• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by SG ❤️ MJ

  1. SG ❤️ MJ

    Bug - Normal Parallel Fight wont end!

    I have a node mod that will instantly kill below 15% health enemy if i use block buster. And after I use beowolf block buster on annie, the fight wont end.
  2. SG ❤️ MJ

    How to win this nightmare?

    Yes. My pewpew strat already lose. My xbot is useless since is there is also xbot on opponent side and they are too tanky because of the modifiers. The xbot barrier cant last long because of return damage on both the goldilocks and the thorn. I have shiny tres chick also but already lose...
  3. SG ❤️ MJ

    How to win this nightmare?

    Bro , the sad part is that this is the last node. So there is no way to avoid it. 🥹
  4. SG ❤️ MJ

    How to win this nightmare?

    I love the new update. But for this node of nightmare PR, the modifiers and fighter line-up are sooo crazy! How to beat this?
  5. SG ❤️ MJ

    Bug - Normal Deployment Bug

    Username:Iamjunsnow UserID:0yg1-0cgx
  6. SG ❤️ MJ

    Bug - Normal Deployment Bug

    No. No. Thanks bones.
  7. SG ❤️ MJ

    Bug - Normal Deployment Bug

    I evolve my character while i deploy it, and it turns to this.