• [2018/06/22]
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Recent content by Stephanie30

  1. Stephanie30

    Investment help

    It's great to see your enthusiasm for investing in fighters and achieving a higher rift ranking! Choosing which fighters to invest in can be a strategic decision based on your playstyle and goals. It's important to consider your team composition and the synergy between your fighters. If you're...
  2. Stephanie30

    Characters Character customization and Skins

    The character customization and skins make a game more interesting and entertaining.I have played many games since I was a kid, and I noticed that many communities find a game more interesting when they can customize it to their liking. I used to play a game named Rust. I played it every day...
  3. Stephanie30

    Why did people think Samson was evil?

    i consider this reply to be the most logical and reasonable, tbh
  4. Stephanie30

    New fighters

    I haven't seen anything coming yet:(
  5. Stephanie30

    About Christmas Mail Rewards

    wasn't it gained even after some time passed?
  6. Stephanie30

    Quote Refrences Disscusion

    woow, that's the whole database with all the quotes from the characters. To tell you the truth, citing is one of my hobbies, I tend to write down every quote I like. Every discussion with me means that you will hear at least one quote from my favorite movie or book. I can't form my own thought...