When posting your collection, please only insert links so users can choose to view the images or not. Do not embed the actual pictures into your post. As this is a mobile game, many people will likely be reading this on their phones. A thread full of dozens of large screenshots could do serious damage to a user's phone bill! Thanks!
(A few pictures here and there is obviously fine. Use your discretion! :) )
- @Cellsai
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Ok, to get things started, this is what I have so far:



I'll give my short impression on which moves I think have a lower drop rate when I get home from work.

Oh yeah good idea posting links to an Imgur album instead of embedding images. I just realized there's a limit to how many images you can add to a forum post.

Btw you can tap on the (-) magnifying Scope icon at the bottom left to make the moves smaller so it will show more per image instead of having a lot of images.

Looks like these moves are quite rare, especially gold variants: Deadly Airport BB3, Forbidden Procedure BB2, Countervenom: Paralysis BB1, Countervenom: Detox BB2, Lonesome Lenny BB2, Egret Dive SM, Excellebella BB2, Pummel Horse SM.

What effects do these moves have? I never got them in any tier so I don't know: Deadly Airport, Forbidden Procedure, Lonesome Lenny.
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hmm how do i post a picture... does this work?


I've only managed to find a Bronze "Sweet Clarinet". It's basically Big Band spinning in the air (or twirling rather) and hitting the enemy 3 times in a combo.

It's similar damage to Painwheel's version to where she goes up in the air and attacks 3 times.
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hmm how do i post a picture... does this work?


I've only managed to find a Bronze "Sweet Clarinet". It's basically Big Band spinning in the air (or twirling rather) and hitting the enemy 3 times in a combo.

It's similar damage to Painwheel's version to where she goes up in the air and attacks 3 times.

Ah, that one. Yep, I don't have that one. I just got home, so I'll need an hour or so to relax and then I'll share what moves drop more often than others. Or at least from what I remember. I'd say we should use this thread from now on to share drop rates etc.
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I'd say we should use this thread from now on to share drop rates etc.

I agree, even though there are no official posts anywhere that explain drop rates, having a thread here where players can share their collections will give us a good guess.
Oh yeah good idea posting links to an Imgur album instead of embedding images. I just realized there's a limit to how many images you can add to a forum post.

Btw you can tap on the (-) magnifying Scope icon at the bottom left to make the moves smaller so it will show more per image instead of having a lot of images.

Well, I could do that as well. I tried uploading it on this site the first time, but for some reason it wouldn't let me, so instead I went with imgur. I hope that's not too big of a problem.

Looks like these moves are quite rare, especially gold variants: Deadly Airport BB3, Forbidden Procedure BB2, Countervenom: Paralysis BB1, Countervenom: Detox BB2, Lonesome Lenny BB2, Egret Dive SM, Excellebella BB2, Pummel Horse SM.

Just a second, but what does the 2 and 3 behind BB mean? The equip cost or something else? At first I thought it meant the cost of the blockbuster, but apparently that's not it, so eh. Anyway, on to which ones drop more often and which ones drop less.

Deadly Airport BB3: Yeah, for sure. I think I only ever got 1 Bronze and 1 Silver and that's about it. I got both from farming Peacock's daily event, so I'm assuming that it SHOULD be possible to get a gold one as well, it's just really rare.

Forbidden Procedure BB2: Same as Deadly Airport, except I only ever got one silver. This one is probably one of the more rare moves that I got.

The Countervenoms I have to disagree with. I have gotten several of all three of them. Or maybe I was just lucky, but I don't think those are all that difficult to get.

Lonesome Lenny BB2: Yep, also very difficult to get, but from my experience less difficult than Forbidden Procedure.

Egret Dive SM: Never got that one, so I agree.

Excellebella BB2: Wait... Really? I didn't think this one was that hard to get. Once again, I did farm a lot, so maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think any of Cerebella's moves were hard to get.

Pummel Horse SM: I have no idea what that is. Do you have a picture?

Anyway, per character these are the moves with the lowest chance of dropping::

Peacock: Deadly Airport, Lonesome Lenny, Boxcar George (I do have 1 golden, but I only ever got 1).
Cerebella: Honestly nothing. I think all of her moves are very easy to obtain. Or maybe I was just lucky.
Painwheel: Gae Bolga Stinger (But I may have just been unlucky with this one), her 7 cost BB and maybe her 8 cost BB (I only ever got 1).
Filia: Trichobezoar (cost 6) and that's really it.
Big Band: Really only his 5 cost BB. Everything else was fairly easy to get.
Parasoul: She's kind of tough to evaluate for me, because I feel like I've been very unlucky with getting her moves in general. Silent Scope and Napalm Shower didn't drop all that often (especially the gold versions), but I never even got her 7 cost BB, so like I said, I'm probably just really unlucky with her. Canopy Bounce for some reason drops like crazy for her.
Valentine: Really only Forbidden Procedure. Which sucks, because I think it could be a really strong one.

What I've noticed is that the 7 and 8 cost BB's have a fairly okay drop rate for all the characters (except Painwheel and Parasoul for me personally). So no one should be all too worried about not being able to get gold versions of those.

What effects do these moves have? I never got them in any tier so I don't know: Deadly Airport, Forbidden Procedure, Lonesome Lenny.

Here you go:


Out of those 3, I'd say Forbidden Procedure is the best. I think. I haven't used it yet, but that's mostly because I don't have the gold version of it yet.
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Just a second, but what does the 2 and 3 behind BB mean? The equip cost or something else? At first I thought it meant the cost of the blockbuster, but apparently that's not it, so eh. Anyway, on to which ones drop more often and which ones drop less.

