• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by 7evan

  1. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.1 Update Notes - New Monthly Fighters!

    Alright update, I was hoping for more changes (the kind related to balance). Still incredibly disappointed that there STILL is no delete/clear button for load outs, and it still seems that guest star mechanics are not fully fleshed out (why are they affected by enrage and SA’s but not by...
  2. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Hard agree with this comment. Personally would love to see more QoL changes and character improvements/reworks rather than flashy new mechanics being added. I think a big HUGE issue for the game throughout its lifetime is its heavy reliance on RNG. The rewards from daily events are RNG (I have...
  3. 7

    OFFICIAL: 7.0 Update Notes - Guest Stars Debut!

    Although I am a little disappointed with no news of balance changes/character reworks, can't wait to play with the Guest Star mechanic! Super excited to see the move effects and the new combos possible with it!
  4. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Which stages are you farming/testing? I tried playing "that" stage in Peacock's Origin Story, and the AI doesn't seem good enough to consistently beat it.
  5. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.4 Update Notes - Auto Battle Improvements

    Nice update; the faster load times are huge! However, the robo-fortune prestige bug still hasn't been fixed (just tested it with overclocked, still there 😢). However, the exp change to Story Mode in my eyes is an odd choice I don't really understand the point this is making. What's the...
  6. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    More thoughts on the windswept nerf: In general it's a lot more finicky to play with her, with how many conditions she needs to fulfill just to get her evasion. Something I just noticed with the nerf is that it's almost impossible to combo into ringlet spike with precision. These aspects make...
  7. 7


    Noticed that retakes were not on the list of potential changes in 2024. Are there any planned changes for them in the future in general? IMO there's a lot of improvement that could be changed to the move upgrade system.
  8. 7

    OFFICIAL: 6.3.1 Update Notes - Big Band Rework and Replays

    Ok after playing the game after the update for a while, I finally have some thoughts to share: Overall, the update brings some good QOL changes, and changes to fighters are always welcome, even if they're not agreed upon. BIG BAND REWORK: I like that Big Band has finally gotten some changes...
  9. 7

    Characters Big Band's Ora-Ora!

    I feel the stun is kinda justified. His old BB3 also allowed him to stun and reset combos, just not as reliably. I don't see this as a huge issue since, as ZeoW mentioned, Big Band's ATK stat is low anyway. As someone who prefers to see buffs over nerfs, alternatively, you could also buff...
  10. 7

    Characters Changing Umbrella's moveset effects

    I know it's been a while since the slime rework, but what really irks me is how umbrella's moveset wasn't changed. Umbrella's moveset is too focused on one effect (slime), and I would love to see the character have some more interesting effects in their moveset than having everything be...
  11. 7

    Unholy Host Balance Adjustments

    Damn I actually did not expect unholy host to get nerfed. Still have mixed feelings that y'all decided to nerf her AFTER she had a spotlight relic and right BEFORE she was announced to be in summer breeze relics, but I'm glad she got retouched nonetheless.
  12. 7

    A Critique of Retakes

    So after a couple months after retakes were introduced and playing around with them, I still believe that retakes still need to be tweaked/reworked due to 2 major issues: 1. Retakes are incredibly random and inconsistent The fact that you could roll for the same stat twice after a second reroll...
  13. 7

    disbalanced character

    TRUEE HoD does need a buff/rework. A variant with a skin as cool as her's doesn't deserve to be powercreeped.
  14. 7

    You guys went a bit too far with Death Wish umbrella

    Death wish is definitely a strong variant, but there are counterplays to her. Precision, hex, command grab loops are a couple of counters I have on the top of my head. If anything, I would rather the devs focus on buffing the other diamonds than nerfing Death wish. If they do decide to nerf...
  15. 7

    Other Make more moves Special/Super Cancellable

    So I was watching some Skullgirls 2E combo videos to get some inspiration for some potential combos in mobile, and one key difference I noticed between the two is that 2E has more moves that can cancel into specials or BBs, while the same moves in mobile do not. I think this should be changed...