• [2018/06/22]
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I'm also working on a Stage Fright to become gold fodder.
I like my PG a lot more than my Bio, but diamonds are pretty important to continuing to progress. PG is who I use to take on some of the hardest nodes. Bio only really gets used in that crit reflecting node.
I guess it depends on how good you are at doing longer combos with Squiggly? Because that's what it really takes to unlock Bio's potential, whereas PG' s strategy is just sorta fire blockbusters over and over till they dead
Well, I can do some long combos with her, she is fine. I think I will upgrade my PG and use the dark essences in my Primed, since her damage is ridiculous and I have more evolution material for Parasoul than Squigly. Thanks @fanghoul you're awesome!
Oh, another thing: could you tell me a little about PG playstile? How do you play with her? :)
Woo! Primed is going to be great!

PG is a little funny, because she's powerful, but that only really shines if a) you team her up with Surgeon General or b) you throw her against someone that has a lot of buffs that expire. Case b) makes her really strong against the armor node in Rift Battles, and a number of the more annoying defense characters
I personally have her loaded out with her outtake move, Daisy Pusher, Drag 'N Drop, Inferno of Leviathan and Rage of the Dragon.

Inferno is sort of an odd choice, because it applies wither, and your want to keep enemies blockbusters full to get that bonus damage, but I like using it after Drag 'N Drop, because it's good at finishing off enemies.
The occasional wither is at least useful to keep their BB3 from filling up. You could also replace it with Battle Opera, for similar effects.

The other three blockbusters all have their own nitch. Rage is good for it's curse and damage, Drag 'N Drop is especially good for damage, but harder to get in sometimes. Daisy Pusher is great for finishing people, and generally being unblockable.
I guess I'd say my playstyle with her is mostly just doing basic combos with her till her blockbusters fill up, and then using them. The only real difficulty comes with getting all your blockbusters used before they fill up again, and trying to prioritize which ones to use before the refill happens.