For example, look at this pic: Grab Bag is a BB3, Excellebella is BB2, Diamond Dynamo is BB1.


BB3 = 3rd tier blockbuster, these ones usually do high damage, takes the longest to charge, and is always unblockable. But some can be evaded with a well timed back-dash during activation.

BB2 = 2nd tier blockbuster, usually does slightly less damage than BB3 and can be blocked and can be often evaded with with a back dash.

BB1 = 1st tier blockbusters, usually does less damage than BB2 and most can be blocked or evaded.

SM = special moves

Pummel Horse SM: I have no idea what that is. Do you have a picture?

It's that close ranged Cerebella move where she takes off Vice Versa and binds it to the opponent and then she jumps on her opponent and slaps him or her a bunch of times. I'm sure you've seen enemies use it before. Also I think it has a chance to inflict bleed for a few seconds.

Egret Dive SM: Never got that one, so I agree.

Has anyone actually gotten it? I'm starting to think it's either the rarest move in the game or maybe it's only available for AI opponents.
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From 45 Premiere Relics I got 37 Bronzes, 7 Silver, and 1 Gold (2nd Untouchable). Never gotten duplicates Gold pre 1.2.0 if that helps.
It's been good so far in here, so thanks for that, but just a request for anyone posting their collections from here on: Please only post links to your collection, and don't embed the actual picture in your post. Since this is a mobile game, many people will likely be reading this on their phones. A thread full of dozens of large screenshots could do serious damage to a user's phone bill!

A few pictures here and there is obviously fine, like the examples above. :)

I'm going to edit a little warning into the first post too, so don't mind me!
i believe Inkling Peakcock is also a hard silver to obtain. Maybe just me as I am missing that one!

For moves, I am having a tough time getting:

Peacock: Lonesome Lenny, Deadly Airport
Big Band: Sweet Clarinet, His BB5 (The one where he jumps up and his legs damage enemies on the ground? Or he shoots missiles or something mid-air downwards)
Parasoul: Her BB5... that one where she sends numerous motorbikes seems quite rare for me. Egret Dive? I've also never heard of that one and never seen her use it...!!
Painwheel: I can't remember what her BB7 is? Her BB8 also does not seem that common but could be just me. I think I only have 1 of her BB8 while I've managed to get over 3-4+ BB8's on nearly every other gold character.
Valentine: Forbidden Procedure seems impossible to obtain.. :)

That's from my experience post 1.2 patch.
i believe Inkling Peakcock is also a hard silver to obtain. Maybe just me as I am missing that one!

For moves, I am having a tough time getting:

Peacock: Lonesome Lenny, Deadly Airport
Big Band: Sweet Clarinet, His BB5 (The one where he jumps up and his legs damage enemies on the ground? Or he shoots missiles or something mid-air downwards)
Parasoul: Her BB5... that one where she sends numerous motorbikes seems quite rare for me. Egret Dive? I've also never heard of that one and never seen her use it...!!
Painwheel: I can't remember what her BB7 is? Her BB8 also does not seem that common but could be just me. I think I only have 1 of her BB8 while I've managed to get over 3-4+ BB8's on nearly every other gold character.
Valentine: Forbidden Procedure seems impossible to obtain.. :)

That's from my experience post 1.2 patch.

Seeing about the same thing here too, Egret Dive is that move similar to Big Band's Noise Cancel. It's where Parasoul sends one of her bodyguards to dive in front of her, blocking any incoming projectile and attack and stun you if you try to hit her.

Also can we just all settle on calling them BB3, BB2, BB1, etc? To avoid confusion. Doesn't really make sense to call blockbusters by their required move points.
Also can we just all settle on calling them BB3, BB2, BB1, etc? To avoid confusion. Doesn't really make sense to call blockbusters by their required move points.

How about this: BB1-3, BB1-4, BB2-5, BB2-6, BB3-7 and BB3-8? I can't remember all of the names of the moves and I think it's a lot easier to remember them based on the cost, so perhaps this is some type of middleground.
With Painwheel,

Her BB6 is called Buer Thresher.
Her BB8 is called Buer Overdrive.

What is her BB7?

Am I doing this right?

Also, does this mean every character has a BB6, 7 and 8?
With Painwheel,

Her BB6 is called Buer Thresher.
Her BB8 is called Buer Overdrive.

What is her BB7?

Am I doing this right?

Also, does this mean every character has a BB6, 7 and 8?

Every character has a Blockbuster move with the cost of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Except for Valentine who has three different versions of her 3 cost BB.
How about this: BB1-3, BB1-4, BB2-5, BB2-6, BB3-7 and BB3-8? I can't remember all of the names of the moves and I think it's a lot easier to remember them based on the cost, so perhaps this is some type of middleground.

I always remember the names and never the costs, maybe it's because I been playing since beta and memorized everything over time.

Every character has a Blockbuster move with the cost of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Except for Valentine who has three different versions of her 3 cost BB.

3 versions? Countervenom: Paralysis, Detox, and what's the 3rd?
Hm OK.
It seems like I am missing a tonne more skills than originally thought!
Sedative: Reduces the meter of opponent BLOCKBUSTERS by -15%.

She also has 3 different moves for Vial Hazard.

Oh that one, never got it so I had completely forgotten about it. So basically those 3 blockbusters are high damage close range versions of the Vial Hazard moves, I guess having 3 of them equipped is better than 3 vial hazards.
Oh that one, never got it so I had completely forgotten about it. So basically those 3 blockbusters are high damage close range versions of the Vial Hazard moves, I guess having 3 of them equipped is better than 3 vial hazards.
Yeah, they have the exact same effects. However, I think Valentine's BBs connect poorly, especially now that the AI blocks pretty much everything.
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