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Quick questions from a Newbie


New Member
May 26, 2017
Reaction score
Hi just started and i'm really liking the game so far but would like some advice on what i should and shouldn't be doing.

I did 2 11 rolls and got 3 Golds from them, 2 Primed Parasouls and 1 Raw Nerve Painwheel.

Was wondering what should i do with dupes? Should i feed one to the other or am i better off using them both?

Should i be feeding my bronze units into my golds to lvl them up?

I know there are some quests where u need bronze/silver units only to complete, is it a good idea to just keep 3 maxed out bronze and silver units for these matches or is it recommended to have 1 of each type of bronze/silver u can get?

What should i be spending my crystals on now? More characters or moves?
I would say that feeding bronze is waste of resources. While opening plenty of relics and progressing through diff. modes you will have enough experience and bronze dupes to reach max 30 level. Feeding silver or better gold with gold dupe is better - leveling them are a lot worse and time consuming.
About quests - would say to have more than one fighter. Try to find posts made by @moisterrific where U can find hell'a'lot information about which character, blockbuster, special move have the most potential.
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Was wondering what should i do with dupes? Should i feed one to the other or am i better off using them both?

I recommend keeping duplicates of gold fighters cuz they're usually top tier and are quite rare to get.

I know there are some quests where u need bronze/silver units only to complete, is it a good idea to just keep 3 maxed out bronze and silver units for these matches or is it recommended to have 1 of each type of bronze/silver u can get?

Yeah it's a good idea to keep at least 3 maxed out bronze and silver fighters for some specific story missions and prize fights.

What should i be spending my crystals on now? More characters or moves?

I would focus on characters because you can get moves from daily events after you've completed everything in story mode. You can ONLY get characters from high rank prize fight rewards and relics.
I recommend keeping duplicates of gold fighters cuz they're usually top tier and are quite rare to get.

Yeah it's a good idea to keep at least 3 maxed out bronze and silver fighters for some specific story missions and prize fights.

I would focus on characters because you can get moves from daily events after you've completed everything in story mode. You can ONLY get characters from high rank prize fight rewards and relics.

Thanks for the info, one last question, should i roll the cerebellum exclusive one?
Thanks for the info, one last question, should i roll the cerebellum exclusive one?

If you like Cerebella then yea, personally I think she's one of the best fighters and has some moves perfect for high level play. I managed to get every Cerebella variant thru her exclusive relic, but like all random drops - YMMV.
If you like Cerebella then yea, personally I think she's one of the best fighters and has some moves perfect for high level play. I managed to get every Cerebella variant thru her exclusive relic, but like all random drops - YMMV.
Thanks =) Srry i know i said last question but i just came across another query, is there a way to view your rank in pvp, how difficult is it to get to the top 10%?
Thanks =) Srry i know i said last question but i just came across another query, is there a way to view your rank in pvp, how difficult is it to get to the top 10%?

By PvP you mean Prize Fights right? Sadly there's no way to view your rank right now until the event ends. You will get a message in the mail with the rewards telling you your final score and ranking.

I'm not sure how hard or easy it is to get to any rank in the event. What I tend to do is win as many fights as possible to get the highest score I can because I wanna rank in top 1-10.
From personal experience both me and my pal noticed one thing - the more people take part in Prize Fights, the wider brackets are. For eg.
During that special one-day Two to Tangle (Silver) on one account I ended with about 2-3k and earned rewards for 11%-30% bracket.
On my second account I earned about 30k points, while my pal got 75k and we both got rewards for 1%-30%.
From personal experience both me and my pal noticed one thing - the more people take part in Prize Fights, the wider brackets are. For eg.
During that special one-day Two to Tangle (Silver) on one account I ended with about 2-3k and earned rewards for 11%-30% bracket.
On my second account I earned about 30k points, while my pal got 75k and we both got rewards for 1%-30%.

For Silver Filia, I am pretty sure it was top 30%.

For bronze Eliza, I am pretty sure it was top 60%.

I think these are pre-determined and not adjusted afterwards.

E.g. from every Gold event going forward, I am pretty sure it is top 10% only for those who get top prize. I do not think they will change it to top 30% based on number of ppl competing. (i.e. to earn the top reward aka gold eliza)
I hope they make it so u can see your rank in the future, i'll happily spend crystals to refresh energy if i'm like at the cusp of the 10%.

Does anyone know how long after the prize fight season ends do the prizes get sent out?
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You should get mails sent out immediately. Close your game and open it again.
Is there any reason that rewards for a certain event tier wouldn't be sent out? I had a fairly high score in the bronze prize fight but I only received rewards from the silver and gold tiers.
I did restart my app but got nothing, got the rewards after an hour tho