• [2018/06/22]
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  • I have a Shiny Dream Catcher fully maxed out including lvl100 PA. And I have 3 more Dream Catchers sitting in the collection... Can you guess which two Diamonds I've just got from two Frosted Relics?
    Did the Fireworks Show PF restart for me only? I was already at 8M points.

    No, I am not against 2 extra RevRelics, but what has happened?
    Lunix Vandal
    Lunix Vandal
    There was an error immediately after today's daily reset where the game was giving out the 2022 version of the Revolutionary relic, instead of the updated version with Blue Streak and Red Rider. HVS had to reset the PF to fix it.
    Well, that's it. It's been an honor juggling combos and farming coins with you guys. Wish us to come out of it alive.

    That's a wrap...
    Erick Draves
    Erick Draves
    We are used to see conflicts in history books and tv documentals, but this if a really terrifing situation where I actually know someone who is going to war. Somebody who played with us and now has to get his life in the line.

    That said, I can not tell how much awful is all this situation for you. Please be safe, make the right choices... or... And... ****... what do I say? Everything seems meanless here in this lines, I... just... well, we don´t want to miss you out there dude!!
    Erick Draves
    Erick Draves
    "IT´S... not showtime at all"
    Well, as long as you are getting my Gifts on daily basis, that means I am still alive and kicking, even though being on the run...
    Pulled Model Leader and contracted COVID in one day... My kind of balance in life!
    I have a Vaporwave Vixen at lvl 58, pulled a Shiny one. Would there be any use if I invest in a second one? I am mainly talking Rift Defence here.
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    I have the same issue with a ✨Shiny Harlequin Cerebella. It is slowly gaining EXP while I figure out what to do with it and the "complete" diamond version. Tough call. I'd consider investing in your new VV Fukua if you have good gold Fukua catalysts. Multiple VVs on a triple node (especially on Air week) sounds terrifying.
    Thanks, mate, I'll use her as an XP leech for now and see if I can equip her well by the time she is ready for action. In terms of multiple copies of the same fighter, I have a much more dangerous thing coming soon - I myself would be grinding my teeth if I had to fight that...
    A question to Rift professionals. Is it worth to have two REs in current meta? Pulled a Shiny, not sure about investing in a second one.
    Thanks, mate! When I actually pay enough attention to Rifts, I end up on D3/D4 border. My attackers collection is pretty good, so I want to improve my Defence. However, I am not that knowledgeable about what works well in D1-2 right now.
    The most formidable defenses are full of Frost Armors and Last Words in their nodes. DL+TAF, AG, SI are top tier light defenders. HM, BS, BF, PT are top tier water defenders. Immoral Fiber is an absolute powerhouse defense that you can literally sprinkle anywhere in your map (the more, the better) to mess people up.
    Got it. Just pulled PT, working on Immoral, AG and VV. Looks like I'm moving in a right direction. Thanks for tips!
    I am taking a break from the game for a couple of weeks. Too many things that I need to finish with a limited amount of time.
    Offtop: Cartoon Network's [Adult Swim] just cancelled The Venture Bros, the best cartoon show I've ever seen. Crap. 2020, stop already!
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    I had watched some best too. Like Ben 10 series, Adventure time, Gumball, Teen Titans, etc.
    I know another person here who's going to be pretty bumped about this.
    I haven’t watched Venture Bros in a while but that sucks. It feels like AS is just going for more and more weird experimental stuff (not that that’s always bad, buuuut) or sheer gross-out humor.
    *Gets into G1* OK, fine... *Pulls Shiny Shadow Puppet* WAIT, WHA-?? NO WAY! *Changes avatar to non-Big Band for the first time*
    10 more Dia keys to use. Stand Out, Dream Band or Tres Chic? Or just wait for better ones?
    Pit Frango
    Pit Frango
    you have already evolved my main diamond options so ... I would choose Tres Chic it seems to be very useful in attack and defense ...
    Stand out - rift wise.
    Tres chic - prize fight wise.

    P.s. stand out overall; and it requires some decent stats boost - accuracy, attack, piercing and meter gain.
    Evergreen Evil, meant for Defence team (obviously). Chaos or Volatility? I think the latter but want to be sure.
    I finally decided to invest my 8 Dia keys in Stand Out, but the app crashed. That was a sign! Restarted and immediately pulled Djinn Frizz!
    You bet! Her damage is absurdly stupid, just have to be careful not to let them hit you - she's pure glass cannon.
    Is she now? And to think that fire essence I retrieved was worth it.. :3
    Well, I have her at lvl 34 now, fully upgraded with paper damage of 9+6K. One Widow's Peak deals around 80K damage BEFORE the buffs are converted to Enrages... And my mind refuses to process the numbers when I use Blowout with 5 Enrage stacks 8-P
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