• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by cappatacus

  1. cappatacus


  2. cappatacus

    im back

    im back
  3. cappatacus

    "SHADOW PUPPET" - Strategy and Discussion

    With how strong her SA2 is, it's for the best if her SA1 is a little on the weaker side.
  4. cappatacus

    "SOULS SISTER" Fukua - Strategy and Discussion

    I believe it was SS's demonstration that showed a meter drain, but that's just a part of Lobs of Love's upgraded ability, and it's increased with distance which means it synergizes well with this SA. Nice.
  5. cappatacus

    Fcunkle's Tier List (may not be too good)

    Sorry to post twice, I couldn't edit in a quote -- I have personally not built a BMF but it's on my checklist. Armor break is actually great for the current Frost Armor/Armor Rating meta within rifts. I haven't used her, so I can't say for sure, but in theory she's fairly strong. That, and any...
  6. cappatacus

    Fcunkle's Tier List (may not be too good)

    No, it will convert heavy bleed into one stack of bleed. But actually, this is way better, because you can end up with 5 stacks of of permableed, one stack of heavy bleed, and 5 stacks of normal bleed (via BB/SM). The equivalent of 12 bleeds. Goodness I love CC, although I currently have her on...
  7. cappatacus

    "SHADOW PUPPET" - Strategy and Discussion

    That's correct, she does regain health; not just Shadow, but other variants as well. Interesting.... Let's protest
  8. cappatacus

    "SHADOW PUPPET" - Strategy and Discussion

    SHADOW PUPPET Rarity: Diamond Signature Ability (speculative): CHAOS CONTROL SA1: Upon death, revive and stop time until Fukua hits the opponent. SA2: Also gain 5 stacks of MIASMA. My Thoughts: Holy hell. This is...terrifying. And so creative. Imagine this on defense! A guaranteed hit...
  9. cappatacus

    "PHANTOM THREADS" - Strategy and Discussion

    She looks strong. Maybe too strong.... Also, this calls into question wether you will still earn the No Deaths bonus in Rifts if, say, your Phantom Threads avoided permanent death through Blessing. It's not some great mystery, I just haven't interacted with Blessing enough to know.
  10. cappatacus

    Characters Diversity In Skullgirls

    I think you're picturing a different kind of diversity -- what I'm hoping for is diversity of skin color. Although, an Emperor's New Groove palette collection would be pretty sick
  11. cappatacus

    I love the look of Night Terror, but ability wise, I'm with you on Vaporwave

    I love the look of Night Terror, but ability wise, I'm with you on Vaporwave
  12. cappatacus

    Characters Diversity In Skullgirls

    I've been meaning to write something about this for a while now, but I wanted to address the overall lack of diversity within the game. I'm not talking about official skin color of characters, since that wasn't decided by the devs of this game and overall isn't terrible. More so, I mean the...
  13. cappatacus

    OFFICIAL: 4.2 Update Notes (LIVE!)

    My thoughts on shinies, since there seems to be a few long term players upset about it -- I'm semi casual, but still a long time player (a few months after initial release, a handful of years playing now) and I get the concerns of it feeling like a slap in the face. That was how I first felt...
  14. cappatacus

    "Feathered Edges" Fukua - Strategies and Discussion

    When hit with a BB, an opponent with unflinching will react normally. Maybe it's a new indicator of elemental advantage?
  15. cappatacus

    "SOULS SISTER" Fukua - Strategy and Discussion

    I was too focused on how quickly her meter filled in large chunks to notice the slower, not-on-hit gain. (Although, it seems like either A) they bumped up meter gain for the demo or B) she has some other increased meter on hit.) It still seems like it's on hit that she gains enrage. I honestly...