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"Feathered Edges" Fukua - Strategies and Discussion


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
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Feathered Edges
Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 11.35.51 PM.png
Twitter Post: https://twitter.com/sgmobile/status/1240427541690748929

Rarity: Gold
Element: Water
SG2E Palette: #4,
based on Falco from the Star Fox series, but probably a more direct reference to him in Super Smash Bros

SA: Fukua Phantasm
1: A well-timed BLOCK grants 1 / 2 / 3 stacks of Barrier, and DISABLES opponent BLOCKBUSTERS and TAG INS for 10 seconds.
2: While Fukua is benefitting from BARRIER she does not react to opponent projectile hits, and 100 / 150 / 200% of projectile damage is reflected back.

- A defense variant for sure. All her SAs seem to be based on taking hits rather than dishing them out.
- I think the move Lobs of Love might have Unblockable as a secondary effect, since it's happened every time we've seen the move used so far, as opposed to the Unblockable effect being from one of her SAs.
- She doesn't flinch when she's hit with Napalm Shot, but she reacts normally when hit with Silent Scope. I wonder if this is part of her SA or something else.
- All the Fukuas so far have been Air/Water/Fire, so I'm getting the feeling like the both diamonds and the two remaining golds are going to be Light/Dark. I wonder which palettes they're gonna use?
- Something's funky about that Sheltered...
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- She doesn't flinch when she's hit with Napalm Shot, but she reacts normally when hit with Silent Scope. I wonder if this is part of her SA or something else.
When hit with a BB, an opponent with unflinching will react normally.
- Something's funky about that Sheltered...
Maybe it's a new indicator of elemental advantage?
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She actually reflects double the projectile damage she receives, similar to how Falco's reflector works.

This is quite scary. 200% reflect damage is huge.

The unflinching bit reminds me of Big Bands character ability. I think her SA might be something like this?

SA1: A well-timed BLOCK against standard attacks grants 3 stacks of BARRIER and disable TAG-INS and BLOCKBUSTERS for 10 seconds.
SA2: While benefiting from BARRIER, reflect 200% of damage from PROJECTILES. While dashing with BARRIER, Fukua can absorb ONE hit from PROJECTILES without being interrupted (but will take damage normally).
Maybe it's a new indicator of elemental advantage?

I don't think so, because in the Infernal Twin preview the Peashooter doesn't have this effect. I don't have any solid ideas on what it could be though, since I don't see any visible effects on her health/BBs/Moves, but I doubt it's just there for aesthetics. Maybe it's an indicator that she's being affected by match modifiers or something like that?
Signature Ability 1
A well-timed BLOCK grants 1/2/3 stacks of BARRIER, and DISABLES opponent BLOCKBUSTERS and TAG INS for 10 seconds.
Signature Ability 2
While Fukua is benefitting from BARRIER she does not react to opponents non-Blockbuster projectile hits and can't take damage from them, and 100/150/200% of all projectile damage is reflected back.

Her actual SA is just thorns on projectiles so I want her to be a direct counter to projectile based fighters.